SEF Detech 8 x 6 or Cors Schrew on the T2 C ??
November 26, 2017 10:05PM
Would like to hear some feed back from anyone having used both of these on the Teknetics T2 Classic. I am pretty familiar with the Schrew or Snake DD But not the SEF Butterfly coils. There is also a slightly larger 10 x 5 and Nel also makes there 5.5 x 9.5 coil. Any comments on these coils would be appreciated. Getting a T2 for the first time and need some help getting a better coil for all around use. I don't use the larger coils.
Re: SEF Detech 8 x 6 or Cors Schrew on the T2 C ??
November 26, 2017 10:22PM
I would also put the 6x10 Mars Sniper on your list of coils to consider..
In my testing on a T2 it performed slightly better in depth and separation
compared to the NEL Sharpshooter which is also an excellent coil.
The Mars is lighter too.
Re: SEF Detech 8 x 6 or Cors Schrew on the T2 C ??
November 27, 2017 06:19AM
NEL Sharpshooter Coil is my favorite coil for the T2 Classic. It has excellent depth and target separation.
Re: SEF Detech 8 x 6 or Cors Schrew on the T2 C ??
November 27, 2017 07:49AM
NEL Sharpshooter gets my vote as well,works really well on my roman/saxon sites and i personally dont think it looses much depth if at all over the stock 11'' coil,really enjoy using this coil.