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Is it really the detector or is it just that your digging more iffy targets?

Posted by 88junior 
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Is it really the detector or is it just that your digging more iffy targets?
February 21, 2020 10:40PM
There has been a few machines released lately that everyone thinks are the best thing since sliced bread. But is it really the machines that are finding you the goods or is it your digging more targets not knowing for sure what your going to find? I have had a couple of these new machines and my good finds rate went up but also did my trash finds rate. A few on this forum and a couple other forums say that anything other these new machines are junk but I am here to tell you that is not true. I can find as much trash and goods with the other machines as I can find with these new machines. So what I'm trying to get at is don't believe all that you read on these forums. Pick a machine purchase a couple of coils with it that you think would suit your type of hunting and learn it and you will find as much as the guys with these new age machines.
Re: Is it really the detector or is it just that your digging more iffy targets?
February 21, 2020 10:59PM
88junior Wrote:
> There has been a few machines released lately that
> everyone thinks are the best thing since sliced br
> ead. But is it really the machines that are findin
> g you the goods or is it your digging more targets
> not knowing for sure what your going to find? I ha
> ve had a couple of these new machines and my good
> finds rate went up but also did my trash finds rat
> e. A few on this forum and a couple other forums s
> ay that anything other these new machines are junk
> but I am here to tell you that is not true. I can
> find as much trash and goods with the other machin
> es as I can find with these new machines. So what
> I'm trying to get at is don't believe all that you
> read on these forums. Pick a machine purchase a co
> uple of coils with it that you think would suit yo
> ur type of hunting and learn it and you will find
> as much as the guys with these new age machines.

Speak of the devil. I was talking to a fellow metal detectorist just this morning long distance this subject was talked about.
I won’t say older models are junk. They can still find stuff.

Let’s hone in on gold rings.
Which is the better detector?
Imo based on my use the Minelab Equinox.
It is a more efficient tool for this job.
One will dig less trash yet will detect more rings by virtue of ID alone.
Can this be done with Etrac ? Nope
CTX? Nope
Lower conductors ID odds wise more skewed by ferrous materials laying near gold rings.
Also someone on this forum stated Equinox 800 detector the deepest small coil detector they had operated. Guess who this was? He has run a bunch.
So this depth with small coil opens up some odds too vs other VLF detectors.
Deus ID sketchy even on solo sitting targets, add ferrous its id skewed.

So using Equinox with 11” coil and digging signals with 6-15 ID will yield rings and some junk.
Deep rings too if they are there.
Try this with another VLF with 11” coil user will be have higher junk vs rings vs using EQinox.

Now don’t confuse this with extremes as far as finding a ring. There are no absolutes but there are worthy trends. Trends will help a generally in the long run vs operating on extremes.

Just my take others may see this differently.
Equinox is nickel hound too because nickel ID less skewed on average due to ferrous material affecting.
Btw I have done vidoes and posted on YouTube to support what I say above.

Now some folks may indeed dig less junk per say nickel found with CTX. Does this translate into sayingctx didn’t miss any via ID? Nope.
What I am saying I had rather hunt behind CTX with Equinox for nickels and rings vs the other way around.
When done detecting site, odds would be lower of a missed gold ring or nickel.

Some folks just because they are finding stuff are satisfied and some think they are not leaving detectable stuff behind.
These folks are dead wrong though.

Smaller foil will fool id wise many VLF Detectors. Equinox least likely to be not tellig the truth to operator.
Up averaging of most VLF can bite an op.
Sure small foil signls could be real small gold.
But a person is wasting their time imo digging this mess to get real small gold or parts of gold jewelry.

Modern trash can wreak havoc on a detectorist time detecting for gold rings nickels, 3 cent pieces made of nickel, etc.

Naturally if in an older site with no modern trash. This less critical still though depending on one’s allowable detecting time cherry picking has its place.

Small coil on EQX comments below, I put comment in bold. Only alteration.

Keith Southern Wrote:
> Side by side use on both.
> The The 7" N/M is for sure the better on co-locate
> s in nails.very very sleuthy in iron..with eerie e
> ase
> The 600 Minelab coil is the better at Recovery spe
> ed.A good bit better.This is at setting of 4 recov
> ery.
> In other words the N/M can blend/average targets i
> n iron better than the EQ but the EQ can recover f
> aster from one isolated target to the next .
> I don't see a stellar jump from stock coil to the
> 600 coil on the EQ8 on unmasking in just nails I d
> o see better unmasking when running a disc/Notchin
> g pattern though with the small coil in more multi
> period polluted sites.But wide open all accepted i
> n just nails the stock and small coil are Very muc
> h alot alike...but that's not a bad thing..it show
> s how well the stock coil can do in nails..Stock c
> oil can handle alot of nails under it at once and
> still lock onto a non ferrous target.
> The 6" EQ coil By the way is the deepest small coi
> l I've seen on a detector..PHENOMENAL.
> Keith

Edited 15 time(s). Last edit at 02/21/2020 11:43PM by tnsharpshooter.
Re: Is it really the detector or is it just that your digging more iffy targets?
February 21, 2020 11:45PM
Didn't Keith now say that about the small coil on the Vista X?
Re: Is it really the detector or is it just that your digging more iffy targets?
February 22, 2020 12:19AM
D&P-OR Wrote:
> Didn't Keith now say that about the small coil on
> the Vista X?
Don’t think he gave vista x small coil review here.
I could be wrong.
He may have elsewhere.
Re: Is it really the detector or is it just that your digging more iffy targets?
February 22, 2020 12:21AM
Myself...I haven’t had trouble finding low conductors such as nickels in iron with FBS/2. Some say they have issues with it. Weird....It seems that a very large part with the EQX and the “good finds vs junk” thing has a lot to do with where the iron bias is set. Bump it to 4-5 and see if your ratio changes for the better. It’ll help to weed out bad targets posing as good targets. Sure, you’ll pass by a few good ones that register really badly but it’s a matter of odds and maximizing your finds. Over the years I have made some of my best finds in places that absolutely SUCK.
Here’s a target that registered 20-22 on the 800 which should have been a 29-30 if it was alone...but it wasnt. Skip to 3:00....[youtu.be]

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/22/2020 12:23AM by IDXMonster.
Re: Is it really the detector or is it just that your digging more iffy targets?
February 22, 2020 12:25AM
IDXMonster Wrote:
> Myself...I haven’t had trouble finding low conduct
> ors such as nickels in iron with FBS/2. Some say t
> hey have issues with it. Weird....It seems that a
> very large part with the EQX and the “good finds v
> s junk” thing has a lot to do with where the iron
> bias is set. Bump it to 4-5 and see if your ratio
> changes for the better. It’ll help to weed out bad
> targets posing as good targets. Sure, you’ll pass
> by a few good ones that register really badly but
> it’s a matter of odds and maximizing your finds. O
> ver the years I have made some of my best finds in
> places that absolutely SUCK.
> Here’s a target that registered 20-22 on the 800 w
> hich should have been a 29-30 if it was alone...bu
> t it wasnt...[youtu.be]

Actually odds wise on a detected higher conductor EQX less odds of being more accurate vs say fbs/fbs2 Detectors. Go to lower conductors EQX more accurate than fbs/fbs2.
My example above was with nickels and gold rings.

Now somewhere near second generation IH coin conductive level it’s a wash as far as which is more accurate on average.

Eqx still may pull a nonferrous higher or lower conductor of a site whereas FBS/fbs2 user just can’t hear (audio wise). ID may be good or in error on Nox.

Btw this IDbeing skewed by comingled ferrous when a high or lower nonferous conductor is compared between Etrac and CTX. I am allowing for the scale being bigger 50 points on the Etrac and CTX vs 35 for the Nox (nonferrous range). First pass of coil centered over scenario with minimum coil height above ground.

Edited 7 time(s). Last edit at 02/22/2020 01:25AM by tnsharpshooter.
Re: Is it really the detector or is it just that your digging more iffy targets?
February 22, 2020 12:40AM
This thread here a person put together.
Wonder if we swept all these rings flat what would range would most id in xx-xx on Equinox.
Notice the span (conductive number on Etrac. I sure would hate to dig every thing reading 01 conductive number on Etrac in modern trash site.

If we go to other end of spectrum.
Zinc penny - big silver 38/39-47/48 on etrac/CTX.
Equinox range is 19- 30/31.
Equinox nonferrous scale smaller yet detection ID span larger vs Etrac/ CTX - higher conductors.

Little video I did some time ago comparing Eqx and Etrac. Shows some strengths and weaknesses of each model. Again one needs to be mindful of the nonferrous ID range on each model.

Deus compared to Eqx. iD skewing by ferrous material. Deus ID never read out of single digits. Btw in the wild actual detected nonferrous objects (masked) can read as low as 00 or 01 in meter. If one is in real old site. With lots of nails. And you haven’t dug any nonferrous reading 00 or 01 you likely have not found all (detectable by Deus) nonferrous items in site. Could be coins, relics, etc. not necessarily bb sized nonferrous that was not located previously. There will be clues (tone wise) on these lower reading items. Not standout yet one can hear. These targets reading like they are Deus is being taxed to the max with its unmasking abilities. Put lot of other VLF over these kinds of targets = notta or just iron tone.

Edited 13 time(s). Last edit at 02/22/2020 01:55AM by tnsharpshooter.
Re: Is it really the detector or is it just that your digging more iffy targets?
February 22, 2020 05:19PM
I ain't sure what it is with the Nox but I dug a lot more trash with it than any other detector I've used and it wasn't because I didn't take the time to learn it.
Re: Is it really the detector or is it just that your digging more iffy targets?
February 22, 2020 05:51PM
Hunted a home built in the 1930s just yesterday. The yard is small and most of where I think the older coins would have been, was paved over with a driveway about 30 years ago.

Anyway, hunted it with my CTX and dug all the coin signals including my nickel range and basically everything from 12:35 on into the 12:40s. I dug several clad coins, 3 wheats, and a buffalo nickel. Oddly...no silver. Trash wise, there just wasn't a lot there that IDed in the coin range. I did get some thicker pieces of aluminum guttering that IDed in the coin range of both machines. My settings were: Sens 25, Low Trash, Deep ON, and a downloaded old coins program that is way more open than the stock coins program on the unit. I had my Nox 800 with me to compare signals with...and every signal I got with the CTX, I also got with the Nox...and all the coins, IDed in the low to mid 20s on the Nox. So far, so good. I hunted it from two different directions and even though I had not dug as many coins and I would have liked, I was satisfied that if I left right then, that I had done a great job of picking the coins from that yard.


I put the CTX away and rehunted the same yard with the Nox. Park 1, Sens 20, Iron Bias 0.

What do you think was the result?

I walked about 5 steps and got a 23-25 signal on the Nox. From all directions. To me, that's a coin. I picked the CTX up to see what it read this target as, and it did give a signal but was well outside of what I consider the coin range. It IDed 12:20s. I dug and out around 5 inches comes a wheat cent. Maybe it was a fluke? Nope. I located 8 more signals with the Nox that were 20-28 range signals from all directions. 5 more wheat cents, 1 merc dime, and two pieces of some kind of aluminum tubing stuff. On all those signals, the CTX did detect them...it's just that the ID was nowhere near what I would dig for a coin. The coins were 5 to 8 inches deep. The dime was the highest reading one and it did hit in the 12:30 range...which silver dimes usually come in at the mid 12:40s on the CTX. Not that one.

So in this particular instance...had I started with the Nox, I would have gotten all the coins the CTX got, with the addition of 6 wheats and a silver dime that the CTX mis IDed for whatever reason, and only dug 2 more pieces of trash doing so.

That's the pattern I've been seeing. I don't claim to be an expert on either machine. I'm just reporting what I had happen on a recent hunt.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/22/2020 06:51PM by Daniel Tn.
Re: Is it really the detector or is it just that your digging more iffy targets?
February 22, 2020 11:28PM
Regarding the Nox being great at finding nickles......it hasn't been good to me at all. Still waiting to find my first nickle.

Regarding Keith's statement that the 6" is the deepest he's seen...... I'm guessing he forgot about the 5" coil on the Troy X5.

Still learning.
Re: Is it really the detector or is it just that your digging more iffy targets?
February 22, 2020 11:52PM
88junior Wrote:
> There has been a few machines released lately that
> everyone thinks are the best thing since sliced br
> ead. But is it really the machines that are findin
> g you the goods or is it your digging more targets
> not knowing for sure what your going to find? I ha
> ve had a couple of these new machines and my good
> finds rate went up but also did my trash finds rat
> e. A few on this forum and a couple other forums s
> ay that anything other these new machines are junk
> but I am here to tell you that is not true. I can
> find as much trash and goods with the other machin
> es as I can find with these new machines. So what
> I'm trying to get at is don't believe all that you
> read on these forums. Pick a machine purchase a co
> uple of coils with it that you think would suit yo
> ur type of hunting and learn it and you will find
> as much as the guys with these new age machines.

That’s it in a nutshell buddy. Folks nowadays spend more time analyzing a signal and the detector their swinging rather than digging the damn thing and finding out for sure what it is. The more trash you dig the more treasure you’ll find.Thats a fact. But that seems to be an old school politically incorrect way of doing it nowadays. There’s a crap load of know it all Indians on social media forums but very few chiefs that really know. One can figure out who’s who after a while. For me,I’ve always been a die hard in learning the detector I’m using and not being concerned about the flavor of the day.
Re: Is it really the detector or is it just that your digging more iffy targets?
February 23, 2020 12:38AM
Truthfully it's likely a combination of both. As sites dry up, you're left with no choice, but on the other hand, as detectors evolve, they also push the envelope of detecting capabilities further, so those previously iffy signals might get a better chance at coming in cleaner with better coils, better separation, and better analysis algorithms.

The site that I just dug a $1 gold coin, three seated dimes, and an IHP we've been detecting for ten years. TonCA has no interest in going there any more because it's a tough site and for whatever reason, in his mind, he's never done great at that site (if you read between the lines, that means he's never found a gold coin or valuable seated ha ha). Between the four people I know that have been there, many top of the line detectors have been there - F75 LTD/LTD2, AT Pro, Explorer 2, Bandito (for iron), XLT, Whites V3i, Racer 2, Multi Kruzer, and now EQ800. There's been hunts where neither Tom or I have dug a single coin, I dug five in one trip and I wouldn't say that any of them were "iffy" signals. The gold coin, one seated, and the IHP were all crystal clear signals. One seated was a whisper, but it was also 9" deep, but on the EQ800 it had that tell tale repeatable high silver tinkle tone, with a high TID on the meter, the last seated I dug you had to do the Minelab wiggle in between the iron to get a good signal, but there was a repeatable high tone there.

So I don't know, digging more iffy signals or better machine, potatoe or potato? I would have liked to see what Tom got on his Exp2 or what I got on my F75 LTD2 on those five coins to see if the EQ800 doing something they cannot do, or was I just lucky? This is the same site I dug 14 seated dimes and half dimes from some kind of cache (in one weekend) a couple of years ago that we also missed on previous hunts, and TomCA thinks his Exp2 would've heard them, but that's now 19 coins he missed, and they were all in the same general area, so luck, better machine, or ? The data does seem to indicate that the EQ800 is doing something different IMO.
Re: Is it really the detector or is it just that your digging more iffy targets?
February 23, 2020 02:02AM
Brian---I got a question for you---(well TWO questions. smiling smiley-----Were you using the 11" stock coil on your E800 when you found those coins?----Do you ever use the 6" coil on your E800?----Del-----Cal_cobra Wrote:
> Truthfully it's likely a combination of both. As
> sites dry up, you're left with no choice, but on t
> he other hand, as detectors evolve, they also push
> the envelope of detecting capabilities further, so
> those previously iffy signals might get a better c
> hance at coming in cleaner with better coils, bett
> er separation, and better analysis algorithms.
> The site that I just dug a $1 gold coin, three sea
> ted dimes, and an IHP we've been detecting for ten
> years. TonCA has no interest in going there any m
> ore because it's a tough site and for whatever rea
> son, in his mind, he's never done great at that si
> te (if you read between the lines, that means he's
> never found a gold coin or valuable seated ha ha).
> Between the four people I know that have been ther
> e, many top of the line detectors have been there
> - F75 LTD/LTD2, AT Pro, Explorer 2, Bandito (for i
> ron), XLT, Whites V3i, Racer 2, Multi Kruzer, and
> now EQ800. There's been hunts where neither Tom o
> r I have dug a single coin, I dug five in one trip
> and I wouldn't say that any of them were "iffy" si
> gnals. The gold coin, one seated, and the IHP wer
> e all crystal clear signals. One seated was a whi
> sper, but it was also 9" deep, but on the EQ800 it
> had that tell tale repeatable high silver tinkle t
> one, with a high TID on the meter, the last seated
> I dug you had to do the Minelab wiggle in between
> the iron to get a good signal, but there was a rep
> eatable high tone there.
> So I don't know, digging more iffy signals or bett
> er machine, potatoe or potato? I would have liked
> to see what Tom got on his Exp2 or what I got on m
> y F75 LTD2 on those five coins to see if the EQ800
> doing something they cannot do, or was I just luck
> y? This is the same site I dug 14 seated dimes an
> d half dimes from some kind of cache (in one week
> end) a couple of years ago that we also missed on
> previous hunts, and TomCA thinks his Exp2 would've
> heard them, but that's now 19 coins he missed, and
> they were all in the same general area, so luck, b
> etter machine, or ? The data does seem to indicat
> e that the EQ800 is doing something different IMO.
Re: Is it really the detector or is it just that your digging more iffy targets?
February 23, 2020 02:45AM
I've pounded the hell out of an old site using ALL of my high-tech detectors with my 'dig it all mentality' and then go back with one of my Tesoro detectors and find a Banner Find. Did I just miss it or do Tesoro detectors with concentric search coils see things differently? I don't know, but it keeps happening over and over again. One thing for certain, my dig it all mentality is slowly coming to an end because it's beginning to hurt. So now I'm doing more cherry-picking for silver coins which has caused my gold count to go down.

Re: Is it really the detector or is it just that your digging more iffy targets?
February 23, 2020 03:10AM
Hi Del,

I was using the stock 11" coil, never have tried the 6" there. I did try the 15" coil and dug a seated there with it. I will try the 6" coil on my next trip there. I used it last year at a hammered to death ghost town. The first day there I used the stock 11" coil and dug a few coins/tokens, and the next day I hit the same area at the ghost town with the 6" coil and dug more coins/tokens. The little 6" coil goes fairly deep too for such a little coil.


D&P-OR Wrote:
> Brian---I got a question for you---(well TWO quest
> ions. smiling smiley-----Were you using the 11" stock coil on
> your E800 when you found those coins?----Do you ev
> er use the 6" coil on your E800?----Del-----Cal_co
> bra Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Truthfully it's likely a combination of both. A
> s
> > sites dry up, you're left with no choice, but on
> t
> > he other hand, as detectors evolve, they also pu
> sh
> > the envelope of detecting capabilities further,
> so
> > those previously iffy signals might get a better
> c
> > hance at coming in cleaner with better coils, be
> tt
> > er separation, and better analysis algorithms.
> >
> > The site that I just dug a $1 gold coin, three s
> ea
> > ted dimes, and an IHP we've been detecting for t
> en
> > years. TonCA has no interest in going there any
> m
> > ore because it's a tough site and for whatever r
> ea
> > son, in his mind, he's never done great at that
> si
> > te (if you read between the lines, that means he
> 's
> > never found a gold coin or valuable seated ha ha
> ).
> > Between the four people I know that have been th
> er
> > e, many top of the line detectors have been ther
> e
> > - F75 LTD/LTD2, AT Pro, Explorer 2, Bandito (for
> i
> > ron), XLT, Whites V3i, Racer 2, Multi Kruzer, an
> d
> > now EQ800. There's been hunts where neither Tom
> o
> > r I have dug a single coin, I dug five in one tr
> ip
> > and I wouldn't say that any of them were "iffy"
> si
> > gnals. The gold coin, one seated, and the IHP w
> er
> > e all crystal clear signals. One seated was a w
> hi
> > sper, but it was also 9" deep, but on the EQ800
> it
> > had that tell tale repeatable high silver tinkle
> t
> > one, with a high TID on the meter, the last seat
> ed
> > I dug you had to do the Minelab wiggle in betwee
> n
> > the iron to get a good signal, but there was a r
> ep
> > eatable high tone there.
> >
> > So I don't know, digging more iffy signals or be
> tt
> > er machine, potatoe or potato? I would have lik
> ed
> > to see what Tom got on his Exp2 or what I got on
> m
> > y F75 LTD2 on those five coins to see if the EQ8
> 00
> > doing something they cannot do, or was I just lu
> ck
> > y? This is the same site I dug 14 seated dimes
> an
> > d half dimes from some kind of cache (in one we
> ek
> > end) a couple of years ago that we also missed o
> n
> > previous hunts, and TomCA thinks his Exp2 would'
> ve
> > heard them, but that's now 19 coins he missed, a
> nd
> > they were all in the same general area, so luck,
> b
> > etter machine, or ? The data does seem to indic
> at
> > e that the EQ800 is doing something different IM
> O.
Re: Is it really the detector or is it just that your digging more iffy targets?
February 23, 2020 03:13AM
Daniel & Brian...….. yes...….. M-IQ is indeed analyzing/algorithms differently...…. and more cleanly. It indeed: Opens old doors.
Re: Is it really the detector or is it just that your digging more iffy targets?
February 23, 2020 03:32AM
NASA-Tom Wrote:
> Daniel & Brian...….. yes...….. M-IQ is indeed analyzing/algorithms differently...…. and more cleanly. It indeed: Opens old doors.

It was like when I went from my F75 to the Racers. My sites that dried up w/the F75 all of a sudden had more oldies, had a site that you'd struggle to get one IHP or wheatie at a hunt for two years, and first hunt with the Red Racer produced a couple of silvers and a couple of wheaties. TomCA noticed that at our sites where he pretty routinely kicked my butt that our target counts were on par (or sometimes I'd even best him) between the Racers and his trusty Exp2. That phenomena continued with the Impact and Multi Kruzer, and now the EQ800. Do they make other machines obsolete, of course not, they just see things differently. I will say that I've been quite happy with my finds going up using the Makros and EQ800.
Re: Is it really the detector or is it just that your digging more iffy targets?
February 23, 2020 01:48PM
My bout with Tesoro machines came to an end when I realized those "snap crackle pops" I was hearing, were actually good targets being rejected. We had just always assumed it was iron and the detector doing its job rejecting it. I always ran them with just enough disc to knock out a square nail. Once we realized what was really happening, it didn't take long to ditch those things. We had no idea what we were missing. Now we know...and it's almost sickening to think of all the ground we thought we had covered with them. We were more the less wasting our time and didn't even know it.

As for analyzing a signal, to me THAT IS how you learn a detector. I take detecting from a different approach some times. I hunt by myself most of the time these days; just because I don't really like people all that much. I can move at my own pace and for me, it's more about figuring out the site itself and not so much of a race to dig every signal out of it. To each their own. I like trying to figure out why one detector responds different than another detector over the same target. Seeing what setting changes do for it, and then seeing what the actual target is. Why is one machine IDing this target as a coin and the other saying it's trash...which is correct, etc. That's all part of learning to me.
Re: Is it really the detector or is it just that your digging more iffy targets?
February 23, 2020 02:14PM
Yeah one can learn a detector model. One of the older ones. And find stuff. It’s whatever a person desires to use. But having honest discussion and sharing results in the field and testing of newer models should be welcomed here. By one doing (like myself) I’m not telling anyone to go out and buy one. If we assume some of the newer detectors are no better than the older, Then what are some saying here? Folks like NASA-Tom, Geotech, Dimitar, all these engineers are doing what ? Basically wasting their time?
I don’t think so. Actually if some of these engineers could tell us all they know and what they have witnessed and discussed with fellow engineers we would all be surprised. Yeah some secrets are and due to NDAs, intellectual property lawss, etc.

If one chooses a model detector and they are very satissified and have no inkling for another model detector, Why read post and threads about other models and post for lack of a better phrase -negative comments or comments may that have negative connotations?

Myself I like to hear folks discuss or describe their use of detector models, What they hear and see when they compare to other models. It is not at all personal for me. I have never met a lot of folks here. I don’t hate anyone here. No fees for using this forum. No fees for getting another’s perspective on a detector model. All fun, all educational.

Little quirks here and there some folks here can and do find with detector models. Some share some don’t. That’s fine. I think the release of several models sorta quickly has caused some animosity here. Understandable. I do think some folks do in their minds feel intimidated as they don’t have certain gear. They can’t afford, or if they can afford they don’t want to go through the motions of learning another detector.

Cheers and have a nice day .

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 02/23/2020 02:18PM by tnsharpshooter.
Re: Is it really the detector or is it just that your digging more iffy targets?
February 24, 2020 02:47AM
What Tom said above....I have been saying it since I got mine from the first batch available in the U.S.. It does things other detectors will not...It does not take much testing to figure that out either......
Re: Is it really the detector or is it just that your digging more iffy targets?
February 24, 2020 07:33PM
Jewelry hunting, at least "inland" jewelry hunters are pretty much handicapped. The prevailing thought process among design engineers appears to follow two camps....1) jewelry hunting and relic hunting is the same, or 2) jewelry hunting and prospecting is the same..

Both thought processes are incorrect. For the most part Relic hunters only care about ferrous / non ferrous, and Prospectors only want hots on tiny and small gold.

Jewelry hunter are hunting for valuable non-ferrous targets hiding in non-ferrous trash. To employ the relic hunter's strategy of dig all non-ferrous is self defeating. The prospector's hot detectors scream just loud on the non-ferrous trash as it does on the valuable non-ferrous target, again, self defeating.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/24/2020 07:36PM by Mike Hillis.
Re: Is it really the detector or is it just that your digging more iffy targets?
February 24, 2020 09:26PM
Mike Hillis Wrote:
> Jewelry hunting, at least "inland" jewelry hunters
> are pretty much handicapped. The prevailing thou
> ght process among design engineers appears to foll
> ow two camps....1) jewelry hunting and relic hunti
> ng is the same, or 2) jewelry hunting and prospect
> ing is the same..
> Both thought processes are incorrect. For the mo
> st part Relic hunters only care about ferrous / no
> n ferrous, and Prospectors only want hots on tiny
> and small gold.
> Jewelry hunter are hunting for valuable non-ferrou
> s targets hiding in non-ferrous trash. To employ
> the relic hunter's strategy of dig all non-ferrous
> is self defeating. The prospector's hot detector
> s scream just loud on the non-ferrous trash as it
> does on the valuable non-ferrous target, again, se
> lf defeating.
> Mike

Yep, when you find gold jewelry dirt fishing, you have done something. Cherrypicking high conductors like silver coins at parks and digging non-ferrous targets at good relic sites is a cakewalk compared to jewelry hunting at trashy parks.

Re: Is it really the detector or is it just that your digging more iffy targets?
February 25, 2020 11:47AM
A great deal has to do with recovery time as well....... the Nox is just FAST with a shorter response... BUT a very good TID. If you can get better TID......along with better separation in trash..... much like we do with small coils you just seem and hear more favorable targets.... and yes we dig more or those so called iffy targets that a slow recovery machine may not respond to ... or responds to differently because of near targets.