a find a bit of a different kind
October 04, 2018 03:47AM
I was looking online for a different coffee grinder or blender for grinding my hot peppers and one of the search results was on offerup.com. I had not checked out offerup before so I clicked on the link. I looked at the blenders and then decided to check out the "collectibles" they offered locally. There I saw some coins and one of them jumped out at me as it had a date of 1692. It was reasonably priced, though I knew nothing about the denomination or anything else other than it being identified as from Great Britain. When I started searching for 1692 and Great Britain, the wording on the coin was not matching up. It began to dawn on me that the coin was not British. Turns out it is a 1692 Louis XIV silver coin, 4 sols denomination I believe, though it is not shown on the coin. The origin is France. I spent quite a bit of time looking for the same wording and design on the reverse, as well as an M mintmark (or is it a W?). I did find it, and it is an M.

Perhaps some of you know much more about this coin than I do, but I didn't pay a great deal for it, and I believe I did pretty good. What do you think it might be worth (not that I have an interest in selling)?

Thanks for looking. Anybody ever find a coin like this (old French) while detecting?


Re: a find a bit of a different kind
October 04, 2018 09:16AM
These coins are occasionally found here in the U.K, nearly always distictively bent into what's usually called a "Love Token". Presumably the link between France and love/romance is significant to this. Here's a couple of examples:

The various Louis' also appear on German-made reckoning-counters, known as Nurenburg Jettons. I have one myself, also Louis VIIII, so I immediately recognised your coin and it's inscription when I saw it. LVD is LUDOVICVS, the Latin for Louis.
Re: a find a bit of a different kind
October 05, 2018 02:22PM
I found a 1746 French sols the size of a silver dollar and a 1791 5 sols while beach hunting last February.

I wish I knew how to post pics here. This website is so behind the times.
Re: a find a bit of a different kind
October 06, 2018 09:50AM
that a really nice coin .in excellent condition.
Re: a find a bit of a different kind
October 07, 2018 12:12AM
Thank you, sir!
