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Quick questionfor Tom.... I hunt gulf beaches in Pensacola and Alabama. What are you running your disc at, and Upper and lower ferrous limits also. I want to be sure I don't miss tiny gold.
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
dave_e Wrote:
> basstrackerman Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> Never seen a company like this.
> I agree, but to me it's refreshing. Not annoying
> at all.
Yeah it's not refreshing at all to have a company try and silence people that just don't ag
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
This I feel is definitely combative behavior. Never seen a company like this. It's almost like watching a political ad in the USA. They talk alot about how bad the other guy is before talking about their own promises. I absolutely hate that kind of advertising. Also to note... Daniel has been detecting for decades like me and many others on here so to call him out as if he "wouldn
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
steveg Wrote:
> Well, at LEAST for now, my battery issues will be
> somewhat lessened, even BEFORE my power pack arriv
> es, because -- I have begun to reach the conclusio
> n that may not be hunting much in ATHC in most of
> my Oklahoma sites...
> The Manticore in ATHC simply KICKED MY REAR END to
> day.
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Steve, why not just build a quick release hinged mount that can fold forward for the pod? Buy a matching battery that comes in manticore and when battery is low just use quick release, fold pod forward , swap battery, snap back into place and keep detecting. I've seen these made for the equinox. And now since batter is user replaceable easily and quickly then it seems a mount that offers q
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
I had or thought I had all of my search modes in medium. That most likely wasn't the case. I was in the middle of a hunt and decided to try high conductor and thought I had switched to medium but I'm betting I didn't. In clean ground I also will use simple. It doesn't make sense to set default on HC mode with most modulation. Needs to be simple or at least medium.
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
I got it figured out right before I watched TN sharpshooter video for adjustments I had already did another factory reset and I was in the process of going through the adjustments when I seen his video pop up I must have hit the back button twice or something after I set my audio modulation to medium on the high conductor. That's all I can figure I wish I would have went in and checked that
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
vipergts323 Wrote:
> Just a thought, do you have the audio theme set to
> Rich audio for the High Conductors?
No. All audio in all modes were the same. At least the modes tested
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Okay I'm running the manticore and I've noticed in all terrain high conductor only it has a much lower volume than all of the rest of the modes Even if I set them all up is close to exactly the same as I can. The same ground balance the horseshoe pressed for an all open screen , the same setting on speed and noise cancel, tones etc and I can run through all of the modes on the same volu
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
marcomo Wrote:
> I guess I'm one of the lucky ones, I haven't had a
> ny problems with the Nox in over three and a half
> years. I think it helped my odds that I don't use
> it in the water or sand except for three hunts ear
> lier this year on vacation at Gulf Shores. I ran i
> nto a couple ladies the
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
steveg Wrote:
> basstrackerman --
> I guess the only thing I'm not following, is what
> the problem is that needs solving. I may be missi
> ng it (after all, I'm on the night shift right now
> , so my brain is not functioning at 100%, LOL). B
> ut, what I'm saying is, if someone has an older E
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
steveg Wrote:
> basstrackerman Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > steveg Wrote:
> > ------------------------------------------------
> --
> > -----
> > > basstrackerman and khouse --
> > >
> > > Isn't more complicated than using your
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
steveg Wrote:
> basstrackerman and khouse --
> Isn't more complicated than using your (existing)
> "old style" lower rods for the "old style" coils,
> and your new lower rod (that would come with purch
> ase of a 700/900) with the "new style" coils? As
> long as the lower ro
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
D&P-OR Wrote:
> What's going to happen to resale prices on 600s &
> 800s?
This is why I sell detectors when I feel something is coming down the pipe. The value is still there before a release so I sell. Then when the new one comes out I can either buy the new model or the older model much cheaper. Prices are goi
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
NASA-Tom Wrote:
> sumrtym & basstrackerman.......... We are still to
> ssing around the idea of keeping the old-style coi
> l ears..... or using the upgraded coil anchor. All
> the feedback may very well cause us to (marketing-
> wise) keep the older style coil ears....... just f
> or the interchangeability of 60
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
NASA-Tom Wrote:
> steveg....... (I'm badly short on time....but) cor
> rect on ALL accounts!
> Remember....... the EQX 700/900 share the same ear
> less coil! The ears ... are now on the shaft!
This is inaccurate. Minelab just beefed up the coil ears on the coils made for the equinox series due to having th
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
doc holiday Wrote:
> OUCH !!!!!!!!!!! I guess men can have periods/get
> pregnant.
Yes I've seen that lol. Liberals are actually installing tampon dispensers in men's restrooms. Wtf lmao. Don't worry, I'm not.. I'm a Trump conservative 2nd amendment loving American man.
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Kingfish Wrote:
> Tom, Why are you not allowed to talk about Mantico
> re, yet, Minelab Debbie can post a 20 minute VIDEO
> all about the Manticore?
Because he can then drag out the subject for eternity to keep people following and asking questions. Once the information is out the subject dies.... The need for more informati
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
All of the above. Also zinc pennies come in at 42-44 on mine and dimes are 42-44. Copper pennies are coming in at 35-38 most and a few in the upper 50's to 60-1. Never had any other detector ever have a copper penny cause wrap around. Some other targets are not coming in a consistent range either. Makes it very difficult to use when targets are not coming in where they should .
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
steveg Wrote:
> OK, one more note.
> I find the machine to be ergonomically uncomfortab
> le. I am tall (6' 2" tall) and as such, with my l
> ong arms, I run the Equinox arm cuff in the rear-m
> ost cuff hole. This positioning allows the cuff t
> o sit near my elbow, which thus allows me more "
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
ScoTTT2 Wrote:
> I went to Aaron's forum yesterday and everything s
> eems to be gone .. no discussion forum, no utube v
> ideos
That's not good. I wonder what's going on?
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
NASA-Tom Wrote:
> Nothing was said about the ID of the Nickel; yet,
> you can fairly easily tell (by the tones) .... tha
> t the ID is fairly accurate.
> THAT should flip the metal detecting World up-side
> -down!
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Pimento Wrote:
> I guess these things may depend on where in the wo
> rld you are watching, but that was unwatchable. 1
> 0 seconds of adverts before the start, fair enough
> , I can handle that. Then 1/3rd the way through, a
> three minute advert about toilet training my dog.
> I don't have a dog. Followed by
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
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