Re: Equinox scores multiple BIG SILVER COINS @ my worked out back pocket site thumbs down
December 19, 2020 03:03PM
steveg Wrote:
> Still, I sure would have loved to have seen Tom wo
> rk long enough to master how to turf hunt for deep
> coins, with the Equinox...
> Steve

The above statement assumes that such-a-task-ability is achievable . If so, then: I'm more-than-welcome to see someone flag stuff (that turns out to be deep silver in junky turf) that I have to admit I wouldn't have heard if it hadn't been pointed out to me.

Detectorist Wrote:
> Cal...... you should have left something for Tom.
> I thought you two were friends....

Nah, Cal is cruel and unreasonable >grinning smiley< But seriously now : This was my first time using the Deus (and am still experimenting with the different incarnations of it). We shall see !
Re: Equinox scores multiple BIG SILVER COINS @ my worked out back pocket site thumbs down
December 21, 2020 06:52AM
Congrats on the lovely Ms. Barbara Morgan.