How do YOU...get the most enjoyment from this hobby???
June 07, 2012 03:54PM
That's the question, and no, I'm not bored and merely trying to get a thread on here. Sometimes I go through these.....ahhh....times of reflection I guess you could say. After finding all those coins the other day, many of which that where FIRSTS for me, and even a couple of FIRSTS relics on days after (sword hanger & grape shot), the euphoria that I felt that day is gone. And I have to ask myself, if I didn't have a Facebook and a Metal Detcting forum(s) to come to and post pics and story, would I STILL enjoy this hobby, or have I merely found another way in which to gain acceptance from my fellow man?
I don't have any new properties to hunt as I have worked those small yards over where the goodies came from with different Deus frequencies and also with my AT Pro. With the ground wet and dry. I don't know guys, I just go through these slumps sometimes and question my own intentions. I notice that when I find something awesome, the first thing I think of is telling you guys or my Facebook friends and then reading the responses and pats on the back. I'm not fooling me one bit.
Some of you guys were metal detecting before the internet age. May I ask why? Love of history? Love of silver and gold? Love of the mysterious? I reckon I just need help getting my perspective on the right track with this hobby. I know that we are all different to a degree and yet share similarities. I know that I am hard wired to be obsessive compulsive. That is why I have bought and sold all the big name VLF detectors. Love to see that brown truck a coming up the drive. The way I feel right now, I may sell my detectors and just start over. If I do, the Deus would go for $1350 shipped within continental US. If I do. I'm gonna check on my mother (I am her caregiver as she has Alzheimer's) and then mow the yard. Do some weedeating. And see if my thinking has changed. If not. I will post pic or pics of the Deus with original box and all that jazz and see if anyone wants a used Deus. That is, if the replies (or lack of them) that I recieve to my original inquiry doesn't change my thinking. The part about "what is it about this hobby that makes you keep doing it". Y'all have a great day. Sorry that my skull sprung a leak and my thoughts spilled out into this thread.
Re: How do YOU...get the most enjoyment from this hobby???
June 07, 2012 04:04PM
The best part is getting together with friends and having a good time.

Rick N. MI
Re: How do YOU...get the most enjoyment from this hobby???
June 07, 2012 07:32PM
Kevin, There are times I can feel the very same way. I started detecting when I was 10 years old.... about 12 years ago I quit the hobby completely. My reasons:
1) it seemed at that time there was nothing left to find, all my good relic spots had dried up and it became hard to justify driving 4-5 hours from Cincinnati into east Tenn, to only come back with a mine ball or 2 (if that).
2) I began to hate approaching land owners to ask permission as it got to where it seemed everybody was now starting to say no.
3) I could find no trustworthy metal detecting partners...they all just wanted for me to find THEM spots and then have them sneak back into them, or they would do no research
4) All of the above had stolen the "joy" out of metal detecting.
Why did I get into metal detecting to begin with? Because to me it is in my blood to be a "treasure hunter"....AKA the thrill of the hunt...whether it be searching for Ginseng in the mountains, rockhounding for gems in Western North Carolina, searching for arrowheads, and metal detecting for relics and old coins. The monetary value was NOT the main was more "what will I find next" or "what if I find a really great rare find" I will never forget that day in a tobacco field in East Tenn when I unearthed a really rare CS officer's button...I literally shook for 30 minutes. A find like that was usually about a once a year thing. But I found that the really great finds would sneak up on a place you never expected or a time when you really didn't expect it.
I got back into relic hunting a little over 2 years ago. I just missed it too much. I have found that all my old spot were FAR from cleaned out, the success in them was partially because of detector technology and partially because I learned my machine large part because on online forums such as this.
Even now there are times I get discouraged and feel like quitting...but I know if I do...I will eventually just come I just keep going. That next great find is just over the hill.
I also found that years ago I pushed myself too hard to find rare relics and be in competition with others....I have now learned to relax and let it be fun and a "hobby" and that there is a thrill to even finding just a lowly mine's the thrill of the hunt. Just my thoughts. Bill
Re: How do YOU...get the most enjoyment from this hobby???
June 07, 2012 08:28PM
The out and get away from life for a few hours...tiring but exhilerating too...good excuse to do somethin' ya wanna do - instead of always doin' what needs doin'. There are days when I don't really care if I find anything...but findin' something is always I can't miss on those days...sometimes just need to dial it back some and enjoy the temporary escape from the busy world we all live in these days...
Re: How do YOU...get the most enjoyment from this hobby???
June 07, 2012 08:47PM
For me it is many things that keep me going. Hunting with friends. Meeting people. The things I have learned about history. The struggle and determination of early settlers of our country. The mental discipline of learning a detector and being succesful with it. The swing time is mentally soothing to me. Nobody bugs me. I love that part. It is exercise. So there are a few things that keep me going. I love it in late Winter or early Spring when I get that outside fever. The finds themselves are probably last for me. Yes I love the glimmer of gold. But I have been skunked many many times and still had fun.

I also was a hunter at one time. Here in PA we lost so much of the game and land. I have also reached an age and mind set where I just don't want to hurt anything anymore. The last few years of my hunting I passed up harvesting my prey. I had shots and just didn't want to do it. So this is also a substitute for that. And I'll beat the hell out of a Zincoln.
Re: How do YOU...get the most enjoyment from this hobby???
June 07, 2012 09:25PM
I sure appreciate you guys for sharing your thoughts on this subject. I already feel that I am re-gaining a better perspective. I DO so thoroughly enjoy the moment that I slip on my headphones. It is kinda symbolic for shutting the world out for a while. Just me and my thoughts. And I really enjoy the anticipation of hunting a new (to me) site!
Re: How do YOU...get the most enjoyment from this hobby???
June 07, 2012 10:00PM
Goodmore rel those Pa. State Game Lands remember find anything over 100 years old and it belongs to the State Of Pa. In other words 1911 barber dime and keep it and face a stiff fine...

I know from being an avid hunter for years surprising the old cellars holes. stones walls, wells and whatever you see when hunting...

For me actually a form of relaxation and imagine being married 48 years and retired 21 gives my wife some space also....and when shes happy I am guys all know the drill....
Re: How do YOU...get the most enjoyment from this hobby???
June 07, 2012 10:14PM
I still remember a few years ago my hunting partner and I walked into an undiscovered CSA camp one Sunday afternoon. Research had not hinted of anything in the area. When we left hours later we had several cast I buttons and our pockets were bulging with dropped .557 Enfield bullets. For me it is this kind of unexpected windfall that makes the hobby exciting and enjoyable. The property is under developement now but we were able to document that a large camp had existed there.
Re: How do YOU...get the most enjoyment from this hobby???
June 08, 2012 12:38AM
Hmm! I ride motorcycles have most of my life - not saying how long that is but let's just say a very long time. There have been times I have not owned a bike - like when my kids were young - but I always would feel the tug of the open road when ever I saw another person riding. For me riding was about the only time I could put the rest of the world on hold. It was just me and the bike and the road ahead. It was, and still is very therapeutic for my soul. It is a passion for me!

Now you may ask what the heck does motorcycle riding have to do with metal detecting. Well it is the only other thing I have done in my life that gives me that same feeling I get from riding a motorcycle. It is just me the detector and hunting grounds in front of me. I am a nomad at heart an the desire to explore is a part of my very existence. Just like with motorcycles I love becoming one with the machine. Metal Detecting has become a passion!

So I am sure that there are as many reasons for metal detecting as their are for riding a motorcycle. Much of our world and our life's are void of passion - Kevin if you have found something to be passionate about - rejoice many people never are that lucky.

Re: How do YOU...get the most enjoyment from this hobby???
June 08, 2012 01:59AM
Well to me Metal detecting is Multi faceted...

I love the research,,,The map overlaying...the diary reading...
I love the Hunt trying to find some lost civil war camp or old forgotten house site deep in the wood's..Proving what I read about really did happen in that exact spot.

I love finding spot's unexpectedly then reverse order researching trying to find what such and such showed up where it did...and why it did..

I love trying different metal detector's...Different setting's...Etc....I want to Know exactly how a metal detector work's and how it behaves.. and why it behaves like it does...

One of the funnest thing's I can do is find a spot that quits producing and then get one or 2 targets out of there with different machine's on each visit over months or even years...

I love the challenge of the Hunt...I am not big into competition hunting though.. ...I like to Spend hours in a small nail ridden area and move around slowly checking ever so slight target response...

But the whole drive for me is to Prove History...And dissect it and learn what went on centuries before...I get goose bumps digging relics from the civil war..Just a meager eagle button will send the mind to racing...

I can honestly say my whole day from the time I wake up till even after I lay down at night till I fall a sleep is spent dwelling on detecting.I Day dream "BAD" LOL!!!!.Sure there might be a couple of hours here or there it escapes me but it's always dwelling on me like a guy trying to quit smoking or somthing..I have detected for so long I could not imagine life without it...I dont think it would make sense to me if I could not push myself for discovery of the past.

They made us take a personality test at work a couple of years ago...I think there was 4 types of people...Mine was a D...It means driven...
Well I know I am driven to look for relics...and I am not happy till I know exactly how a metal detector work's at least to my comprehension level,,,

I also can't get enough Of Sherlock Holmes movies on a side note..The whole character mesmerizes Me!!

Good thread..

Re: How do YOU...get the most enjoyment from this hobby???
June 08, 2012 10:09AM
"WOW thread" .... and spot-on.

It is not the 'find'. ,,, ............. ,,, It is the THRILL of the 'find'.

"Burning passion" to a scientific sickness/obsession.

For those of whom seek to find "dollars" value.......... the hobby will not last long.
For those of whom place no "dollars" value on the finds; but rather "thrill of the find" sentimental significance (with historical and/or 'excitement' value)........ the hobby becomes a professional burning passion. (((And in ONLY THIS capacity....... it may make you rich)))

I am a 'old coins' hunter at heart; yet, my primary interest/focus is living in iron square-nail infested (relic) pits. This is the most challenging; yet, the most rewarding....... with the highest amount of significant finds in the smallest amount of area.

Finding a significant target 'alone' = 1X
Finding a significant target with a friend = 10X
Finding a significant target with a friend witnessing it come out of the ground = 100X

A friend finding a significant target with you witnessing it come out of the ground = 100X
Re: How do YOU...get the most enjoyment from this hobby???
June 08, 2012 12:43PM
I can't say it's about the relics or the money for me. I have dug a few decent relics in my time hunting for them, and some of them I have had friends that just oogled over them, especially if they were there when they were recovered...only to turn right around at their birthday or something, and have that relic in a box for them with a note saying something to the effect of "good relics are hard to find...but good friends are harder to find". The most common thing I dig are Civil War bullets. I've dug a couple/few thousand of them in various calibers and sizes. Most are the common 3 ringer, and of the ones I've dug, I've given several hundred of them away to various people along the way....landowners, curious passerby folks, kids, people I work with, people I go to church with, etc. One year on Veterans day I put together a list from all the Veterans in our church....which was only 6 or so, and I found out what branch of service each of them was in...and put together little shadow boxes of relics I had dug coorisponding to their branch of service. Most of it was Civil War, but in some cases I had to go post Civil War to honor their branch of service....and gave them the cases...was just my way of saying Thank You to them.

I guess as much as I like digging the stuff...I find greater enjoyment SHARING the history of the stuff with people. After all, it is ALL of OUR history. I've got a few items that are worth little via money cost, but mean much more to me. I've got my first bullet....first button...first plate, etc. Those mean the most to me.

I love digging firsts in new places. Down here we mostly dig relics from the Army of the Cumberland and their journey through here....they just passed through. They were war hardened soliders and only carried what they needed to live on. Going up to Virginia opened a new arena of digging....the Army of the Potomac. Those soldiers were what I would consider "spoiled brats" because they were so well supplied, they were like the little rich punk that that lived down the street.....given everything and then some, and of course they didn't take care of anything...they discarded a lot of things that were useable lol. Their camps are so plentyful in relics that even the virgin Army of Cumberland camps pale in comparison to the "dug out" camps of the Army of Potomac. So going up there opened a big door to a BUNCH of firsts for me.
Re: How do YOU...get the most enjoyment from this hobby???
June 08, 2012 01:21PM
Nice idea for a thread Kevin.

Well, I agree with Keith, the research can be a fun part of it. I'm in Germany, so that makes it a bit more challenging! Initially I was afraid to hunt in more public spots as peope would ask me questions in German and I had "angst" from that. Now I sort of relish it as I get to practice German, but lots of people hear my accent and start talking English to me - or I request it if things go on too long.

For me, it isn't really about the resultant find or monetary value of it, it's the journey though I am so stoked when I find the ellusive silver coin! It's like a game for adults that is youthful. That in a way is why I like a machine that has both great sounds and a great VID system - I get to use both tools to play with, and with a good VID system, it's sort of like seeing a present below the tree and shaking it (as a child mind you!) and having an idea maybe of what is inside. ;-) These days I am starting to find gold and the only finds I am attached to are silver coins. Gold I can sell and get some of my money back on, but it's no where near a driving force and I have yet to sell any of my gold or silver rings.

I never treasure hunted in America, but I had an interest in it. When I was older and had the money for it, I was living by the beach in San Diego and addicted to surfing. Earlier on as a teenager, I remember hiking in the superstition mountains when I lived in Arizona and reading the legends of Jacob Waltz and even doing a report on it in school. I ended up studying justice and forensic science in college, so you can see my mindset and attraction to treasure hunting as it often requires or involves a detective like mindset. Oh, I started maybe 8 years ago and have taken a year off 2 or 3 times. The desire comes and goes depending on what is going on in my life.

Re: How do YOU...get the most enjoyment from this hobby???
June 08, 2012 01:31PM
I agree with everything! And I do wish the euphoria of a good find would last longer!

For the first time in my 1 year of hunting, I had a hunting buddy witness the unearthing of a silver coin. We were both using the same machine although he is new to it so I asked him to check an iffy signal I had and he did. I explained to him why I thought it was a good target, we dug it, and it was a silver Rosie!

There is something special about a shared discovery like that. X100, as Tom said.

Pinpoint twice, dig once
Re: How do YOU...get the most enjoyment from this hobby???
June 09, 2012 12:52AM
I'm in it for the hunt and the kill, need a way to keep my skills sharp when the world ends in December, have any of you guys made or bought a solar charger for your batteries haha, I not hoarding food, I'm hoarding re chargeable batteries, you guys are a blast to talk to, we all have a common idea, we dig in the dirt for junk, and it's funny, because some of you guys find some real nice junk
Re: How do YOU...get the most enjoyment from this hobby???
June 09, 2012 01:36AM
For me it is being a kid again digging in dirt forgetting all about the stress in my life all the problems that I am dealing with..Coming home after a hard day of digging and being able to really relaxe. It is finding and linking with history for a flash in time. That is worth so much to be able to feel that and enjoy it and share it on this forum with others that understand the feelings we experience...




If you don’t dig it, then how are you going to know what you’re missing!
How can you have your pudding if you don’t eat your meat!
Re: How do YOU...get the most enjoyment from this hobby???
June 09, 2012 01:39AM
Thanks for the replies fellow detectorists. I went out this morning to the corner of a cow pasture where an old road is located. The Waterloo road, it's called, and was used during the horse and wagon days. The roas is filled with iron. The other day I decided to dig a piece of the iron up for ID purposes and it was old horseshoe nails. The old roadbed is full of them!! They're must have been an old store or house along the raodside as I found two Indianhead cents there. The thin kind. And they are crusty. Still trying to carefully get the dates.
I, too, wish that the euphoria that is felt immediately after a good find would last longer. LOL But I'm thinking that next year, or the year after, and even later, a certain type of euphoria will be felt in reminiscing about the finds when I pull em out and look at 'em.
I appeciate the good feedback. Great bunch of people here, that is for sure.
Re: How do YOU...get the most enjoyment from this hobby???
June 09, 2012 03:01AM
I have a hard time putting into words and explaning to my wife why I love this hobbie. Well, you gentilemen and ladies put it together very nicely. I'll let her read your posts and say ' here's why hon ' (excluding what caretaker said smiling smiley