IHave one of these I got in a trade from a few years back and it still works, and will take a charge, but I’m sure by now the batteries will need to be replacing soon. If you’re familiar with these, you know they were built custom for each buyer ($2k), especially built for neutral sand and deep gold. They do NOT work on mineralized beaches, but great for other non-mineralized beaches and in salt water shallow diving.
. The main guy that sold and supported them was Rudy “Mr. Gold”, and he’s passed on now. Built in a otterbox style waterproof housing, and on custom Nautilus electronics technology. I know some of the south Florida guys may still be using their from time to time and could want one for spare parts, or maybe a collector of legacy detectors. Send me a PM if interested, and I will give you a list of what is included, and can send a video of it working. Will consider worthy offers. Local pickup or delivery at buyer’s expense.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/02/2023 10:34AM by Gary in Daytona.