Is this forum running slow lately, or is it my system?
December 13, 2016 09:29PM
Over the last month, when I click on the Dankowski Forum, it runs really slow on my PC. I am running Windows Home Premium 7 on my 6 year old ACER. I am on Charter Cable internet service, which was supposed to be the fastest. But now, on this site, I have to type individual letters twice, sometimes, before the letter will appear. I am definitely not trying to dis-respect the Forum or it's moderators.........I am just trying to diagnose my problem. If no one is experiencing this, please don't feel compelled to comment (but you certainly can if ya want to)....... but if you are, I'd like to know. I might need to upgrade. This ACER is the BIG one and the feeling goes out of legs if I stay on the computer too long. lol Anyway, Merry Christmas to all of you!!!!!
Re: Is this forum running slow lately, or is it my system?
December 13, 2016 09:44PM
Running good in issuessmiling smiley
Re: Is this forum running slow lately, or is it my system?
December 13, 2016 09:51PM
Havent noticed any difference fwiw.
Sometimes it can be time of day that you access the net; like when more users are sharing the same bandwidth.
Re: Is this forum running slow lately, or is it my system?
December 14, 2016 12:29AM
I am good over here 100 miles from you. HH jim tn
Re: Is this forum running slow lately, or is it my system?
December 14, 2016 12:51AM
West Coast checking in, running fine.
Re: Is this forum running slow lately, or is it my system?
December 14, 2016 01:23AM
Kevin....defrag your computer.....and see if that helps.
Re: Is this forum running slow lately, or is it my system?
December 14, 2016 01:43AM
CA running fine.
Re: Is this forum running slow lately, or is it my system?
December 14, 2016 02:37AM
Based on the responses posted, it sounds like it's your PC, not the forum.

Lots of things can make a PC run slow, or access the Internet slowly (two
separate issues, by the way). A defrag might help, as suggested, although
that's usually most helpful when your hard disk is nearly full. Deleting a bunch
of temporary files that have accumulated over the years is a good way to
free up a lot of disk space on many PCs, depending on your usage during
that time. It's best to delete them BEFORE you defrag (and empty your
Recycle Bin, too), so the defrag process has some disk space to work with.

But the other big issue is malware. Are you running something for malware
protection, and keeping it updated? If not, do so. Run some full scans and
you might find a lot of bad things that need to be cleaned up. Many of them
affect PC performance in a big way.

There are several good free products to protect you and/or clean up malware
problems. My favorites over the years are:

1. The free version of AVG antivirus, although it has increased its "nagging" in recent times,
trying to get you to upgrade to the Pro or Premium version (which costs money). But
it works well to protect you from malware and to clean out malware once it's there.

2. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. The free version doesn't shield you from active
threats (which AVG Free does), but you can use it to run a full scan of your system
and clean up problems. Be sure you update the malware database after you install it,
so you'll be able to clean up the latest malware. (New malware comes out all the time.)

Both products can be downloaded and used for free by home users.

Just some friendly suggestions from a retired computer consultant.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/21/2016 09:18AM by TallTom.
Re: Is this forum running slow lately, or is it my system?
December 14, 2016 06:03AM
First of all delete all the temporary Internet files. Then temporarily disable your anti malware software and see if that makes a difference.
Re: Is this forum running slow lately, or is it my system?
December 14, 2016 09:42AM
Go to download CCLEANER and run it on your computer it cleans out all old temporary Internet files and what not it really speeds up your cpu.
Re: Is this forum running slow lately, or is it my system?
December 14, 2016 02:09PM
Before adding/removing too much from your machine, you could also try a different internet browser.

If you're using Internet Explorer, for example, load Google Chrome and try the site from it.
Re: Is this forum running slow lately, or is it my system?
December 14, 2016 03:01PM
Same problem just on this site only...others are fine....Dan
Re: Is this forum running slow lately, or is it my system?
December 15, 2016 08:05PM
The Forum is still running slow oday. I just checked this thread for the first time and cannot and I have to double type each letter/ character.. It just took me three minutes to type up to this point. It is definitely my running system or something. Please define: defrag for me. If that doesn't work, I am headed to Wally World for a new laptop. Would y'all make some suggestions of a good mid-sized laptop. This 6 to 7 yr old ACER was $470 at the time but it was too big. Aside from all of that, I'm going detecting tomorrow and that will officially start my detecting season. Wish me luck, fellers. Merry Christmas to all of you..
Re: Is this forum running slow lately, or is it my system?
December 16, 2016 04:53PM
Kevin B Wrote:
> The Forum is still running slow oday. I just chec
> ked this thread for the first time and cannot and
> I have to double type each letter/ character.. It
> just took me three minutes to type up to this poin
> t. It is definitely my running system or somethin
> g. Please define: defrag for me. If that doesn
> 't work, I am headed to Wally World for a new lapt
> op. Would y'all make some suggestions of a good m
> id-sized laptop. This 6 to 7 yr old ACER was $470
> at the time but it was too big. Aside from all of
> that, I'm going detecting tomorrow and that will o
> fficially start my detecting season. Wish me luck,
> fellers. Merry Christmas to all of you..

Defrag is fragmentation of your hardline.
When you do most things, download software, uninstall software and many other things there are little remnants left over in your memory, cache and all over that build up and eventually start slowing things down.
Yours sounds unusually slow so this might help a lot or you could have other issues.
It will take awhile to do this as the defrag program goes through your hardline and rearranges everything, kind of like making room in a junk drawer when you have been throwing everything in there haphazardly for a long time.

You should defrag on a regular basis but many get a computer and never do it as long as they own the thing.
Stuff happens when you do no maintenance at all.
There are aftermarket products to do this but Windows already has one installed, look for Windows Disk Defragmenter....

It might help it might not you just have to try.

Before you buy another laptop there is one or two last things to try...
Don't know which operating system you have but there are similar things you can do in most of them.
Look here and go down to where it talks about refresh and reset...

Refresh will keep all your personal files but get rid if all uploaded programs, one if which could be causing your problem.
Reset will wipe everything out since you got it and return everything to new out of the box status.
If your hardline and all other components are still in good shape this should speed things up back to normal but you will have to reload favorite programs and log into all your sites because all your cookies will be gone.
Save all pictures and everything else you don't want to lose on a disc before you do this because they will be gone forever after.
On older systems like XP these will be called Factory Restore and Factory Reset.
Sometimes you need discs to reset totally, sometimes you can do using what is already in a partition already existing on your hardrive.

Google factory restore and reset and your operating system to get more info on this.

Without knowing what Acer model or operating system you have that is about all I can tell you, you might have XP, Widows 7 or others, but these can work if you figure out how to do them...maybe.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/16/2016 04:59PM by diggwr27.
Re: Is this forum running slow lately, or is it my system?
December 16, 2016 05:05PM
I experienced that a lot. I had to delete my temp files and my cookies to stop it.

I've upgraded to Explorer 11 and so far it seems to run ok.

Re: Is this forum running slow lately, or is it my system?
December 17, 2016 03:44AM
It's been running slow here . Jim
Re: Is this forum running slow lately, or is it my system?
December 17, 2016 11:13PM
I just defragged my laptop and so far, I see great improvement. I have my computer set to defrag at 1 am every week or so. In fact, I think that this must be a default setting because I never recall setting a 'defrag' setting since I had never heard the term until NasaTom posted it (thanks NasaTom). But since it is set at 1am, and my laptop will be folded up and would the computer defrag while my computer is off??? (I'm sleeping at 1 am) See what I mean? I just do not understand all of this techie stuff........but I am grateful to all of you for helping me. I was able to type all of this without interruption in about 45 seconds (fast for my typing skills). The other day, I would type a letter and the letter would not pop up until after two or three tries. All of the keys are mechanically functional (except for the letter "B" which keeps trying to pop Merry Christmas to you all and to you all.............may you find a rare 20 dollar gold piece!!
Re: Is this forum running slow lately, or is it my system?
December 18, 2016 02:33PM
I fixed mine by putting Adblockplus on my browser . It blocks the adds and the page loads up quick with no issues now. Jim
Re: Is this forum running slow lately, or is it my system?
December 20, 2016 08:09PM
Jimmie, that sounds like a good idea. Even after de-fragging my computer, it still takes forever before I can scroll the page. Sometimes, a pop up message will say: Download is taking a while due to long-running script. I'll try that program you mentioned. I also appreciate everyone's answers. Merry Christmas forum members. kevin
Re: Is this forum running slow lately, or is it my system?
December 21, 2016 02:16PM
Clean out your browser.

Those cookies cause problems.
Re: Is this forum running slow lately, or is it my system?
December 21, 2016 04:31PM
Kevin, if I were you it is good to have a cleaner that cleans out old cookies and other various leftover data from downloaded files, installs, etc , etc.

There are a bunch of them, ccleaner is a good free one that works on most any computer platform. Its easy to install and run, keep a good anti virus and scan it regularly.

here is a link: []

give it a try. If that does not work then at least you know that its a bit more complex.
