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Minelab Equinox owners - Question

Posted by NASA-Tom 
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Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
August 25, 2020 02:27AM
Dave........ coil shield-paint: Proper type. Proper quantity. Proper/even distribution ...... are all paramount for any VLF IB (single or multi) unit. Any ambiguities in this shield-paint.....,,,,,,,, will set you up for severe microphonics (ie: highly allergic to wet grass, bumping of sticks/twigs/dirt-clods) if you get it wrong.

Improper shielding of the IC chip (or electronic circuit board) in the coil......... and you are destined to severe EMI issues.

Most Mfr's that are producing modern-day units...... are indeed shielding their coils properly. This is to say: Coils are not the problem.

EMI that is induced from EXTERNAL sources.... is another huge problem. Right now: the BIGGEST problem. 50Hz and 60Hz A/C (Alternating Current) powerlines generate discrete and random (white noise)...... that (collectively) makes up for the bulk of our current-day EMI that we encounter. More Noise Cancel channels will not fix this problem. (((You may have experienced..... incrementally flipping through all of the Noise Cancel channels........ only to discover: Zero EMI mitigation))). Bandpass filters will not fix this problem. Only implementation of out-of-the-box Engineering Controls ..... will tackle this problem.

Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
August 25, 2020 02:33AM
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
August 25, 2020 01:27PM

Is the Minelab doing anything? Are you working on, do you have a new flagship prototype? If so, can you tell us anything? Is Fisher doing ok? You were doing a ton of things with Fisher. They seemed like top dog for a long time. Thanks
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
August 26, 2020 10:31AM
No......not really.

Right now........ I cannot elaborate any further.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
December 01, 2020 02:17AM
How are you guys doing with your 4th Gen (MUU-3) Equinox's? I suppose my biggest question is: What do you dislike about the EQX? Would you like to see any changes/additions?
You guys surprised as to 'how many' tilted (or...completely on-edge) coins you are finding? Is 50-Tones 'warbling' nicely for you? You intrigued as to how deep the unit goes (even in trashy sites) when Target Recovery Response speed is on '2'......and you move the coil slowly?

(((We are currently 'deep/vested' into improvements)))
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
December 01, 2020 02:37AM
Tom, I don't know if you ever visit other forums, but on Detector Prospector, on the Equinox forum, about a month ago , there was a discussion about what we would like to see in features and construction on Minelabs next/ new high end coin detector.
Some good suggestions and Ideas there.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
December 01, 2020 09:39AM
Mr. Dankowski .. ,,, Do you mean any positive changes to the 4.0 of the new Equinox software?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/01/2020 09:44AM by EL NINO.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
December 01, 2020 01:52PM
possum......... No........ I hardly have time to look at other forums. And....... what makes it worse........some of the other forms absolutely require you to register/sign-up... just to simply read them.

EL NINO........ I'm merely asking folks if they have desires above/beyond the EQX.,.,.,.,., especially the 4th generation (MUU-3) Equinox. Right now would be a good time to 'input'. Keep in mind..... the EQX is a mid-line/mid-priced unit. -----Now = Think: FLAGSHIP.
Here's a example/random thought: Although we exclusively detect by tones/audio (your face is not glued to the detectors faceplate whilst swinging detector)........ the X-Y coordinate axis presentation was a novel idea; yet, "what if". "What if" we could incorporate a 'density' cursor that was in color. When you sweep over a wad of chewing gum foil..... the cursor/crosshairs shows (the expected) X-Y coordinate axis location on the screen; yet, the cursor is (say) yellow. Then you pass the coil over a gold engagement ring that also ID's as foil.....and also....the cursor/crosshairs land on the exact same spot on the X-Y coordinate axis screen of the detector. , . , . , . , . , . , BUT..... due to the density difference between a wad of chewing gum foil.........vs.........the density of a gold ring....... the cursor (now) is red in color. Right now.........today's modern metal detectors...... look at only 2 elements: ONE = The object is 'metal'. TWO = the 'phase-shift' of the metal, (so as to give a conductive ID). What if we were to invent and implement a THIRD element = "density" ID. Conductive ID and density ID could also be presented in the form of a numerical ID also.,.,.,.,., instead of a color change of the cursor crosshairs.
(This is just one example).
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
December 01, 2020 02:54PM
As most detectorists are men, and almost all color blind people are men, I stay away from using color to distinguish density. Just a thought.... Maybe a bar graph much like Fisher's "Confidence" bar. The more blocks filled in the higher the density.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
December 01, 2020 05:11PM
Density display would be a game changer. Use a bar or bars that lengthens with color changes. I don't know that density can be calculated in the ground though. Density = Mass/Volume. How could the mass of the object be measured.

Why hasn't this been done. I would like a heads up display like a hat with a display in front. Then the controller could be made smaller with no display. Would be great water hunting.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
December 01, 2020 06:18PM
The main thing I want is more depth when used to hunt in the ocean. Here in Honolulu, Hawaii we have to reduce the sensitivity down to 15 for hunting in the ocean. But on wet or dry sand, we can operate from 22 to 24 depending on location. Yes, I could use a PI in the ocean water but you get tired of digging iron targets.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
December 01, 2020 07:48PM
Ergonomics - although Minelab finally listened and shed significant weight compared to the likes of the CTX and previous gen FBS detectors, the EQX has a long way to go to be world class in the ergo dept. I really like the telescoping rod that Golden Mask uses, but I do not know how ergonomic it is (I haven't heard anything negative about it though).

Audio - Although the audio in 50 tones is far better than most detectors I've used, it could still be better. I can see why Tom(CA) loves his Dino3K, ahem Explorer2, the audio on it is about as good as it gets, and the EQX approaches that audio benchmark, but doesn't quit achieve it.

Display info - I definitely like the idea of bringing back the X-Y coordinate axis, and the idea of a density measurement could be revolutionary (obviously if Tom's socializing it, the technology is on the table). How can a density measurement be translated into audio? I feel like the EQX already presents some density data via audio context. For example, I've noticed that when I'm relic hunting old sites, the EQX will frequently TID large iron tools (axe heads, picks, large chisels, etc) @ 13, yet the audio sounds dull and flat compared to when it hits a nickle or other non-iron object (gold coin for example) that presents the same TID value. There appears to be some audio compensation in play for metal composition, not sure if it was by design or a byproduct.

Although the Fisher "Confidence" bar was fairly useless IMO, I do agree with Tom Slick that a simpler way to present the data vs a colored cursor might be a good idea. Perhaps a bar that starts off red (bad) and moves to green when it's confidence level or density is higher. The fact that NASA-Tom mentioned a colored cursor tells me Minelab will likely use a color screen on their flagship incarnation of the Equinox.

Please keep the APTX Bluetooth implementation, it works great, and I appreciate using an open standard vs a proprietary standard like Garrett and Nokta are doing.

Upgrades - I really appreciate that Minelab took to heart the ability to do software upgrades on the EQX. I'm one rev behind as I didn't feel the latest upgrade was beneficial, but one thing that would be great, and I'm sure with flash memory as cheap as it is, is the ability to load multiple firmware images on the EQX. If I want to field test the latest and greatest image, and either feel that it's a step backwards OR I want to compare images head to head it would be great if you could more easily flip between them on the detector vs having to load them from your laptop.

And sure more depth is always appreciated, but is it possible smiling smiley For me, better unmasking is a higher priority than depth, although both are welcome additions.

Programability - Given the current age of computers, I'd like to see a viable return of the ability to program your detector on your PC. We saw some attempts at that with for example the Etrac, yet the Minelab application fell very short of being useful and it took a programmer in Eastern Europe to make an application that did everything the Minelab one should have been able to do.

Menu - The Equinox menu system is okay, but not great. It could certainly be improved, but it's not as bad as some. Better UI studies prior to implementation would pay off in spades.

Coils - Here's a novel idea, how about more coil options? Open coil manufacturing/licensing up to a select group of 3rd party coil makers if it's that big of a deal. The FBS machines greatly benefited from the great selection of coils from both Minelab as well as 3rd party coil makers.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
December 01, 2020 10:10PM
Global settings on Equinox should be made optional for user.
So when one changes program they can have exactly what they want setting wise per program.

I agree, allow Equinox to hold 2 versions software. I think this would go a long ways to helping one learn newer version as well as show more distinctly how the newer version behaves vs the older version.

Some programmable hot keys would be nice to incorporate. For setting changes.

Need ground mineralization meter !!!
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
December 02, 2020 12:46AM
I like much of what folks are saying here. 2D screen (FE/CO?) EXCELLENT!

More depth if possible is always good (though I think that limit has largely been hit).

Better ID -- specifically, it is easier (with FE/CO on FBS) to differentiate between, say, a copper penny and a silver dime, than it is on the EQX. In my dirt, deep coins all "up-average," which is of course better than down-averaging, BUT, for me, a deep pre-'83 penny or wheat cent can be essentially indistinguishable from a silver coin (low to mid 30s VDI consistently, and no difference I can discern, tonally). I miss the "excitement" of hitting a deep target, and then getting a really good clue/feel that you are over a deep silver coin, via just the audio (as could be done with the Explorers), vs. with the Equinox where it seems the best you can do is to know that you are over a likely coin -- copper OR silver.

Color screen, great. Low glare/high contrast a must.

The density idea is HUGE, and would be a game changer IMO, if technologically do-able. Being able to get some sense of density, between say can slaw or foil, for instance, vs. gold ring? GAME CHANGER. One way that could be displayed, could be something similar to the CTX "target trace," where the "density" of a trace (the pile of cursor plots) could be used to "emulate" the density of the object (again, assuming technologically that density of the object can be measured in the first place). In other words, a likely-to-be-dense object gets a DARK/DENSE/BOLD plot, while a probable low-density object gets a LIGHT/PALE plot. One way to do it (perhaps not the best, but I wouldn't mind) is if it was a stand-alone mode, like "pinpoint," or whatever -- in other words, a button you engage when you are interrogating a specific target. If I'm moving along, and hit a "9" VDI, I then could press the "density" button, where my screen readout changes to one where I sweep successively over the top of the target from multiple angles, and the machine outputs a "blob" individual snapshots to me, and the denser the machine thinks the object is, the darker/bolder the cursor plots. It makes sense in my mind to have it as a separate "mode," that can be toggled on to interrogate a particular low-VDI target of interest.

Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
December 02, 2020 03:15AM
Wow. VERY good input! (To include rationale/justification).

steveg..... just curious: Do you find FBS or EQX to be (overall/nominal median average) deeper on coin-sized objects in your locale?
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
December 02, 2020 04:56AM
How about a detector that doesn't need an aftermarket carbon fiber shaft, "S" rod mod. or counter weight to make it swing nice. Come on, Fisher had the ergos figured out years ago with the F75.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
December 02, 2020 06:10AM
NASA-Tom -- Yes, sir. For sure. It's hard to say exactly "how much" more, but not at all hard to say definitely yes. I would estimate 1/2 to 1" deeper, on average, 11" coil to 11" coil. That includes test garden targets, "real-world" targets located in the wild and then doing side-by-side comparison of the two platforms...and then, "subjective" experiences/impressions compiled over many, multiple hunts with M-IQ, in locations I've hunted extensively in the past with Explorers and CTX-3030.

Tom Slick -- while it would have a negative effect on my shaft business, LOL, I entirely agree with you that a balanced, carbon-fiber shaft would be a necessary inclusion to any Multi-IQ flagship...


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/02/2020 09:21AM by steveg.
Minelab Equinox owners - Question
December 02, 2020 06:57AM
Let me preface this by saying that I like my Equinox 800 a lot. It's become my favorite detector since i started this back in the mid-70's. I think it finds / unmasks keepers that my explorer xs and etrac couldn't find. And it seems to be AS deep or just a little better in my area. Utah / (+NV/ID/OR/WA/CA/WY)- Depending on the emi and the soil, i run max or near max sensitivity, Park 1, 5 tones if lots of conductive trash / 50 tones if not, Rec - 4 / Fe2 - 2. If the rusty nails starts showing up in droves i switch to Rec - 6 / Fe2 - 4 and that will settle it down. Wet soil turns on the rusty nails / iron for me. I've tried running a lower recovery rate and Fe2 iron bias and the rusty nails become too much. So I run 4/2 if i can and 6/4 if not. 800 is HOT on nickels / mid-conductors. Nickel ratios have gone up the last 3 years, so have the ring finds.

Tweaks and changes ?

Fe/Co screen - A favorite from the FBS detectors that I still miss.

Ground Mineralization meter - please.

Repairability / One of the reasons I bought my equinox 800 was for water hunting. I hunt fresh water sites. With POD failures seeming to be somewhat common with the equinox's (not for me so far) - and the inability to repair units (Minelab swaps for a new pod), the thought of having a HIGH END "DISPOSABLE" EQUINOX 1000 isn't pleasant. If I have to dole out $1500 - $2500 for this detector and it can't be fixed / repaired after the warranty expires - That's not good. I've had my Equinox for approaching 3 years. What happens if the WET gets inside after that ? Do i toss it in the rubbish bin and call up XXXX detectors for a new one ? I used my Explorer XS and Etrac way past the warranty expirations knowing they could be repaired if ever needed. Resale of the Equinox's after warranty expiration isn't something i look forward to. Who wants to buy used if used can't be fixed ?

Better Search Rod - I have Steve G's carbon fiber rod AND Jeff Herke's Arm Cuff. I save the factory rod for travel if I need to pack small.

After market coils - Figure something out.

Minelabs' Waterproof headphones are crap. wasted money.

Menu - after nearly 3 years, I've become accustomed to quickly working my way thru the modes / screens. I still don't like the 1-way scrolling thru the settings - round and round she goes - where she stops - dang, I went to far. around 1 more time. . . .

I like the auto noise cancel on my Vanquish - does it on start up. do this with an option to manually adjust it if i want.

I like the magnetic charge cable.

I hate having stuff dangling off me - like the WM08 module with a cable plugged into it from my wired headphones. . . I'm kinda wireless with this set up. But then again. Not. I have to find a pocket to slip it into or a place to clip it onto where the bouncing coiled cable from the headphones won't catch on brush or trees and where it won't be pulled off the clip or out of pocket. The WM-08 is nice, superfast WIRELESS audio. But it isn't wireless if it's not . . . wireless . . . ??? How about a WM-08 module that can be clipped into a custom set of headphones like what XP does with the Deus and the WS-4 headphones. . A WM-08 puck that can be slipped into aftermarket headphones. Or just a set of WM-08 headphones. ? ? It is nice having bluetooth and aptX and the Wi-Stream. Options.

I do like the density meter / scale idea. . . other ways to represent what is under the coil.

Just some thoughts. Interesting to see what others have to say.

Rich -


Just one more good target before I go.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/02/2020 07:00AM by Gonebeepin'.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
December 02, 2020 12:07PM
When talking a machine that can go in the water.... we also have to talk audio. IMO the Xcal is still very hard to beat. The Sov..... well what made it so good was the various coils you could get. I think the MDT proved you dont need a pricy battery as well. In the water .... AM just works..... especially if it runs in true AM like the Xcal or MDT. For me its the NOISE you get from the hard pan and salt. Right now .... turning down the sensitivity, running in beach two with its reduced power, and even having to adjust the recovery speed all lead to depth or sensitivity losses. Meaning .... all things are equal still out there.... with the Xcal being the quieter one when ran in AM. Salt setting adjustment makes a HUGE difference as to the NOISE. The Nox is noiser than i like in the water. Im wondering with a salt setting if some of those freqs could be used? Ive also broke the coil ears off two coils, had the battery go bad, had cracks in the plastice where the screws go, put that shaft away for its intended purpose...travel ..... and we all know about the water leak screens. Whats good about it..... the WARRANTY. i love the warranty. I also think.... few of us like the yellow headphones especially for the price. They seemed like a last min. decision since it took so long to get a pair of waterproof ones out. Doesnt the CTX have a splatter option on a target? That could be used for density. Im wondering how effective density would be on a deeper target? The CTX screen gives you a lot of info..... you rarely dig a bottle cap. I think its proven you can design a well built machine without having to make it weigh so much. Have i mentioned i hate those twist locks?
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
December 02, 2020 12:51PM
I'd like to see an overload feature along with better audio modulation. The Fe/CO, along with the target trace display is what made the CTX so effective for me when trolling for the deeper coins. Like a lot of us Minelab guys, more choices in coils would be a big plus.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
December 02, 2020 02:31PM
The supposed flagship. Imo needs to use similar battery system as Tarsacci. Battery (s) that is easy to remove and charge or even replace.
Buttons on device should be user friendly.
Some buttons on EQX not so user friendly for right handed users anyways,
Very difficult to say what hot key design to use without knowing some of the intricacies of actual using the detector (its behavior). I would hope testers would (with enough) field time figure these out. Engineers though could allow carte blanch capability here with hot key programmability. Naturally even an update here (with design forethought) could provide.
Folks complaining about coils. Manufacturer has to make money. Wonder how much loot was lost with aftermarket for fbs detectors? But manufacturer does need to give ample coil selection if coils are indeed proprietary for detector units.
Headphone jack size? Is using the smaller like on EQX the way to go?? Or use bigger jack?
Would like to see run time meters be installed.
Depth meter accuracy should focus on what size object? US Nickel size?
And how can coil size here be figured in with detector ops for better depth meter accuracy?
Latest version software loaded should be displayed somewhere, I like at startup.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/02/2020 02:39PM by tnsharpshooter.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
December 02, 2020 03:24PM
This has "kindve" been around for some time, but a true no motion all metal mode intended for actual hunting- that doesnt drift outve tune is something I've often wanted. Perhaps this could be expanded on as another tool for the arsenal.

The V3i pulled some incredibly DEEP targets for me hunting in pinpoint mode with the machine locked on a pounded site that disc wouldn't repeatably hit....I've often wondered if anyone really attempted to refine a no motion-true all metal with some degree of refinement (GOOD modulation, perhaps intuitive screen aides like a visual frequency response etc).
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
December 02, 2020 07:29PM
I'm surprised to see the 'amount' of interest in a mineralization graph/gauge.
Yes..... the round camlocks currently used.....is subpar. The entire Tarsacci carbon shaft system....in concert with the lever actuated camlocks is pinnacle.
It is NOT cost-effective for a Mfr to have a lot of coil options. The 6", 11" & 15" coils are the top 3: best sellers. Any 'in-between' coil size is substantially less cost-effective. the 6, 11 & 15 covers 81% of the market demands. Any additional coil(s) is merely a few percent additional sales.(Negative: ROI).
Head-up display (in the form of a eye-piece.......all the way up to a full see-thru motorcycle helmet) has (and still is) heavily considered/analyzed.
If you are hunting in carpets of nails...... a X-Y coordinate axis screen is rendered nearly useless. X-Y coordinate axis is beneficial only if there is one single/solo target under the coil at any given time.
Pistol-stalk (pod) is fairly inexpensive to produce...... subsequently; keeping MSRP down to a minimum (for initial purchase)...... it is lightweight/ergonomic; yet, potentially infringes repair (and costs) in the event of repair-work necessity.
My 'density' VDI idea....... was simply a 'idea' to trigger you into thinking outside-the-box.
Yes...... Multi-IQ requires quite a bit of reduced sensitivity....in order to facilitate running unit IN the saltwater. (Detrimental to performance).
Greater depth AND greater unmasking is paramount! (This is our #1 priority; yet, in a unsuspecting tangential angle/direction).
Does the EQX LCD screen present too much glare (insufficient contrast)?
True no-motion all-metal (auto-tune) mode...... is high on the plate.
The 'sealed battery' of the EQX...... is not to 'seal out' the owner/operator; yet/rather...... is to seal out water!!!
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
December 02, 2020 09:02PM
NASA-Tom Wrote:
> I'm surprised to see the 'amount' of interest in a mineralization graph/gauge. Yes sir, a very useful tool indeed.
> Yes..... the round camlocks currently used.....is subpar. The entire Tarsacci carbon shaft system....in concert with the lever actuated camlocks is pinnacle. Definitely room for improvement, but I'm not complaining as the EQX800 has been the best detector I've used thus far, and it doesn't weigh a ton like it's FBS predecessors BUT YES please improve the rod/camlock/ergos if we're paying a premium for the EQX2.
> It is NOT cost-effective for a Mfr to have a lot of coil options. The 6", 11" & 15" coils are the top 3: best sellers. Any 'in-between' coil size is substantially less cost-effective. the 6, 11 & 15 covers 81% of the market demands. Any additional coil(s) is merely a few percent additional sales.(Negative: ROI). No problem, license the coil chip to 3rd party coil makers, problem solved. Other sizes may be a niche market, but for me a closed 6x10 coil would be superb for relic sites.
> Head-up display (in the form of a eye-piece....... all the way up to a full see-thru motorcycle helmet) has (and still is) heavily considered/analyzed. Would have to see it. If it's like the google glasses....Meh.
> If you are hunting in carpets of nails...... a X-Y coordinate axis screen is rendered nearly useless. X-Y coordinate axis is beneficial only if there is one single/solo target under the coil at any given time. The coordinate screen on the White's V3 was actually pretty revolutionary for it's time (still?). One of my hunt buddies was so good with it that he COULD differentiate between a pull-tab or foil and a coin or piece of jewelry. The V3 was an impressive, albeit not fully baked SMF machine, one of the best IMHO
> Pistol-stalk (pod) is fairly inexpensive to produce...... subsequently; keeping MSRP down to a minimum (for initial purchase)...... it is lightweight/ergonomic; yet, potentially infringes repair (and costs) in the event of repair-work necessity. I'm okay with this, perhaps offer an extended warranty for those that fear the machine will self destruct once the warranty concludes.
> My 'density' VDI idea....... was simply a 'idea' to trigger you into thinking outside-the-box. Such a tease....but can it be done? Is it on the drawing board? In proto? Status?
> Yes...... Multi-IQ requires quite a bit of reduced sensitivity....in order to facilitate running unit IN the saltwater. (Detrimental to performance).
> Greater depth AND greater unmasking is paramount!> (This is our #1 priority; yet, in a unsuspecting tangential angle/direction). Please maintain this priority thumbs down
> Does the EQX LCD screen present too much glare (insufficient contrast)? I think a lot of the ergo and screen glare issues could easily be cleared up IF they would allow you the ability to adjust the handle/screen back and forth, as what's ergonomic to one person will not be to another. I personally haven't really had any issues on the EQX with screen glare, but I could see where it could be an issue with a color screen.
> True no-motion all-metal (auto-tune) mode...... is high on the plate. Never been an all-metal hunter, but I could see the benefit. There were some that thought the F75 LTDs non-motion all-metal mode was the cats meow, but I wasn't one of them. Still the more tools, the better. The Nokta Impact for example has, IMHO, the absolute best built-in detecting tool box of any detector out there, more detecting modes than anyone will ever use, but they're there for the right application if needed.
> The 'sealed battery' of the EQX...... is not to 'seal out' the owner/operator; yet/rather...... is to seal out water!!!

Perfectly happy to test the EQX2/PRO or whatever it'll be at some of my relic sites, with tons of iron, and some of them have pretty nasty soil from heavy alkali to red volcanic ground, both are very tough on a VLF machine.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
December 02, 2020 11:05PM
As a user of Spectra Vision, V3, V3i,I know this idea in the next generation Equinox Multi-iQ ID / Etrac Ferrum-Conduct ID , I really appreciate it , because Multi-IQ at Equinox so far uses only a certain part of its capabilities -options that offer processing of data from multiple frequencies .

I also think that the color Display Spectra has not yet surpassed any detector.

So improved Object Identification is naturally found in the capabilities of this technology .

On the other hand, I know , that it will be a sufficiently challenging task , because the types of search are different and such identification will be more difficult, especially in situations where we are looking for / density / small or fine objects, In different depths target IDs need to be significantly more developed than they are

on Equinox , where under ID 1-10 there is a wide range of various low-conducting targets .

If the Idea of Innovation is Multi-IQ Identification of Foil and Other Very Fine Alu Items .. then here's another question:

how it will work on very small objects from Au / Pt / Silver ?

Another question is how it will work on Pulltab objects.

Here I think it will be necessary to use at least one operating frequency below 3khz khz for multifrequency,or super short signal processing .

I use it on Equinox to control some suspicious signals like the User program -Beach 2 program, with high recovery and high setting Iron bias- which can eminate another part of the iron ,, and also to recognize very fine targets -for this program reduced range .

Here we can ask the question . It will be a new Etrac with Multi IQ technology / similar to Equinox / ,or it will be a new class of Equinox technology combined with the good features of Etrac Fbs tech on high conductors.

In any case, we can welcome this direction in the development of Minelab detection technology.

Now I come back to what should be improved on Equinox , and what others have not mentioned :

....Improvement of ID accuracy in Allmetall : especially for weak signals., Or mineralization difficult terrain All metall does not have ID quality as Discrimination ON at 0, +1 ID.

... User program button on the front panel.

... and it's a coil 9".
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
December 02, 2020 11:35PM
I agree with Dan(NM) thoughts that better "modulation" would be nice -- adjustable modulation even better. With modulation adjustable on FBS, you could set it to where the "quietness" of a deep target was more pronounced, if you wished, as compared to the "loudness" of a deep target. The Equinox "modulation" is set "as-is," it's not adjustable, and the difference between a deep (quiet) coin is much more subtle than a shallow (loud) coin, as compared to how I used to run FBS (I forget the name of the setting on FBS, but I would set it at 7 out of 10 on the Explorer, and that was perfect for me -- you could easily tell whether a coin was shallow, mid-depth, or deep, just by tone; it's a bit more subtle, and takes more getting used to, on the EQX).

NASA-Tom, I don't personally find the glare, or the "wash-out" to be a problem most of the time on the EQX, but I DO, on the color screen of the CTX, which is why I mentioned it -- presuming a M-IQ flagship would have a color display.

Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
December 03, 2020 12:58AM
Steve that was the gain which was adjustable allowing you to modulate sound. Working in trash that 10 gain worked well .... in the open 7 was nice to tell deeper targets. In the water the Nox has a pretty good screen .... unlike the CTX that some put a hood on. I just feel I’m loosing something in AM compared to a true AM. Power that isn’t as added by EMI creating noise
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
December 03, 2020 02:08AM
All I want to see is a hip mount version what's so hard about that the older I get the more ware and tear on the arm of course swinging a whites with a 10 inch head back in the 70dees didn't do any good either .sube
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
December 03, 2020 02:50AM
You guys are REALLY hitting the nail on the head. In fact..... EL NINO.,.,.,., some of your wishes will come true.


Modulated audio. My thoughts:
I absolutely love the modulated audio of the CZ platform. That faint peep/chirp high-tone of a deep silver dime is: telling. Love it!
On the EQX...... that LOUD & CLEAR audio of a deep silver dime is priceless. Love it! (((Less likely to be missed))). (((Other indices easily tell you the depth))).
Mild-to-wild out-of-the-box thinking/mode/means/methodology ....well underway.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
December 03, 2020 03:38AM
NASA-Tom Wrote:

> If you are hunting in carpets of nails...... a X-Y
> coordinate axis screen is rendered nearly useless.
> X-Y coordinate axis is beneficial only if there is
> one single/solo target under the coil at any given
> time.

> Greater depth AND greater unmasking is paramount!
> (This is our #1 priority; yet, in a unsuspecting t
> angential angle/direction).


- Is multi-IQ and the Fe / CO graph compatible ? What I mean by that is that I see the strength of my Equinox as it's ability to unmask substantially better than my Explorer XS and Etrac - I did find lots of co-located targets with the FBS detectors, however, the Equinox has, in my opinion, greater ability to do so while still getting as good or better depth than my FBS detectors with their stock 10 1/2" and 11" coils.

I'm reading your statement above to say that Multi-IQ and the Fe / CO graph are just a bad match. Should I be putting thoughts of a new Fe / CO display into the rear view mirror ?

Rich -


Just one more good target before I go.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/03/2020 03:43AM by Gonebeepin'.