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Minelab Equinox owners - Question

Posted by NASA-Tom 
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Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
January 03, 2022 11:08PM
In theory......with any SMF......."Multi" frequency operation should be 'hot' on the entire spectrum of conductors.......ranging from low-to-high.
Yes.... certain Multi modes will indeed 'bias' a bit further/better performance to a particular conductive bandwidth of targets.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
January 04, 2022 06:18AM
NASA-Tom Wrote:
> As of right now....... not much. We are still inca
> rcerated within the mindset of inductive-coupling.
> .......(via a coil)........for detection of metal.
> In 1908.....Henry Ford said: "What the hell are we
> doing....still using old, antiquated internal-comb
> ustion engines for propulsion". ---Guess wher
> e we still are today!?!? (((Although this might ha
> ve something to do with [--power hungry dirty mone
> y--] politics, Rockefeller, Vanderbelt, OPEC....et
> c......))).
> My only thought is......... If we are to STILL sta
> y within the incarcerations/limitations of Electro
> Magnetic energy (EM) for detection of metal:
> We have already 'bent' the EM footprint of the ene
> rgy with a DD coil (thus proving we CAN bend the E
> M footprint and still stay with the confines of a
> 'balanced field
'); ......should we not further inv
> estigate bending the field into a more confined co
> rridor (via a pair of 45-Deg angled 'director stac
> ks' mounted above the outboard perimeter of the co
> il)?!

Science once said light couldn't be bent...yet if we could just bend the EM footprint around/through the iron, imagine how many more finds we'd take home.

Ground imaging technology could meld into the metal detecting arena. Although still (IMO) too large to be practical, products like the Nokta Invenio are forging ahead in ground imaging capabilities, reducing form factor, with pricing trending into high end detector territory.

Seems like the only viable technologies currently in play are EM and
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
January 06, 2022 03:07PM
Great discussion and thank you for replying to all the questions. I read back over the last almost two years since this began and have implemented what I will call the 2x2 TRR and FE2 settings with SENS 23 or more if possible. This thread is becoming a very helpful primer on the workings and tuning of the EQX!

(My question is at the bottom after all the context).

At the salt beach yesterday targets were scarce and the EQX800 a little chatty at those settings. But having read this thread several times I diagnosed no chattyness when coil was still, so I kept the settings as above and NC and AUTOGB frequently.

I dug some deep unrecoverable targets at surfs edge but feel I started to learn this new language.

Found a target with definite high tones in some directions but other high tones with lower vdi and recovered a pyramid sinker clipped to a pompano rig. The targets moved as I dug as the hooks were on swivels and leader. So I think the 800 was reporting correctly on this.

Found a similar mid tone about 15-17 as I recall. This did not move around but it was deep, recovered it as waves washed the hole back in and it was a discolored nickels.

As I checked the hole quickly I hit PP and without thinking swept the spoil pile I had just removed, the tone was deafening and the vdi was -9. But it pinpointed the nikel in the spoil pile.

So finally my question is what if any correlation exists between PP and vdi during pp? I would always try to capture the desired vdi on an iffy target thinking the PP would hit on that number.

Thanks again
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
January 16, 2022 02:37PM
Gosh........... I should have answered this a long time ago!

Pinpoint mode does not give any form of ID. Now................. the split second you release the pinpoint mode...... the ID screen 'may' flash a fairly accurate ID on the VDI screen.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
January 16, 2022 02:49PM
Thank you Tom. I understand better now that you explain it.
BTW: Using the settings I refer to above and had gleaned from this thread I have found that good targets pop through the sometimes slightly chatty falsing.

Very happy with these settings at the beach.

Found a Gucci bracelet with a heart shaped charm a couple days ago at the beach and that signal broke through very clearly.

Appreciate your time. Thanks again
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
April 11, 2023 04:35PM
markg....... this may be what you are looking for.

Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
April 12, 2023 02:06AM
Yes sir it is. I've had the Equinox 800 since they were first released. Seems like all the guys have hunted out every single place we've hunted, well that is what they were saying. But now I have to revisit and change the way I hunted and the settings I've used from the beginning. The only living hunting buddy I now have has bought the Manticore and I'm very excited for him but from now on my setting will change drastically to say the least. Thanks for all you do for us.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
April 12, 2023 08:16AM
Mark....... you're welcome. Sounds like the two of you......have a additional 'learning-curve' ahead of you! It should be fruitful!
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
April 14, 2023 11:20AM
Tried the new settings in my test garden and found 1 coin I had burred long ago but lost. Couldn't locate the coin with any of the stock Equinox programs. These new setting brought this elusive coin back to life, so to speak. Hopefully Saturday will be my first official hunt with these new settings.
Stay tuned.
Thanks Tom.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/15/2023 12:38AM by markg.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
April 14, 2023 11:16PM
Mark....... you said "COULD" locate the coin with any of the stock Equinox programs. Is this what you meant???
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
April 15, 2023 12:46AM
Sorry, it should have been couldn't. I edited the post. Tomorrow will be when the fun begins. My friend bought the Manticore and we are going to an old field where there was a lot of public activities (carnival, ball games etc.)back in the 60's. We have hunted this place to the point of only occasionally getting a good target but only 1 silver in at least 2 years. I'm looking forward to learning this new machine language. Yes, park 1, no discrimination, sensitivity 25 (I can usually run 22-23) if I can, 50 tones, TRR 2, iron bias 0.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
April 17, 2023 02:12AM
markg Wrote:
> Sorry, it should have been couldn't. I edited the
> post. Tomorrow will be when the fun begins. My f
> riend bought the Manticore and we are going to an
> old field where there was a lot of public activiti
> es (carnival, ball games etc.)back in the 60's. W
> e have hunted this place to the point of only occa
> sionally getting a good target but only 1 silver i
> n at least 2 years. I'm looking forward to learni
> ng this new machine language. Yes, park 1, no dis
> crimination, sensitivity 25 (I can usually run 22-
> 23) if I can, 50 tones, TRR 2, iron bias 0.

Doubting my on observations I had to revisit this statement:
Did a factory reset of the 800. Using default settings I could get an audio from each of the different program options on the one target in my test garden I thought I couldn't find. Now park 1 and field 1 gave a good audio and ID. But park 2 and field 2 only have an audio and very faint at that but the ID was blank. The day I checked the elusive target, the EMI may have been a factor.
Still I'm using the above settings exclusively just to see if it will open up hunted out sites. I've been switching to a default park 1 every time I find a deep target but not found any that can't be detected in both group of settings. I've got to find the targets that are iron masked to prove these settings will help me.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
April 17, 2023 01:09PM
There should be some interesting results (in carpets of nails) on EQX........ if you test between Park-1, Field-2 & Beach-2.
Sometimes a slower coil sweep-speed.......with a Target Recovery Response speed of '2'........can also be an eye-opener.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
April 17, 2023 01:16PM
I've been using the special settings at old school sites where I've hunted for years. There is iron in the mix but nothing like old home sites. Now I will say I've dug beaver tails at over 6" deep using these settings but I missed the whole point, carpet of nails. My buddy just got the Manticore and he is hoping it will open up the clean out sites. Will these setting still work better than default at sites like this?
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
April 17, 2023 01:19PM
Site conditions will dictate; yet, in general................ 'customized' settings for a specific site...... "should" always be the trump-card.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
April 22, 2023 01:54AM
I've hunted with TRR 2 at two different sites and have noticed a good solid tone one way but either a broken or silent return sweep. This is with an iron bias of 0.
Now not being satisfied I visited the test garden yet again and headed for the 8" dime. Default settings on the Equinox 800 can only occasionally get a faint non repeatable tone. The F75 gives a good repeatable tone but it's an iron tone and the ID indicated iron in every direction. Setup the Equinox using the settings on this post and noticed the same type of tones, solid one way and either broken or silent return sweep. Changed the TRR to 3 and things began to change, still solid one way and broken tone on the return sweep (never silent).
Changed the TRR to 4 and now I get a good repeatable tone both ways. Now I'm wondering if I need to return to the prior locations and recheck the targets I mentioned earlier in this post. Just thought I'd share.
Okay Tom, is the Manticore the trump card over the 800 in every situation?
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
April 22, 2023 01:59AM
Mark....... then your soil is fairly mineralized!
The Manticore would be a bit of an improvement in most cases; yet, your mineralization would limit 'some' of the additional gain.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
April 22, 2023 12:32PM
NASA-Tom Wrote:
> Mark....... then your soil is fairly mineralized!
> The Manticore would be a bit of an improvement in
> most cases; yet, your mineralization would limit '
> some' of the additional gain.

That explains a lot. Florida soil has very low mineralization and would give you the very best dirt to work with, I guess. That being said I need to take the F75 and check the FE0 indicator, then adjust accordingly. Ironic how the F75 was a true game changer for me when it first came out. Now the Equinox is the game changer for me over the F75. Never ending cycle for sure. In the coming months my friend and I (who bought the manticore) will be doing a lot of comparisons on targets he finds. This will help me to find the optimal settings for my 800 and give me definitive proof if his machine will be of benefit to me where we live.
Well actually it is like the proverbial two edged sword, rather until he learns the machine. There may be times when I can't get the dig, dig signal he can but there may be times when I can and he can't. Time will tell. Let the fun begin.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/22/2023 01:06PM by markg.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
April 22, 2023 02:04PM
Thank God you have a test-garden....and discovered this!!! Otherwise........................... !!!!
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
April 23, 2023 02:31PM

Comparison Question 600/800 Vs 700/900 sensitivity: Are the 700/900 models equivalent in sensitivity to the 600/800 number for number? For example, a sensitivity level of 20 on the 700/900 equivalent to the 600/800 at the same level?

I took the 900 out yesterday on its maiden voyage to an early 1900's playground that I have beaten with the 800... I can say, I am extremely impressed with its separation abilities! I ran a sensitivity of 27 and ran quiet as a church mouse. The coins I found (at the length of my pin pointer and slightly beyond) truly tell me the 900 is not a "re-worked / re-labeled" 800. For those that are on the fence, Minelab made some super improvements!!! I am very happy with the 900's abilities.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
April 24, 2023 03:21AM
Sensitivity is identical.... between EQX 800.......VS.......900. BUT....... EMI handling is slightly improved.......which allows you to run Sens slightly higher....... AND........ the 900 allows you to go beyond Sens 25......which is the peak Sens setting on EQX 800. On the 900.......you can go to Sens 28.

The 900 has some formidable improvements ......over its predecessor.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
April 24, 2023 11:23AM
Thank you Tom.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
April 26, 2023 12:16AM
I'm guessing the latest update took the F2 away. Now there is only FE. Is that correct?

NASA-Tom Wrote:
> PART-1
> This particular thread appears to be the least 'ba
> ttled' …. so I shall post a few EQX MUU-2 data her
> e. The new EQX upgrade (MUU-2) makes the EQX a 3rd
> Generation EQX.
> 1. Original EQX
> 2. EQX with MUU-1
> 3. EQX with MUU-2
> I'm not seeing enough data advertised/on social me
> dia..... or otherwise...………….. about this update.
> Soooooooo……….. let me impart/convey: Target Recove
> ry Response settings remain exactly the same. Pres
> s (and hold) TRR and TRR becomes 'underlined'. You
> now enter into FE Mode/Option. IT TOO.... remains
> exactly the same. You can test FE 0-9 settings hea
> d-to-head..... with a non-upgraded EQX...…. to ver
> ify it is exactly the same. Now press the accept/r
> eject button. You will see the EQX now flip over t
> o the new F2 Mode. This is where 'new life' begins
> .
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
April 26, 2023 01:09PM
Mark...... if I am understanding your question correctly =

The new EQX-900 ONLY has FE. It does NOT have F2. BUT........ to confuse matters even more.........on the new EQX-900: FE IS, IS, IS "F2" !!! Actually..... a enhanced/updated F2!!! We simply/merely called it FE..... for better understanding of "FErrous".
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
May 04, 2023 02:57PM
NASA-Tom Wrote:
> If you are literally in carpets of nails...… use T
> arget Recovery Response '3'. Otherwise...…. put i
> t on '2' (set it and forget it). Even in fairly th
> ick nail-infested sites. Always run Sens as high a
> s EMI/conditions allow...…. even in carpets of nai
> ls. (Audio resolution/resolve is better). I never
> deviate from the incredible artificial intelligenc
> e of 50-Tones. Park-1 (or Beach-1). Volume on '25'
> .... and Iron Volume on '1'. Hit the horseshoe....
> . and Notch nothing! Listen to all of it. Don't be
> afraid to use the huge 11" coil..... even in carpe
> ts of nails. Iron Bias '0'. Use Noise Cancel frequ
> ently. EMI is the 'quiet' (unsuspecting) MAJOR per
> formance killer. Only stipulation: In bad dirt...…
> adjust as-necessary …. to compensate/mitigate this
> bad dirt.
> Then...…. (and only then) will you start to experi
> ence M-IQ.
> ((Target Recovery Response is still badly misunder
> stood by the GP; subsequently, misused/abused.))
> ((( Lessor settings...… and you have (chosen) to r
> evert back to BBS/FBS performance levels. )))

Can I assume, these setting will give the best depth even if you're not in a carpet of nails!
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
May 04, 2023 11:04PM
Mark.........that is correct.,.,.,.,., unless you have mineralized dirt. THEN you would need to figure out what TRR presents the best depth & performance.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
June 29, 2023 11:54AM
Everything being said about hunting in carpet of nails. Is the stock 11" coil better than the Coiltek 10x5 Nox coil in this type environment? Just seems like the slightly smaller width coil may be a slightly better choice in the nails.
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
June 29, 2023 12:08PM
In general........ a smaller coil SHOULD do better in carpets of nails................. regardless of detector brand.

But....... there's multiple caveats!
Something I run into...... here in FAST sink-rate Florida: A small coil may not even be able to reach the depths of where targets begin. A larger coil may reach these depths...... and JUST start to detect the deep targets; yet, separation may be less.

Also.................. (something to ponder): Let's say you have a coin and a nail at 7" deep. The nail is 2" to the side of the coin. (Separated by 2"). You are swinging a 11" coil. The center-beam of the coil is over the coin. The outer beam (edge) of the 11" coil is WELL outboard of the nail. The detector can 'see' the coin!!!
If you are in the exact same scenario ....... but................ this time you are using a smaller coil. Again = The center beam of the coil is over the coin. But.........this time = The outer ring (outboard edge) of the coil is directly over the nail. NO COIN DETECTION!!!

Now..................................... = What if the nail is 5" away from the coin (but at the same depth of the coin).
Now the small coil is not even over/near the nail !!!
But........ the outer ring of the larger coil IS over the nail !!!

This is EXACTLY "why" a standard-sized coil can do 'ok' in carpets of nails. AND "why" a smaller coil may ALSO have attributes ...in heavy trash!!!

({({Am I making any sense?.....or ......are my words garbled.......hard-to-understand!!!)})}???
Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
June 29, 2023 02:36PM
If we get "outside the Box" of so called "Common Knowledge" there are all kinds of things to learn about real world detecting. That is why it is so important to experiment and see for ourselves.

Re: Minelab Equinox owners - Question
June 29, 2023 06:37PM
Did an air test comparing my 600 vs 700. Thought it was pretty interesting when looking at the new dP tone. This is definitely going to be a big advantage for us beach hunters...

Settings for the air test - 20 Sensitivity, 0 Iron bias, 2 Recovery speed (this is 4 on the 800). These are the settings I hunt with. The only thing I ever change is my sensitivity which hovers from 19-23.


Nox 600 in 5 tones:

Quarter: 10"
10k Ring: 12.5"

Nox 700 in 5 tones and All tones:

Quarter: 11.5"
10k Ring: 13"

Nox 700 in dP tone:

Quarter: 13"
10k Ring: 15"


Nox600, CTX, CZ21, Excal II and White's DF with 920i stealthscoop...I live and hunt at the beach in Wilm NCsmiling smiley