threshold on F-70
May 26, 2009 09:10AM
Hello.How is it correct to influence a voice threshold on F-70? Before on other metalodetektors: to include, at the level of belt not dropping a coil to earth to influence a threshold to barely audible, and here as? In instruction the parameters of threshold are only given from -9 to +9 and misty formulation.
Re: threshold on F-70
May 27, 2009 12:26AM
I'm not sure I fully understand your question....... but here goes.
--Use the Threshold so as to 'just barely hear' a audible 'hum'. This is one mode of preference. Another mode of preference is to set the Thresh to 'just barely NOT hear' a audible hum. And another way; some folks use the Thresh to mitigate excessive 'falsing' from hot-rocks..... and/or hot ground.