To have more safe guard against detectorist finding your loot. Especially if you are burying shallower vs deeper.
Example,,Roll of silver quarters harder to detect (recognize as higher conductor coins) even buried shallower with lot of VLF detectors than some might think.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/07/2021 05:38PM by tnsharpshooter.
I've 2 big handfuls of copper coins in my garden at 14", my Nox calls it iron!
ghound Wrote:
> I've 2 big handfuls of copper coins in my garden a
> t 14", my Nox calls it iron!

Yep. It sure can. Caches can be difficult to detect as higher conductors or even as nonferrous some times.
My daughter little Golden Mask 15khz with fixed GB nails it lol
About a 4-5 minute video showing Fisher F75, Etrac, Equinox and Tarsacci unit sweeping 10 quarters laying sideways stacked.
This 'buried stash' topic came up some years ago on a UK forum. I had the idea that placing a layer of ferrite rods above the loot would effectively hide it, as it would appear like a strong ground signal, but hopefully wouldn't trigger any 'non-ferrous' indication to the detector-wielding thief. I never did try it out, maybe later in the week I'll tinker.
David.......... "correct" video capture!
Re: Folks deciding to bury coins for safekeeping,,smart thing to do is roll before burying.
March 08, 2021 10:45AM
Thanks for the video TNSS, interesting.