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Posted by NASA-Tom 
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November 01, 2019 10:43AM
Wow Dew! This is like a Christmas present...… every month! Makes me anxious for the end of each month...… to see this Christmas present!!!
November 01, 2019 10:45AM
Ahhhhhh, now I understand. That's another reason why I normally don't post at all, (especially Facebook) I share via text or email to a few select people. I was making an exception this year on Tom's Forum just because of the Tarsacci
November 01, 2019 12:32PM
Cliff ....its been a couple of harder years out there maybe because of the Nox we have more hunters, well and i have a new club in the area as well as the one in Bradenton. Everyone seems to be looking for THAT one beach that might be producing. Thus a lot of info gets shared. If they miss anything or i get there first the MDT will find it. My Dad whose 89 now likes to see my finds..... and facebook makes it easy for him.

Thanks Tom its been a good year. I dont think id done nearly as well just using the Nox....... and inch is an inch.

Got a call from Demitar yesterday checking on our progress. I believe i surprised him when i said its a rare occasion that i use any other machine now.
November 01, 2019 01:09PM
It really makes a statement when the 11-hours-per-day...… 6-days-per-week.... diehards..... have permanently switched over to the MDT...… ,,,,,,, and never going back to their Excal's, EQX's, CZ's, CTX's.
And THIS is exactly what inspires Dimitar to 'launch deeper'.
November 01, 2019 01:57PM
If it wasnt for the small stuff the Nox MIGHT get and a bit more depth in the wet sand i would stayed with the Xcal when the Nox came out. I was expecting more performance in the water than i believe i got from the Nox. Im mostly a water hunter ... like 90% and 10% the other parts of the beach. The MDT in AM gives me the sound of an Xcal in PP mode in the water that i like.... but its quieter even. I clearly gain inches of depth over my Nox and Xcal out there. Its a head scratchier as to why more water hunters using the MDT arent posting. Gold is getting harder to find i understand that and some hunters are just protective of their sites and competitive i think. Getting an EDGE can be a huge advantage. You know thou..... i have noticed fewer and fewer finds being posted on any of the web sites from beach hunters. Part of it might be sites like Ring Finders who go looking for peoples rings now.
November 01, 2019 02:05PM
I've had my MDT since last January and have hardly used it because our beaches have been sanded in since I bought it. We've had a few storms come through recently, but it hasn't been enough. We just need a foot or two of sand to move. A couple more nor'easters might do it.

I'm confident this machine will blow away all multi frequency detectors on the wet sand. I can't wait to get out there to prove it. I didn't expect I'd be waiting this long. It has been a weird year weatherwise.

2018 was one of the best beach detecting years in over a decade. So far 2019 has been one of the worst.


Edited 7 time(s). Last edit at 11/01/2019 05:49PM by Badger in NH.
November 01, 2019 02:27PM
My beaches are seriously sanded too. Our outter sand bars get closed and sand really piles up. Time spent out there swinging certainly helps......it’s an odds improver. You can read a beach all ya want ....if it ain’t there it ain’t there.
November 01, 2019 03:15PM
I wish time would have allowed me more fun behind the MDT. I have been on a 6 and 7 day a week schedule for over a year now and it has severely cut into EVERYTHING. What time I did get behind it, it showed a lot of potential.

One point I would bring up again, is that the waterproof rating scared me away from dunking it in the water. When I go in the water, the whole detector is submerged and I lose track of time to be honest. I would have probably kept it and not gone the route of the CTX had I been more comfortable with the time rating in the water. These days, when I do find time to go hunt, I spend more time IN the water than I do on land. Otherwise, I DO NOT like the performance of the CTX on land. The MDT could reach down and touch some mighty deep stuff.
November 01, 2019 04:57PM
I would probably have got one if was full waterproof. 15 min in the water isn't enough. Now I'm waiting to see what the AQ will be.
November 01, 2019 06:30PM
Dew...…. I'm just simply surprised...…….. that...…… as bad as conditions are...…….. you are STILL finding gold!
November 01, 2019 07:46PM
Tom, Dew is the energizer bunny....he just keeps going and going and going.....
November 01, 2019 10:07PM
I see a beach Cliff and just can leave half in hunted lol. As one guys calls it GRINDING. Life requirements have to pop up or really bad weather for me not to be out there. I’ve always been pretty Obsessive which made military service a good fit. I’m not finding $5000 a month in gold .... hey but I find enough to keep me excited with the hobby. I’m hoping to one day go from energizing bunny to .... that old ravac man with the gold chains lol.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/01/2019 10:32PM by dewcon4414.
November 02, 2019 03:31PM
Dew, your earlier comment about a possible 11" round coil is one I would like to comment on. I don't post much but I have spoken to Tom about a larger round DD coil. Not necessarily for more depth but for coverage in the wash and damp sand. I would like to see a 12" coil or even a 13". The stock coil works well in waist and chest deep water but in my opinion a larger coil is needed to compete with other machines. Again it's square inches of coverage I am concerned about not depth. The same.parameters could be used for both coils and depth should remain the same. Well that is my thoughts and I believe this would complement the MDT well. I would imagine it would also have its use on the turf. Good luck to all.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/02/2019 03:35PM by Carolina.
November 02, 2019 05:25PM
The shaft on this machine is built like a tank....sized between the Nox and CTX. So there is a little more water displacement adding a larger coil in any moving water I believe would be a challenge as well as a strain on the coil ears and added PPing issues. My not be an issue out of the water but in the water being able to move freely and PP quickly is a huge plus. At the end of the day I’ll cover the same amount of beach I believe. I’m not sure what we might loose in sensitivity to smaller gold or even what might change in the machines ability to run in say 9 kHz......would it be more chatty and like most big coils would you have to turn it down loosing some depth advantage. I was thinking more of the round coil perhaps stabilizing digits. I’m also still a fan of those coils ears in the middle lol....but that’s me.
November 02, 2019 11:51PM
Hi Dew, I must say I respectfully disagree. Once you learn how to use the wash, coil size is not an issue. I use the CTX in the wash with an 11" coil no problem. I also.use a Ultimate 13 in the wash no problem. Ground balance and salt balance should take care of the chattiness. I would bet money if they offered one you would buy it. Again I respect your comments and enjoy reading your post.
November 03, 2019 12:11PM
Hey i dont have a problem with anyone disagreeing with me...... i can be a bit opinionated lol, especially since i dont live in your area and dont know your conditions. Honestly i can say without a doubt.... i wouldnt buy a bigger coil for my use in the water. Ive used the WOT, 13 and the CTX big coil..... most of the time i had to turn um down so by time i got in the water their advantage was very little over the standard coil..... but man they were work especially if there was much long shore drift. Out of the water ..... a lot of people like the coverage and the depth if the coil i done right especially for dry sand hunting. As far as GB goes ...... many machine wont GB in our sand. They tend to grab a digit...... which if you go a few inches over you get another digit.... totally out of whack. I tend more to stick with Toms default GB and adjust the salt balance. I think most hunters like at least 3 coils to give us more flexibility, especially the dirt hunters.
November 03, 2019 12:16PM
Hey i dont have a problem with anyone disagreeing with me...... i can be a bit opinionated lol, especially since i dont live in your area and dont know your conditions. Honestly i can say without a doubt.... i wouldnt buy a bigger coil for my use in the water. Ive used the WOT, 13 and the CTX big coil..... most of the time i had to turn um down so by time i got in the water their advantage was very little over the standard coil here..... but man they were work especially if there was much long shore drift. Add a larger shaft like is on the CTX and it was like dragging a dead horse even if you moved with the waves. Out of the water ..... a lot of people like the coverage and the depth if the coil i done right especially for dry sand hunting. As far as GB goes ...... many machine wont GB in our sand. They tend to grab a digit...... which if you go a few inches over you get another digit.... totally out of whack. I tend more to stick with Toms default GB and adjust the salt balance. I think most hunters like at least 3 coils to give us more flexibility, especially the dirt and wet/dry sand hunters. Im just one who could get more out of a standard coil.
November 03, 2019 07:14PM

I used today the tarsacci on a french beach. I understand how you make ground balance. It 's more difficult for the salt balance. How you ajust the salt balance ?

I made test between Equinox 800 and Tarsacci. In the french beach the Equinox is better.

I make a video, you will see soon.

The big problem with this detector is the target ID who move every time, never i have a number stable.

Of course for a one fréquency metal détector is good on wet sand, but no more than Equinox.

May be i don't use the good setting, tell me advices !

November 03, 2019 10:21PM
Switch to AM.....in the water I use 9khz I use FULL power sensitivity and threshold. I Guarantee it’s deeper than the Nox. On the wet sand I tend to run 12khz .... both these are ran wit the salt balance ON. In the dry I may switch to 18k and turn the salt balance off. Here a salt setting of 27 works on 12khz ...but in the water 9khz I run 30. I’m lucky to have some calm water for salt balancing... as you raise and lower the coil you here the change when both up and down give a sound. At that point I set it 1 digit less. You can adjust it in the water for the sweet spot. It does take some coil control and some time to understand the digits. I usually trust a point halfway from the tip to middle of the coil reading .... and do a wiggle for best reading.
November 05, 2019 01:05PM
Magus...……. let me give just a few basic tips:

Start with: 9Khz
Sensitivity: 7
Thresh: -2
Mode of your choice; however, All Metal is easier to start with/learn
Black Sand: Off
Sounds like you understand Ground Balance.
SALT Balance: If you are on 9Khz...… start with a Salt Balance of '29'. This should be close to wet-salt balance. A good salt balance is achieved by bobbing the coil up-and-down on the wet-salt...… and adjusting the Salt number until you hear a 'alternating' tone. If the tone is only one-tone..... you need to move the salt balance number (up or down)….. until you hear a alternating tone.

Once your unit is Ground Balanced...….. and Salt Balanced...…….. I think you will really like the 'new' performance. . . . . . . . especially when compared to other beach units.

(((On my beaches)))
Salt Balance numbers are as follows:

18-Khz = 26
12-Khz = 27
9-Khz = 29
6-Khz = 36

Even though these are Florida Salt Balance numbers...….. they should be fairly close to what the rest of the World presents.
November 05, 2019 01:21PM

Thank's for your advices

November 05, 2019 02:40PM
When performing Salt Balance on the wet sand, Dimitar told me to dig a hole in the sand, let the hole fill with water and Salt Balance over the hole. Is this the way most of you (especially Tom) are doing it?

I'm talking about wet sand hunting, not water hunting.
November 05, 2019 04:39PM
I have tried many methods of salt balance. One as you said digging a hole. Two bobbing coil in over 18" of water so the coil only sees water not water and minerals in sand. I also have left salt at 27 and ground balanced over the wet sand. I have turned salt offand GB over wet sand as well. I have used GB over dry sand and then used the salt balance with techniques mentioned above. I mostly run in 18 Khz, 0 threshold 9 sensitivity. Black sand off unless I have a lot of EMI. If it becomee to chatty I adjust the salt. I have seen little depth differences with the above settings only a chatty difference. A deep 18" nickel although a low or quite response is easy to tell from some chatter. The best way to learn this machine is to use it and try different settings.Check the same targets in different settings before digging and listen to the responses. The numbers will jump at times but a negative signal and positive signal are generally the truth even if numbers jump. I run in AM mostly. I have noticed over gold, clad coins nickels, dimes and quarters the numbers are fairly constant but pennies can be all over the place. It took me 8 or 10 spins and 40 hrs before I started to catch on but now with over a 100hrs I still am fooled at times. Good luck to all.
November 06, 2019 06:22PM
Got out to a late 1800's site and wanted to see how the MDT did. Plenty of square nails (not a nail heavy site though) small metal bits and various trash. The sweet spot for this machine in central Oregon dirt seems to be around 3" to 7". The machine can I.D. ok and locate the general target area. Shallower targets tend to "spider" from the original pin point. ie: you get a pin point, and after digging to 12", the actual pin point may be 10" away in any direction.
The deeper targets tend to be the biggest challenge as the MDT struggles with I.D. and the scratch tones tend to be way to distracting. (Like turning a dirty pot on a volume knob)
Plenty of ghost holes dug as well, but I chalk that up to my own issues/settings or not in the best climate.

I live about 90 minutes from the coast, so honestly for me to get out there on a regular basis will be tough, and to justify the cost of the machine based on that. Appreciate everyone's input and suggestions while I gave the Tasarcci a try!

What was once impossible..... is now easy and obvious. BUT.......... if : You don't know...what you don't know........ it continues to appear/look impossible.
-Thomas Dankowski
November 06, 2019 08:13PM
Watch those low negitive digits you know are large targets...... this is what may come up. Road trip.... 4 rings, 2 necklaces, coins...... and lots of can slaw. Only other good thing of all that was a SS ring that looked pretty nice. Yes the water is working i just needed to replace the pin.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 11/06/2019 08:19PM by dewcon4414.
November 07, 2019 02:19AM
Peter...…. what are your settings? It almost sounds like you are running Sens on the high end.
Are you using wireless headphones that may have some latency? Kinda weird that targets would pinpoint nearly a foot away!
I believe Oregon is a part of the gold-bearing belt. You can use 18Khz; yet, you may want to run in the Salt mode...… with Salt being set on 30...…. or even 35.
November 07, 2019 06:28AM
NASA-Tom Wrote:
> It really makes a statement when the 11-hours-per-
> day...… 6-days-per-week.... diehards..... have per
> manently switched over to the MDT...… ,,,,,,, and
> never going back to their Excal's, EQX's, CZ's, CT
> X's.
> And THIS is exactly what inspires Dimitar to 'launch deeper'.

Tom can you share what else Dimitar is working on? Your comment seems to imply there's other machines in the works?
November 07, 2019 08:21AM
I'm thinking "Launch Deeper" means to produce more units. So far production has just been a trickle.

One thing that needs to be worked on ahead of anything else is a more in-depth and detailed owners manual that covers most situations and is easy to understand. If it wasn't for this forum I would still be in the dark. I still am to some extent. Anyone buying an MDT now is not going to want to sift through 50 pages of posts to get the info, most of which is vague and speculative.

We also need an improved/less brittle coil cover. The present ones do not hold up to even light amounts of impact and abrasion.


Edited 10 time(s). Last edit at 11/07/2019 01:30PM by Badger in NH.
November 07, 2019 03:31PM
Cal...…. this "launch deeper" is new technology that Dimitar (and I) are experimenting with. Our brains never sleep. The 'challenge' is half the fun.

Badger...… we can not cover every exacting/specific application; yet/however, , , , yes...…. your point is VERY valid...…. that...…. we could cover many more broad applications...…. to greater extent...…. probably in the owners manual.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. or (at least) on the Tarsacci web-site homepage...………. in consolidated fashion! … All other manufacturers are very broad in providing this type of data (if even at all)….. with covering specific (broad) applications; yet, due to the uniqueness of the Tarsacci (with its special capabilities)…….. it deserves unique/special attention. Let me see what we can do!!!
November 07, 2019 04:24PM
I'm sure I would be making finds in the rocky beach areas if the coil wasn't so susceptible to damage. Because of this I have given up on hunting the rocks with the Tarsacci entirely and the Equinox is getting all the glory. Six silver coins and a silver spoon from the rocks just last week with the Equinox.

The Tarsacci needs a coil cover made of a shock absorbing and abrasion resistant material. Let's fix this problem before working on any new detector models.