Question about Government owned land, farming and detecting.
July 31, 2016 08:26PM
I've been mostly a coin and jewelry hunter and happen upon a CW relic now and then. I was talking to an older guy who told me where some CW trenches were. I told him I knew the area but didn't know trenches were there. He said they are on conservation land and I can't detect there. So I came home and found the trenches on Google Earth. But what I also saw was this exact spot is row cropped. I drove by and confirmed this.

I'm not well versed on government entities that govern land. I really don't know the difference if any of the Bureau of Land Management, Conservation Land or Corp land and all the rules. If it's true that row cropping is OK then why the rule against detecting? Please school me and don't make it too complicated! LOL.

PS: It is possible that this guy is wrong and is simply privately owned property? Is there a map of government owned properties?


Re: Question about Government owned land, farming and detecting.
July 31, 2016 09:37PM
I dont have an answer but can check land info here.
Re: Question about Government owned land, farming and detecting.
July 31, 2016 09:47PM
You can use web gis to lookup parcel owner information if your county has it. It's awesome to use along with google earth. Here's an example Hope that helps.
Re: Question about Government owned land, farming and detecting.
July 31, 2016 09:59PM
Re: Question about Government owned land, farming and detecting.
August 01, 2016 01:19AM
Possibly Civil War trust property. Lot of it around here. It's kind of a double edged coin, it's not going to get developed into a neighborhood, but no detecting so the history rots away.
Re: Question about Government owned land, farming and detecting.
August 01, 2016 02:42AM
All I knows federal lands don't have to be marked...they will confiscate your detector and car and lead you off in be sure before you swing...
Re: Question about Government owned land, farming and detecting.
August 01, 2016 02:54AM
Thanks for all the replies! I'll check out all the info the next few days. Just really wanting to know if the Government allows some grounds to be row cropped but doesn't allow detecting on these same grounds?

Re: Question about Government owned land, farming and detecting.
August 01, 2016 03:03AM
khouse Wrote:
> Thanks for all the replies! I'll check out all
> the info the next few days. Just really wanting
> to know if the Government allows some grounds to
> be row cropped but doesn't allow detecting on
> these same grounds?

All I can add,,,if in doubt ask someone (an official),, and try to get in writing.

Verbal not worth a hoot,,depends on who catches you.

Remember,,,the artifacts laws,,,this is why growing crops,,in these areas even,,,metal detecting likely off limits on government property.
Re: Question about Government owned land, farming and detecting.
August 01, 2016 03:04AM
I would concentrate solely on the individual doing the cultivating if you can find out who it is or catch them in the fields. Without that permission any further action is just wasted effort or likely to irk the ones working the field anyway. If they have no problem with you detecting then go for it with gusto. If questioned by someone arrange with the farmer or whoever is working the field to back you up on the premise you are looking for parts off of their tractor. Don't worry about the government and all their overpaid and un-elected parasitic bureaucrats,,,,,we're about overthrow them anyway.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/01/2016 03:10AM by shoveler.
Re: Question about Government owned land, farming and detecting.
August 01, 2016 03:40AM
Check the local tax records. That will show you who the legal owner of the property is. If it is privately owned there is no restrictions. If it is government owned look up the laws pertaining to which government agency owns it. If it is government owned don't ask unless you are asking where to find the written laws governing the property.
Re: Question about Government owned land, farming and detecting.
August 01, 2016 03:43AM
The question of govt property being cropped....yes that happens quite a bit. There is a large tract of land in Tennessee and Georgia called Land Between the Lakes. It is govt property and the US Forest service is in charge of it now. There are over 100,000 acres of woods and fields, old homesites, and it sits between the Civil War forts Henry and Donelson. Anyway...they lease the farm fields out to farmers who plant soybeans and corn. They have a contract that states they have to leave a certain percentage of the crop for wildlife. They have even been doing selective timber cutting there. But no detecting allowed.