Legend Threshold update
September 14, 2022 02:36PM
Nokta has posted the Threshold update on their website.

Re: Legend Threshold update
October 07, 2022 07:10PM
I finally updated my Legend to V1.09 and did the BT Threshold update also. Both installed much easier than past updates thanks to the new method Nokta has gone to.
Being able to hear the Threshold now at a low background level in nice and helpful in a way I did not expect.
If you are running any Disc or Notches, the threshold hum will blank on the rejected target. This is like the Anfibio having the Notch tone w/ adjustable volume but better as it is a different sound than the Iron bin tone.
The only times I run any Disc is if there is a lot of modern Al trash. This would be in town house lots or a public area. In working out a C Disc pattern (29-34) the benefit of the Threshold blanking became obvious as you can't go by the TID's because any masking AL will down average the coin signal. You just dig any repeatable tone. If there is TH blanking along with a good tone & TID in the mid 30s or higher there is a good chance it is a coin. It seems to work quite well down to a 6" buried Dime with up to 2 pull tabs on the surface in near proximity, all under the 11" coil. The 6" should be even better. Nickels(and small Gold) are still very tricky in this level of Al trash if they are severely masked. If the Legend can get a peek it will hit with a broken tone & TID mid 20s to the 28 notch wall. I will have to re evaluate my Notch as I use it.
For now I am running this in Park mode, 4 kHz(which ignores foil very well), Tone break at 20, Recovery at 3, Audio Gain at 3. 2 tone, 60 tone & Pitch work equally well. I am liking Pitch for the depth perception it gives, 60 tone for the sonic picture it paints and 2 tone because it is very clean audio.
The more I use the Legend the better we gets! & having fun doing it!

Re: Legend Threshold update
October 07, 2022 08:07PM
That is nice having a reference threshold for sure in Disc mode!

Sort of like some of the old school units used to.


“I don't care that they stole my idea . . I care that they don't have any of their own”
-Nikola Tesla
Re: Legend Threshold update
October 07, 2022 08:19PM
I had been enjoying how stable/quiet the machine is, even in bad ground. I'm not sure at this point if I will use an audible TH if I'm not running any Disc.
I am sure I Will be if I am running a Disc pattern.
I haven't figured out yet if the TH helps on fringe depth or not, or if it lets in more EMI.
