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Posted by NASA-Tom 
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April 09, 2020 10:35PM
NASA-Tom Wrote:
> ghound……. what is that huge coin Ziggy is using in
> the horseshoe video? I would have liked to see a
> small (lightweight) coin.... similar/like a small
> lightweight Zinc Cent.

Tom that coin looks like it could be a Victorian bronze penny or maybe a Georgian penny
April 09, 2020 10:41PM
midalake Wrote:
> NASA-Tom Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Dave/midalake……. Yes. A U.S. Nickel is a VERY "s
> ta
> > ndardized" test-target...… that many have access
> t
> > o...….even around the World. It does indeed (ver
> y
> > well) emulate a mans gold wedding band. I almost
> n
> > ever want to see a gold ring used as a test-stan
> da
> > rd.....because...… there is no 'standardization'
> t
> > o it.
> > 10Kt
> > 14Kt
> > 18Kt
> > Size
> > Thickness
> > Height (in mm)
> > Weight
> > Comfort-fit or knurled
> > Circumferential linearity
> > Jagged design pattern
> >
> > TOO many 'variables'.
> > I have two absolutely identical gold (mans) wedd
> in
> > g bands. BUT...…. one ID's as a '11' on EQX...….
> ..
> > and the other ID's as a '14' on the EQX. The gol
> d
> > ring that ID's as a '11'...… presents greater de
> pt
> > h (and a more broad-girth audio report)…. over t
> he
> > other ID '14' gold wedding band. The only way I
> ca
> > n tell them apart.... is with a metal detector.
> Ex
> > tremely identical "looking" rings.
> That is all HOGWASH. When one is standing in the s
> ame spot with ONE GOLD RING and TWO detectors t
> he test is absolutely the same.

> I could care less what a nickel does in Maine, Ohi
> o, or a Florida beach.
> Dave

Being easily got, a Nickle can be used by anyone in a standard test, I'm thousands of miles away from the US and it means i can compare with others in different dirt with the same standard test piece.
But i can't do that with a gold ring, as no two are the same.
April 09, 2020 10:44PM
sanjuro Wrote:
> NASA-Tom Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > ghound……. what is that huge coin Ziggy is using
> in
> > the horseshoe video? I would have liked to see
> a
> > small (lightweight) coin.... similar/like a smal
> l
> > lightweight Zinc Cent.
> Tom that coin looks like it could be a Victorian b
> ronze penny or maybe a Georgian penny
Yes a big high conductor penny.
April 09, 2020 10:46PM
Dave .... I’m not sure anything would convince you not even a good video.... and I think Aaron did a pretty good one. I’ve posted my finds for about a years. If you were near me I’d make you a bet.... NOTHING you can find in the water I can’t. I’m not here to sell anyone but I’ve got enough beach time under my belt to say nothing I’ve used thus far is deeper especially in the water. I get a little testy when someone seems to say they don’t believe a word I’m saying.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/09/2020 11:05PM by dewcon4414.
April 09, 2020 10:53PM
Keith Southern Wrote:
> Nice Ziggy Video showing horse shoe.
> Rememeber what I'm trying to show its not the hors
> e shoe aspect.I'm Showing the swamping of the coil
> aspect.the horse shoe was the iron I used to swamp
> the coil with way larger iron than a zinc penny un
> der coil at same time.FOOD FOR THOUGHT in that sta
> tement.
> In England I know they have the Coke problem.one t
> hing on the Tarsacci that could lead to success is
> coke is neutralized no report and see though coke
> ability .Maybe that would be something for someone
> to see happen.
> Keith
Keith the Nox ignores all but the biggest coke in field 1, and it's rejected in field 2.
It doesn't mask a coin if the coke is set on top of it, but it does mask a coin if the coke is say an inch or two above the coin in ground.
Would the Tarsacci act the same when the coke is above the coin by a few inches?
April 09, 2020 11:06PM
ozzie Wrote:
> >That is all HOGWASH. When one is standing in the
> same spot with ONE GOLD RING and TWO detectors the
> test is absolutely the same.
> >I could care less what a nickel does in Maine, Oh
> io, or a Florida beach.
> >Dave
> Just because it doesn't compute with you, Sir,.. d
> oes not mean it's HOGWASH.


I have been in this hobby for over 45 years.

What is going to give you more information????

10 head on tests of the MDT and NOX on a specific gold ring in 10 different locations by 10 different users.


10 head on tests of the MDT and NOX on a nickel in 10 different locations by 10 different users

AGAIN I could care less about finding Nickels.

Let me know which tests would be more important to you? And to add: Just because it doesn't compute with you, Sir,.. does not mean it's HOGWASH.
April 09, 2020 11:10PM
dewcon4414 Wrote:
> Dave .... I’m not sure anything would convince you
> not even a good video.... and I think Aaron did a
> pretty good one. I’ve posted my finds for about
> a years. If you were near me I’d make you a bet..
> .. NOTHING you can find in the water I can’t. I’
> m not here to sell anyone but I’ve got enough beac
> h time under my belt to say nothing I’ve used thus
> far is deeper especially in the water. I get a li
> ttle testy when someone seems to say they don’t be
> lieve a word I’m saying.

Well what you say is possible. I tend to be the type that believes nothing of what I hear and half of what I see. winking smiley I WISH you were near me or I could test someone's machine in Michigan. U have a link to find that Vid? Dave
April 09, 2020 11:35PM
Look on page 62 under one of Aaron’s posts. Dave ...I’m a hard sell to so I get it lol. I’m in Fl. by way of MO as they say.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/2020 11:09AM by dewcon4414.
April 09, 2020 11:47PM
April 09, 2020 11:51PM
Aaron Wrote:
> [m.youtube.com]

UGH, Meh...………..you could of done SO much more.
April 10, 2020 02:48AM
Dave/midalake....... (((and here's where everyone is going to shoot me)))!!!.
You are correct. It is: "slap-in-the-face" indisputably more meaningful...... to do a head-to-head....... with the exact type of target(s) you wish to find. A gold ring. Buried. And both detectors 'compared' on this exact gold ring.
Totally agree.
Case closed.

Now............ most of us know that a Nickel is a near-exacting (formidable) ""gold ring emulator"". . . . . . unto which: MOST have access to a Nickel.......... and.......... request/feel-comfortable-with/desire....... for standardization testing.
There have been plenty of times folks have disputed me....... because the: TYPE or SIZE or KARAT or SHAPE or WIDTH or, or, or......... etc.................. were NOT to their EXACT likings. Soooooooooooooo ........... the masses prefer a Nickel.

((( BTW = The Tarsacci does slightly better on a gold ring...... head-to-head (over the EQX).............. if you are to compare a Nickel: head-to-head.......vs.......gold ring: head-to-head. . . . . . EQX vs MDT ))).
April 10, 2020 10:45AM
midalake Wrote:
> ozzie Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > >That is all HOGWASH. When one is standing in th
> e
> > same spot with ONE GOLD RING and TWO detectors t
> he
> > test is absolutely the same.
> >
> > >I could care less what a nickel does in Maine,
> Oh
> > io, or a Florida beach.
> >
> > >Dave
> >
> >
> >
> > Just because it doesn't compute with you, Sir,..
> d
> > oes not mean it's HOGWASH.

> I have been in this hobby for over 45 years.
> What is going to give you more information????[
> /b]
> 10 head on tests of the MDT and NOX on a specific
> gold ring in 10 different locations by 10 differen
> t users.
> or
> 10 head on tests of the MDT and NOX on a nickel in
> 10 different locations by 10 different users
> AGAIN I could care less about finding Nickels[/
> b].
> Let me know which tests would be more important to
> you? And to add: Just because it doesn't compute w
> ith you, Sir,.. does not mean it's HOGWASH.

If you get what Tom is saying now after he explained it, then you were just ignorant.....if you don't, your mildly stupid, nothing wrong with that either. Rude and pigheaded are another one of your traits... if you don't mind me saying. Stay safe, midalake.
April 10, 2020 11:19AM
I know you said case closed Tom....... buuuuuuut. If you tested .. head to head... 200 various gold rings of various gold content...... and weight..... couldnt there be a Variance in performance/depth by ring? If that was true...... then what if you grabbed the WRONG ring to test .....say 10k white gold ...head to head making you believed the wrong detector was better. Yet on the majority of the rings (say 10 or 14K) the OTHER machine would have been a better choice.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/2020 05:47PM by dewcon4414.
April 10, 2020 12:12PM
Keith Southern Wrote:
> I made short video showing how I set salt balance
> in my soil.
> [www.youtube.com]
> e=youtu.be
> Keith


Thanks a lot for posting/making this video, and being the first one to PROPERLY demonstrate how to do a SALINITY balance. Also, I really appreciate how you noted that the kHz settings remain locked once you set them with the SALINITY. This is a REALLY COOL feature because once you have the SALINITY locked on to the various kHz settings, you can instantly check various targets (deep silver, small gold), ON THE FLY, while hunting with out having to do another SALINITY balance!
April 10, 2020 12:56PM
Post deleted by author.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/2020 01:05PM by Badger in NH.
April 10, 2020 02:43PM
> If you get what Tom is saying now after he explain
> ed it, then you were just ignorant.....if you don'
> t, your mildly stupid, nothing wrong with that eit
> her. Rude and pigheaded are another one of your tr
> aits... if you don't mind me saying. Stay safe, mi
> dalake.


If you get what Tom is saying now after he explained it then you were just patient......if you don't you are mildly smarter, nothing wrong with that either. Tenacious and confident are some of your traits....if you don't mind me saying. Stay safe ozzie.
April 10, 2020 05:11PM
Midalake, good sense of humor, good comeback. stay safe.
April 11, 2020 12:52AM
Question, How does the MDT do on bottlecaps?
April 11, 2020 12:35PM
I can only talk about how they react on the beach .... and i hunt in AM not disc. Iron is pretty categorized.... if that makes sense with this machine. Which id say would be a pretty good advantage for Relic hunters. Bottle caps seem to be broken down and have 3 ranges. Shallow say within 8" really BANG hard..... id say louder than most any target. Those made mostly of iron corroded or not hit in the low iron range...... say -28 digit..... they get a little odd if deeper they can UPSCALE or wrap around to somewhere in the +28 range (notice that the 28). To put this in perspective a penny comes in around 13 a quarter 21. Coronas..... those are the pain in the butt to me .... they hit really hard say around 10.... but they may down scale to 8 if deeper. Gold ranges from 1 to around 12. Now in the water i can distinguish those rusted ones somewhat because they do upscale giving me a high tone in disc when i REVERSE disc. I set my disc at 28.... which knocks out iron and a few digits above and below that number. So on say a quarter ..... i get a high tone but its a repeated FASTER PING .... but on those bottle caps or iron that may wrap around its a distinctively slower or non repeatable PING. Lets face it ...i dont know of many machine you arent going to dig some bottle caps. If ya get a non-ferr... even broken most of us on the beach will dig it. Honestly if that HIGH PING doesnt repeat and i cant see the screen i dont get to concerned about passing it up just because of the gold range.

The dirt hunters will have to tell you how they react there.
April 11, 2020 05:47PM
Thanks for the informative reply.
I agree, there’s no getting away from digging some caps and some will need to be dug to either check an iffy target or at least clear out some of the masking effects. I have a couple beach and land sites that are super loaded with them and can turn my detecting adventure into a nightmare if I bring the wrong machine and coil setup to those locations. If this machine can help knock some out that would help already.... I was kinda hoping maybe the pulse effect would help give this machine some kind of iron see through ability after a certain depth.

I have another question, has anyone had the opportunity to see how this machine responds to iron clad coins? I’m mostly wondering if they respond the same as bottlecaps or if they give a more steady ID and + tone.
April 13, 2020 12:28AM
Hey guys, some of you may be familiar with a member on Steve’s forum who gos by the name of Teresa a.k.a. “Coil Power”. Teresa lives down in New Zealand and has been detecting for a long time. Teresa has also become quite proficient with the Tarsacci MDT 8000, “cutting her teeth” on the black sand beach’s where most other machines are getting shut down! Teresa is having some technical issues joining the website, that Wally needs to address, however in the mean time, we’re really happy she join us and look forward to learning from her and one another....

Hi everyone from Coilpower in NZ.

First off, thankyou to those guys who invited me into this forum and apologies Aaron for being a bit late. The upside of this virus Lockdown here has made me do a catchup in the garden etc instead of detecting, and no doubt given time for others to build test gardens and experiment with detectors along with other projects and research. Im staying fit so when those gates ARE opened nobody will see me for dust!!!!!

I have had my unit since early last year and hunt black magnetic iron sand, quartz sand type beaches, pebble, black sand and clay beaches, relic dirt, mud mixtures, rocky outcrops, fresh and salt water....basically anywhere detectable!

Some of you will probably be thinking....well, WHY didnt you join the forum last year? Simple answer is I am not really a forum person, so I have passed this onto Aaron to post on my behalf. The second reason being as has been pointed out....NZ has highly mineralised soil in places and black titanomagnetic iron sand beaches for which Dimitar made a NZ coil to handle these conditions better than the standard coil could, so you can appreciate I have a vastly different set of problems to contend with versus USA conditions so the settings/methods I use can be somewhat different. Even with the NZ coil I can hit OVL (overload) on the black magnetic iron sand which requires a different approach and method to detecting it. I have actually turned my shaft around so the spring clip and holes are disengaged, then set my coil the other way too. The excellent shaft clamps mean I can “slide” the shaft up and down to suit the height I need to compensate for OVL or rocks without wearing an arm out. Few targets around on a beach or pasture and I can extend the coil arc right out to cover more ground.

Having past ad a family business reconditioning CDI units for outboards, which entailed tracing circuit boards, replacing capacitors, diodes etc, measuring values of such with equipment then testing before encapsulation and distribution.....It doesnt bother me whether the unit is of time domain, frequency domain, combination of both, sonar or whatever else, those complexities are under the hood (patented). I am just thrilled to have the experience in my lifetime of a detector that finally combines PI and VLF type capabilities....and some!......something I had wished for each year when detectors were released. A truly unique versatile detector with a language of its own that I now use 95% of the time over my old XP Deus. Not perfect, but new floodgates in dectecting opened up.

I think what makes the Tarsacci MDT 8000 SO VERY different is....... you havent got pages and pages of instructions and steps a,b,c,, or sub menus that you “learn” before hitting the field. The Tarsacci is “simple” in its layout....yet complexities/frustrations will arise until the “balancing” of each function used is achieved and you are at one with the machine whereby there is only silence on each sweep save for the target hit. THEN the magic happens. .....YOU ARE IN CONTROL with no restrictions per se. ....you can mix n’match.....hence you will find that your settings will vary by site, temperature, weather......each day after day.....so, NO settings are “set in stone” so to speak which probably accounts for just the explanation of each function in the manual.

Keith is doing a wonderful job explaining in FULL his findings of the Tarsacci MDT 8000. I can tell him with a big smile he is in for a lot more surprises the more he uses/experiments with it and in different situations. I still get the odd surprises!!! Any forum with Keith’s postings are indeed blessed as knowledge, experience AND a teacher in one is quite rare as well as doing videos!!!. I doubt I could add much as there has been solid info given from other users since early last year.....perhaps just a few tips here and there.

In the beginning I too played with coins amongst iron, under nails etc. Impressed with HOW you could set the Tarsacci GB to NOT see certain things or see THROUGH things but see coins. HOW one could also SALT balance to do same. Experimenting over, I just “cold” hunt anywhere from 1 to 6 hours at a stint, the settings second nature. The one thing I will stress is........YOU MUST, MUST, MUST get your GB and SALT balanced so it runs quiet no matter what medium you are detecting. I could post my methodology I initially used to hasten the learning curve of the Tarsacci if it would be of help to newcomers. Take care and stay safe people.

Teresa (Coilpower)
April 13, 2020 01:46AM
Teresa...…. this is: MY BAD. I e-mailed Wally...… then …… did NOT follow up...…. to see if he had a chance to 'approve' Coilpower. Apologies that you are having to go through a unorthodox methodology ….just to simply post. (((THANKS AARON)))!!!

Let me contact Wally again. We'll get you on here! You are a critical part of the equation. I speculate that your dirt is the Worlds worst..... even over Culpeper, Virginia. I would love to have you share (what you shared with me)…..about your iron refining industry(s) using your dirt to make iron products...… for NZ and export.

Let me holler at Wally again.
April 13, 2020 10:20AM
A BIG WELCOME, Teresa. It will be fun, thanks for joining.
April 13, 2020 11:47AM
Tom are you saying that in low minerals or neutral soil that the Equinox has the better depth over the MDT ? or would you say that the depth in those soils is the same on each unit ?
April 13, 2020 12:05PM
I've heard that other people are also unable to register and at least one long time member has been unable to log in for quite some time. If you want the forum to survive, you have to allow new members and fix these problems.
April 13, 2020 01:34PM
Badger: Absolutely correct.

sanjuro: In a nutshell: Yes.
But...….there are stipulations here. IN GENERAL...…. if dirt mineralization is of 'simplex' form (only one type of mineralization)……….and is 2-bar dirt.... or less (Dave Johnson's & John Gardiner's infamous Fe3O4 mineralization bar-graph gauge)………. than the EQX is the depth trump-card.
If the dirt mineralization is of 'complex' form (multiple differing types of mineralization)……...and is 1-bar dirt (or lower/less)……… than the EQX is the depth trump-card.
This is: IN GENERAL. There are some minute' differences that 'could' alter the above data; yet, statistically: very low % chances/probability.

This is also to say: If dirt mineralization is ABOVE 2-bar dirt: Then the Tarsacci is the trump-card. (((And...…. it goes without saying: If 'complex' dirt is above 1-bar dirt...…. than the Tarsacci is the trump-card))).

(((Keep in mind: The Fe3O4 bar-graph measures only one type of mineralization; yet, is primary))).
April 13, 2020 02:19PM
Up here in SE Michigan, my low mineralized dirt runs 1-2 bars. In terms of depth between the Equinox and Tarsacci there is little difference. Last summer I had a really deep mid tone signal and used the opportunity to test both machines. Imagine my disappointment at the bottom of that 12” hole to find a..........full PULLTAB!
April 13, 2020 02:25PM
Badger in NH Wrote:
> I've heard that other people are also unable to re
> gister and at least one long time member has been
> unable to log in for quite some time. If you want
> the forum to survive, you have to allow new member
> s and fix these problems.

...actually, even though I registered here 2 years ago, I haven’t for some reason or other been able to access the forum until a couple days ago when I tried again. In my case it may just have been that the forum activation email went into my junk folder and I didn’t see it at first. Anyways, I am truly grateful to be here.
This Tarasacci thread had me near pulling my hair out not being able to post and ask questions, lol.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/13/2020 02:26PM by Odie.
April 13, 2020 04:51PM
Tom would that be 2 bar on the F75 meter ? if so i will have to borrow one and test my soil in my area but i think it would be easier to borrow a Deus but how does that meter compare with the F75 one ?
April 13, 2020 04:52PM
Hello Teresa!!

Very good to meet you.Hopefully Wally can get you straightened out!

Would love to hear your success stories and Knowledge of the unit!

Yes On the Tarsacci you can tell when you have it set right and when you dont.It just takes a few hours (and not many) really to get the audio sorted out.Then the settings will fall into place in your mind and what they do.and there's really not that many settings its not a complex set up unit.You've got to trust it.

Its a very very powerful and deadly unit in the soil I'm still being blown away of what it sees in iron unmasking.Thats really my thing is hunting heavy iron habitation zones and the Tarsacci is doing things in iron that at times other worldly!

Hope to see you posting more!!!


“I don't care that they stole my idea . . I care that they don't have any of their own”
-Nikola Tesla