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Re: Rick...
December 28, 2019 08:28PM
Reasonable questions and complaints are to be expected. Didn’t much like being called a cheerleader however - even if I do have great legs.
I simply provided information to counter some of the points BB made about things he supposed I couldn’t address because of being in Arizona ad well as why they decided to ask me if I wanted to buy the first one.

As far as “getting all mad” - I’m not mad. However, I have not been asked by Fisher to make any reports to them or anyone else about my AQ. It’s mine and I will comment on it when and where it suits me. The only comments I made in October 2018 when I had a proto for a few days was of observed results in black striped sand in San Diego. Whatever I learn about this machine here in the desert may very well not be of much interest to folks who are correctly only interested in its beach performance.

Rick Kempf
Gold Canyon AZ- where there is no gold

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/28/2019 08:47PM by lytle78.
Re: Rick...
December 28, 2019 08:38PM
I do have to say Rick, that some folks sure want to beat you up over any information on the Impulse. I am sure the majority of us readers appreciate your posts.
Re: Rick...
December 28, 2019 08:55PM
I will say it again something is off with this whole release..... I am guessing the machine is REALLY not ready or didnt turn out like they expected . So they sold rick one for some kind of copy rights??? Commonsense tells me that if Fisher had a REAL breakthrough they would have it all over the internet to help promote sales....

Something is off and I bet only time will tell what it is.
Re: Rick...
December 28, 2019 09:10PM
BeachBum Wrote:

> If FT were a boat building company and designed a
> boat specifically for use on the ocean, then why send the first one to the desert?????

Maybe because as a boat builder, there are a lot of thing that can be tested PRIOR to it being put to sea. Black sand testing, iron target testing, audio, etc. can be done without water.

The freaking thing hasn't been release yet. There is a person who has one that is willing to test certain aspects of it and report back when he has a chance.

Holy crap, give the guy a break.
Re: Rick...
December 28, 2019 09:20PM
It’s not a release. They have built production hardware in advance of release - without hardware in stock, announcing sales release is dumb. The information about the need to book a sale prior to the end of 2019 is what Tim Mallory at Fisher told me and I have no reason to doubt it.

What some forum member’s intuition or suspicion produces is not something I can influence beyond what I have already written.

Rick Kempf
Gold Canyon AZ- where there is no gold
Re: Rick...
December 28, 2019 09:55PM
lytle78 Wrote:
> It’s not a release. They have built production har
> dware in advance of release - without hardware in
> stock, announcing sales release is dumb. The infor
> mation about the need to book a sale prior to the
> end of 2019 is what Tim Mallory at Fisher told me
> and I have no reason to doubt it.
> What some forum member’s intuition or suspicion pr
> oduces is not something I can influence beyond wha
> t I have already written.

Re: Rick...
December 28, 2019 10:52PM
I appreciate Ricks posts and all the info it’s created as well as JAG and Fisher chiming in with some good facts. My comments weren’t meant to beat Rick up. I look forward to seeing what tests he does....just wish I was closer to hold the camera lol. Fingers crossed we can review that manual at least a few weeks before it comes out

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/28/2019 11:21PM by dewcon4414.
Re: Rick...
December 28, 2019 11:50PM
If this detector were the Terra(land format) that was being sent to Rick, then that would make absolutely good sense, since he is at least near some gold bearing regions with some levels of mineralization. Now since Rick bought it and owns it he has zero responsibility to divulge anything about it unless he signed an agreement with FT, which he has stated has not happened. An interesting question is whether Rick is free to sell this detector without any encumbrances? What if a competing manufacturer offered Rick a ridiculous sum of money to get an early peak at the innards? Now I doubt Rick would do that, but the "what if" is interesting.smiling smiley
Re: Rick...
December 29, 2019 12:04AM
BB you “interest me strangely.” To your question of encumbrances - Tim made it clear that as a legitimate purchaser, paid for with my own money - it was my property to dispose of or use as I wish.

Actually Tim Mallory told me that they were offered many tens of thousands of $ to sell one to a serious treasure hunter if they would let him have it exclusively for X months. If you are concerned at the lack of details in the above sentence, I can only say that it ain’t BS, but it was a phone conversation and at 73 my memory isn’t a great as the “lousy” it once was.

Now Tim, of course, turned them down. For the simple reason that they hope to make much more selling thousands of them per year (or maybe more) for years.

Absent an actual offer from some benefactor for by my machine, I would have the same problem. As a dealer for the AQ and for the much bigger market represented by the follow on gold machine - not to mention the later relic machine all on the same platform, I stand to do better than any likely offer - and if it were a competitor who made the offer, I would refuse for the same reason that I refused endless offers of “sweetners” in my 19 years in Arabia in Contracts, Subcontracting and Purchasing - because I respect the trust others put in me - and the case of foreign agencies - the “fangs” of the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act - FCPA - not a road anyone wants to go down.

Rick Kempf
Gold Canyon AZ- where there is no gold

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 12/29/2019 04:23AM by lytle78.
Re: Rick...
December 29, 2019 09:56AM
The AQ Relic Version is the one I'm after. After using my Goldscan's and crushing my fellow DIV group in Culpeper Va. I hope to live long enough to purchase this model.This hunt lead to the development of the Whites TDI.
Re: Rick...
December 29, 2019 01:32PM
The following has nothing to do with Rick but only FT.

If FT wanted to create a copyright prior to the end of 2019 they could have easily done the following:

1. Print a single page White Paper on their Web Site which gave a summary description of the product or underlying technology with Copyright-able verbage and/or logos.
2. Printed out that White Paper and put it in a sealed envelope with the current front page of a newspaper, and mailed it to themselves. That gives them a postmark date.

There now would be no need to ship a detector.

Pure Speculation for entertainment purposes.spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

There is possibly a Financial Instrument or Contract that stipulates that the product needed to be ready for production and shipping by the end of 2019.

Financial Instrument

With a Date Certain in a Financial Instrument it would likely only be the scenario if they had borrowed money specifically for this product/project. Since they have recently done a major expansion this is not very likely as they would be obtaining much larger blocks of money backed by their assets(building, equipment etc).


Pure speculation but more likely. Alexandre Tartar has a contract with FT where he is to get a percentage of AQ sales. But he negotiated a drop dead date of when they had to ship product so that he could begin to realize returns from his design. 2019 was likely the end of the line for FT, or else he could take his design and go elsewhere.
Re: Rick...
December 29, 2019 02:54PM
This was probably a first sale in interstate commerce for trademark registration purposes, not copyright.
Re: Rick...
December 29, 2019 04:33PM
BB - interesting analysis of possible reasons for the need to sell one detector.

Yes Bayard. Your suggestion jogged my memory - he did say trademark, not copyright.

Another note, mine was one of three detectors “shipped” that day, but mine is the only one which was sold to a paying customer.

Rick Kempf
Gold Canyon AZ- where there is no gold

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/29/2019 04:39PM by lytle78.
Re: Rick...
December 29, 2019 07:52PM
I'm curious how well it would perform on a 1715 Fleet Treasure coast beach in Florida.

I have seen detectorists using Minelab GPZ 7000s here. Maybe you can find a GPZ 7000 in gold nugget country and do some comparisons?

If you are interested the Treasure Hunters annual BBQ is held in Wabasso, Fl on Apr 25, 2020. We get several hundred detectorists/salvagers each year.
Tom Dankowski is not too far away (within 30 miles). Maybe you and Tom would like to try it out looking for 1715 Fleet treasure?
Re: Rick...
December 29, 2019 08:34PM
3..... and Tom still didnt get one ....... ugh. Hey...... but ill be looking for mine... surely one of those was mine.hot smiley Robo....you dont need anymore detectors. You can bet ill head over that away just to give it a run in all that wet sand. So are you going to be our expert to answer questions Rick....... or will Alexandre come back on here..... or maybe Carl? You mentioned the machine was going to be simple to use.......well im hoping the manual is well written then to shorten the learning curve. Any of the testers who used the machine IN THE WATER going to be able to share info?
Re: Rick...
December 29, 2019 08:44PM
How do you know Tom didn’t get one - have you asked him?

Rick Kempf
Gold Canyon AZ- where there is no gold
Re: Rick...
December 29, 2019 11:32PM
Rhetorical question Rick I assume? Tom reply’s to PMs and if he can’t say he will tell you so. I’m amazed he still answers all my questions.....he’s one busy guy.
Re: Rick...
December 29, 2019 11:53PM

Guilty as charged of not having any salt water closer than 5 hours away.

You can come test it in NC if you need some salt water!

Loving the email updates. I am really excited to see what this thing can do.


Nox600, CTX, CZ21, Excal II and White's DF with 920i stealthscoop...I live and hunt at the beach in Wilm NCsmiling smiley
Re: Rick...
December 30, 2019 12:32AM
Oh yes, about the “email updates” I ain’t just piddling around about the AQ. I saw more than three years ago an opportunity to track a development program that seemed to be ther result of a “mad scientist” type analyzing and reverse engineering all the available PI detectors produced. And then he went on to improve and then move beyond them.

Over almost 3 years I have posted stuff on various forums about what I had learned - and a good bit of what I had guessed about the so-called Manta Project - then acquired by Fisher. In the process, I noted which forum members seemed to be especially interested. A few months ago I sent PM’s to about 30 of them inviting them to send me their email addresses and real names so that I could add them to an email feed where I would post - in one place - the current state of my (releasable) knowledge about the program. It’s not a secret society, anybody who wants to sign up just needs to email me to lytle78@yahoo.com and ask to be added.

Forums are great - Facebook sucks for our kind of stuff. This list is there so that I can communicate and the list members can receive. No sharing takes place of the member’s ID’s and their various responses (if any) come only to me. I share some which are of general interest, but without showing the source.

It seemed like a good idea to me and seems to be working out well.

Warning - anyone who wishes to “stir up the s**t will find little scope there since only I see the member’s responses - very different from a forum. By the way, lots of Folks charge big bucks for such “newsletters” but my news is free and you may or may not find it worth your attention.

Rick Kempf
Gold Canyon AZ- where there is no gold

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/30/2019 12:40AM by lytle78.
Re: Rick...
December 30, 2019 01:10AM
lytle78 Wrote:
> Oh yes, about the “email updates” I ain’t just pid
> dling around about the AQ. I saw more than three y
> ears ago an opportunity to track a development pro
> gram that seemed to be ther result of a “mad scien
> tist” type analyzing and reverse engineering all t
> he available PI detectors produced. And then he we
> nt on to improve and then move beyond them.
> Over almost 3 years I have posted stuff on various
> forums about what I had learned - and a good bit o
> f what I had guessed about the so-called Manta Pro
> ject - then acquired by Fisher. In the process, I
> noted which forum members seemed to be especially
> interested. A few months ago I sent PM’s to about
> 30 of them inviting them to send me their email ad
> dresses and real names so that I could add them to
> an email feed where I would post - in one place -
> the current state of my (releasable) knowledge abo
> ut the program. It’s not a secret society, anybody
> who wants to sign up just needs to email me to lyt
> le78@yahoo.com and ask to be added.
> Forums are great - Facebook sucks for our kind of
> stuff. This list is there so that I can communicat
> e and the list members can receive. No sharing tak
> es place of the member’s ID’s and their various re
> sponses (if any) come only to me. I share some whi
> ch are of general interest, but without showing th
> e source.
> It seemed like a good idea to me and seems to be w
> orking out well.
> Warning - anyone who wishes to “stir up the s**t w
> ill find little scope there since only I see the m
> ember’s responses - very different from a forum. B
> y the way, lots of Folks charge big bucks for such
> “newsletters” but my news is free and you may or m
> ay not find it worth your attention.

Thank you Rick for taking the time to post all the info on the new Fisher. Will you be e-mailing updates on the land models as well? I would assume it may be some time before they move onto the other models.
Re: Rick...
December 30, 2019 01:16AM
The gold version is well underway - a possible relic machine may happen, but projects in the Impulse line are having to “wait in line” - improved ground handling - possible digital signal analysis.

OK, call it fluff if you want, but you didn’t spend 3 hours on a skype call with Alexandre Tartar yesterday - I did.

I’m in it for as long as my old body carries me forward - hopefully a good long time to come.

I am an enthusiast. If you hate enthusiasm, please feel free to pass on by.

Rick Kempf
Gold Canyon AZ- where there is no gold
Re: Rick...
December 30, 2019 02:14AM
I for one, Rick, appreciate your enthusiasm on the AQ project. I get but a handful of water hunts annually, but have followed the progress of this detector now for quite some time. Thanks for your time and feedback. HH jim tn
Re: Rick...
December 30, 2019 01:56PM
I've had some requests for info:

Treasure Hunters BBQ

April 25, 2020
Pennwood Motor Lodge
Wabasso, Fl
Starts at noon
Re: Rick...
December 30, 2019 11:29PM
Why are they taking so long to get this unit out on the market Mr Rick sir?

Minelab / Nokta-Makro seem to have no problems releasing new products
and marketing them in a very professional manner

In fact, encouraging people to test them in various conditions

Why then, do we have to wait so long for the birth of one metal detector
from such a stalwart in the industry?

You do realize Nokta-Makro stated that they are also making a PI unit
when they first mentioned multi-freq, simultaneous freq, children's detectors etc

Dont you think it is time for the US manufacturers to pull finger not only
in design but more importantly, marketing?

I for one Mr Rick, look forward to your forthcoming presentations_Well done smileys with beer

Re: Rick...
December 30, 2019 11:49PM
They are waiting because they want to do it right.

The road which leads to a new machine which eclipses (obselete is a good work but somebody else used that first) previous beach detectors is a very long and hard one. Alexandre Tartar has been going down that road for over a decade. When his interest in beach detecting led him to try nearly every existing beach detector, he quickly identified Eric Fosters designs as the most promising way forward. And by way forward, I mean that he spent many thousands of hours studying, reverse engineering and developing new approaches in circuit design to surpass Eric’s already solid designs.

The result was the “Manta” Project. This was acquired early in 2017 by Fisher. Then began the painful process of turning an excellent set of circuits into a marketable product. It takes nearly FOREVER for an established company, with dozens of products to support and tens of markets to serve with new products to “productionize” something.

They aren’t quite done and I’m sure Alexandre is spitting nails about it - but there you have it - it ain’t easy to produce a market ready product - if you have ever been part of the process, then you know.

So, while we wait for the release of something many of us have hungered for for many months, here’s a bit of background


They will hit you with two “teaser” pages - ignore them = the first one lets you “get the app” or “continue to website” - there is one more BS choice, but it is obvious.

Rick Kempf
Gold Canyon AZ- where there is no gold

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 12/31/2019 01:08AM by lytle78.
Re: Rick...
December 31, 2019 02:39AM
I see several changes from the "AQ" we seen at the show Russia earlier this year. Compared to some of the new pictures LE JAG posted...........And I like the New Carbon Fiber look.........Interesting...Volcanic sand, I see a Battery indicator? Reject, from iron mask, ATS from SAT Speed and a few other changes. ....then some of the numbers are high lighted in blue? Maybe a suggested setting?.

Blood Member of RingKeepers
2020......Gold Rings....73....Misc Gold 1 .......Silvers ...110
Re: Rick...
December 31, 2019 02:48AM
Yes, the user documentation will explain why those are highlighted,

Also, the factory prototypes used the F75 rod assembly.

My production unit uses the CZ 21 rods mated with the F-75 handle - greatest metal detector handle of all time - thank you Dave Johnson!!

Rick Kempf
Gold Canyon AZ- where there is no gold
Re: Rick...
December 31, 2019 03:17AM
Here’s some recent fun from LE.JAG - the project’s chief tester for 5 years or so - in a UK forum. I have made a couple of edits so that the fact that he writes in French and then posts the Google Translate output - sometimes misleading - sometimes alarming!

And for those like my friend RC who figure sooner or later some “fast follower” like the talented and productive folks in Turkey will bring out a beach PI that will challenge the AQ, this might be useful reading.

the cost of production at FTP
is quite low /

but it is not a standard coil
if the litz thread is laid by a machine
the shielding is infinitely more complex

a standard coil / it is a wire sticking in a plastic shell
paint shield
anyone can do it
but it will never work below 10us
on the wet sand

this detector works at 7us
no one has ever done this before
for two reasons:
they don't know how to do it
and if they knew / the cost would also go up

the coil / box cable is 10 times more expensive than normal cable
because of the 7us
connectors are specific and expensive
because of the 7us

with this detector you will not dig the iron / in rejection mode - the AQ can't see it ((volcanic sand is iron)))
you take the gold ring behind nails
no detector can do it
you take the gold ring behind lead
(under a 25 gr lead bullet)
no detector can do it

if you come across one, on your beach you will see the difference

the only flaw, you've pointed it out
yes, you have to dig deep .........

This highlights another reason why it has taken so long to come to market - Fisher doesn’t want to be selling $5000 detectors - it isn’t in their corporate DNA. They have struggled with how to bring a high production cost, complex machine which was based on hand-built prototypes into the marketplace at a reasonable price without making the whole effort not worth the investment. Doing that meant finding ways to make a low cost production line operation turn out a high quality complex product with a low failure rate. It ain’t easy!!

Rick Kempf
Gold Canyon AZ- where there is no gold

Edited 6 time(s). Last edit at 12/31/2019 03:36AM by lytle78.
Re: Rick...
December 31, 2019 07:13AM
Thank you Mr Rick - it looks impressive winking smiley

Re: Rick...
December 31, 2019 11:00AM
You say the AQ will eclipse...... or even obsolete previous BEACH machines.... like the Nox i assume since its the newest and greatest. Im assuming the AQ will without a doubt be better on the wet sand and in the water...... BUT that leaves a lot of dry sand. Will this machine out perform the Nox in the dry sand? Thats over half the hunting area on most beaches and they can be pretty trashy. It doesnt have a TID screen. Many of us use an Xcal even for dry sand hunting.. it has no TID....BUT its tones are VERY distinct. A single or couple of tones can be done... if you have the dig it all mind set.... but i dont see it eclipsing a TID screen machine in the dry sand that many have gotten used to and now pays less than half for. So the primary use will be wet sand and water.