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Results 991 - 1020 of 1135
Did you notice what slightly used xp deuses and ctx's are going for? $500 -$600 off what they were sold for new. Ouch! Percentage wise, they are depreciating almost as fast as a new car!
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Wow, that seperation is totally amazing. How much deeper is the f75se over the deus in your soil? Thanks for sharing your scientific testing.
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Talking to my local dealer, the guys with the xterra 705s ,10.5 coils, are pulling civil war bullets 15" deep, the CTX's are getting bullets at 11" deep with the 13 x 17 coil. Huh??
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
The money managers who post on king world news, are in the precious metals, ' cause thats where the money is currently. When the economy straightens out again, these guys will jump back into the Dow stocks, tech stocks, etc. Those guys are the tom dankowskis and keith Southerns of the investment world
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Dew.... we ARE in deep dew dew( sorry to take your name in vain!. lol) Most of us just dont know it yet. Dont worry about volitility in the prices. That happens in bull markets. Read the blogs on the news site I mentioned, and learn of the sewage thats coming down the pipe.
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Most bull markets tend to last about 17 years, give or take a few. This commodities bull market started in 2000. We are headed into the final 1/3 of the bull which shows us the best and biggest moves. The big boys feel silver tops out somewhere between $300-$800 an oz. .Dont sell your accumulations just yet.
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Gold is on its way to $10,000. Bernanke just cranked up the printing presses today. paper money ( fiat) is going to become worth a whole lot less in the coming years.
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Bryce has said that he only has 70 hours on the ctx. Bryce likes the audio on the SE better than the etrac or ctx. He hunts by audio. I think thats what he cannot give up. He wasn't ripping the ctx, only sayoing he prefers the SE. Anytime you have that many hours on a machine, it takes a new machine with a much bigger advantage to open up old sites to a seasoned user with that much experien
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Bryce Brown is one heck of an expert operator with those explorers. Wouldn't it be fun to get Bruce, Keith and TomD together at the same old relic site, and let them test their favorite machines against each others? I think we would all learn its the operator, moreso than the machine.
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
I needed an affordable water /wet environment machine. I like the ability to change coils, and headphones. Excellent in iron, good depth. This is only my 4th garrett since 1976, but its a keeper.( 5th, counting the pinpointer, I like that too).
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Excellent testing as usual. Love your straight forward approach. I have 2 questions .
You mention the small atg coil that you placed on the atp. Is that the 5 x 8 dd?
Could you clarify a bit the comparison of the 705, tejon, and gold bug pro vs. AT gold?
Not sure if I follow that part correctly. Are you saying the gold lacks a bit of depth in comparison to those 3 models?
Not trying to be
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
$2000+ is over the top for me. In this economy anyway. My biggest client is going out of biz next month, so more lost $$$$. Hopefully a leadership change in Nov will help turn around this mess.
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Quoted from the finds board........You have the ability to see multiple targets under the coil simultaneously. With the color coded animation of Target Trace Pinpointing, you can isolate each target and identify the ferrous and non-ferrous properties of each. HH Randy
Sounds like we are getting close to actually seeing into the ground what the target is.
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Andy Sabisch says its more of niche machine. Its waterproof, so it appears to be a beach machine... maybe very sensitive to gold, or awesome id capabilities? we will know soon.
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Ok Tom, - 12 years ago
Time to put you on the spot. What detector do you use for #1? my guess is the deus. What detector do you use for #2? my guess is the f75se. all in fun.
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Over the 30 or so years of detecting as a hobby, Ive become somewhat brand loyal to Minelab, to a point.. They have given me some of the best results, and their machines are a good fit for me.Having said that, I bought a ATPro this past winter, because it will be a great water unit for me.Did not want to spend 3x the price for an excal. So brand loyal, until it comes to my wallet, then........ M
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
the women detectorists. Did you ever try to get sensible and accurate directions from a woman as to where they live??? LOL...... ooooh am I gonna get it from the ladies on that comment!
Back in the 70's most detectors weighed 5 lbs, the only problem is I have contracted furniture disease since then.....My chest has dropped into my drawers,, sigh.
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
maybe - 12 years ago
minelab will incorporate the fbs2 and smartfind2 into a liteweight etrac type land machine? Most water machines are heavier than land machines.... weighted coils, heavier housings.
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
And as they print up more and more paper, people are once again losing respect for it, and looking to gold and silver for safety. Europe is getting real interesting, looks like the Euro will soon collapse.
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
i run a safari , I wanted fbs technology, but not the big price tag. Its a good machine. Excellent discriminator. If it starts to get heavy, shorten the shaft, and do tighter sweeps. If you want a fast response, run it in all metal, you still get the multi tone audio, listen for the hi tones. Have fun.
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum