Just ordered Tom's Relic & Beach seminar DVD smiling smiley
August 11, 2011 07:24PM
Can't wait to get it. Can you hurry up and send it out, Tom?! LOL. How is it everyone? I heard it was phenomenal. Give me some insight into what I'm gonna be learning people...get me more excited than I already am smiling smiley
Re: Just ordered Tom's Relic & Beach seminar DVD smiling smiley
August 12, 2011 02:06AM
It will be out in the mail in the morning. Usually takes 2 to 3 days for delivery!

Suncoast Wally
Re: Just ordered Tom's Relic & Beach seminar DVD smiling smiley
August 13, 2011 03:44PM
NJNY...my suggestion is to watch it over and over........seems the more you watch it you grasp new thoughts and take that instruction to the field....then re-watch...you learn even more. $ WELL SPENT!
Re: Just ordered Tom's Relic & Beach seminar DVD smiling smiley
August 15, 2011 12:35AM
You will love this video more and more I promise. I even take it with me when I'm traveling.
It will be the cheapest $$ you ever spent. Enjoy!