Metal detecting shows is a bad thing!!
March 10, 2013 11:57PM
It's great for selling detectors, but it's sad to see the holes these new treasure seekers are leaving in school yards and parks!! These shows need to show the proper recovery and filling of holes or it's going to be the death of our hobby!! I have been trying to find a AT-Pro to buy to have as a back-up to my other AT-Pro and one can't be had used or new for the five hundred I'm looking to spend, but I may be wise and hold off till all these new treasure hunters give it up and sell their detectors for half what they paid for them when the markets flooded with them.
Re: Metal detecting shows is a bad thing!!
March 11, 2013 12:38AM
88junior Wrote:
> It's great for selling detectors, but it's sad to
> see the holes these new treasure seekers are
> leaving in school yards and parks!! These shows
> need to show the proper recovery and filling of
> holes or it's going to be the death of our hobby!!
> I have been trying to find a AT-Pro to buy to have
> as a back-up to my other AT-Pro and one can't be
> had used or new for the five hundred I'm looking
> to spend, but I may be wise and hold off till all
> these new treasure hunters give it up and sell
> their detectors for half what they paid for them
> when the markets flooded with them.

Yeah - it shouldn't take too long. Just wait for a while as these guys watching/believing those shows and buying detectors find that the road to treasure isn't paved in gold like those shows portray and they realize it's too much work for their liking and the market will then have more used machines than it can handle - it'll be easy pickins'!!
Re: Metal detecting shows is a bad thing!!
March 11, 2013 01:57AM
why would it make the atpros hard to find?? tim and george switched to using at-golds instead a while ago...
Re: Metal detecting shows is a bad thing!!
March 11, 2013 02:46AM
They both look the same on the outside and then they have the tendency to buy the cheaper one which is the AT-PRO.
Re: Metal detecting shows is a bad thing!!
March 11, 2013 03:31AM
good point...
Re: Metal detecting shows is a bad thing!!
March 11, 2013 01:00PM
Unfortunately, as our hobby becomes more visible and popular..... so comes the rules and restrictions. The least they could do was post FMDAC rules for detecting at the end of the show. Id say Fl Beach hunters beware...... i forsee permits or hour restrictions.

Re: Metal detecting shows is a bad thing!!
March 26, 2013 05:10AM
I doubt VERY MUCH that we'll be seeing a decline in Detectorist's anytime soon! There may be a 'lull' in the amount of people who hunt on a regular basis, but there is no doubt in my mind that Detecting is going to be much more popular than it is right now.

First, the World economic situation is so much worse than anyone can possibly imagine and things are going to get 'much worse' for a lot of folks. One only has to look at 'Cyprus' and the Eurozone to see what's 'sure to happen' everywhere... Lest we forget that North Americans have DEBT up the Hoopola with much more unemployment than what is stated in the MS media and that house of cards is continually falling in slow motion...

Second, the price of Precious metals, especially Gold and Silver are 'still' being manipulated and suppressed on a massive scale with things like Long term lease rates and Paper PM's with no 'physical' backing, etc.. (Comex is a perfect example!). Also, easy to find Gold is LONG GONE and the price of finding and mining it is going to go up on that basis alone, not to mention the price of fuel (Diesel, Gasoline) is going to keep rising, thus contributing to the cost associated with Extraction. I mean look how long it's going to take the Germans to 'repatriate' their own Gold from the Federal Reserve et al! 7 Years! What happens when the 'other' 60 nations asks the Federal Reserve for theirs as well?

Finally, when all these things come closer together, there is going to be an EXPLOSION in the prices of ALL metals and GOLD and SILVER has no choice but to rise to levels most people would think 'inconcievable'....

We all know that this is about the ONLY hobby that actually pays for itself in terms of 'costs', so one can only imagine how many detectorist's might be out and about when they are UNEMPLOYED and PM's are raging to levels we've never seen before... Mark my words, 'before' Silver eclipses $50.00 bucks (again) and Gold breaches $2500.00 and keeps rising, we'll be seeing more detectorists and more 'holes in the ground' than we can count....

Re: Metal detecting shows is a bad thing!!
March 26, 2013 05:32AM
this is "dead nuts" accurate! people are scrambling to survive,and it's
just going to get much worse.

Re: Metal detecting shows is a bad thing!!
March 26, 2013 07:27AM
I don't doubt the economical side of your observation and predictions...but I don't foresee the leap to metal detecting like you see it. Anybody that has ever metal detected any number of years will know the reality to the hobby....there are only very very few people that are finding enough stuff to actually make profit on the hobby as a whole. Thus why it's a hobby. Those few that have been so successful, are often the beach hunters that hunt the high rolling condo areas of the beaches...areas that get replenished with goodies to find. If every thing tanks as it looks like it is going to....then everybody is going to be hurting financially, and there wont be people buying gold as jewelry to wear...and wont be taking vacations like they were before....thus there will be fewer "depositers" to deposit, and fewer things to deposit. The rest of us are just out there trying to dig coins or relics...if the economy tanks, then money ain't gonna be worth the paper its printed on...and modern coinage will be worthless. That just leaves the silver coins left in the ground...and since they ain't been made for circulation since 1964 in the US...all that's left is what has been lost 50 years ago and beyond. Not a very high percentage number for a mass amount of people to go spend what little money they do have, for a detector.

The other thing is the natural way of human thinking in a crisis situation = hysteria and panic. Survival of the fittest and smartest is the game that will be played. Theft will be a way of survival for many may have a bunch of goodies...but a low life person looking to survive ain't going to go buy a metal detector and try to go about making a honest living with it. They are going to come steal what you have if they have reason to think you have something worth stealing. That's one big reason the US is in the debt situation that it is in have a small percentage of working people that is paying for the rest of the people to sit at home and get govt hand outs. Those people getting handouts now aren't going to be going out looking for ways to earn their keep...they are gonna do what they've been doing because it's the only life they know. They are going to expect you to take care of them...if that means breaking into your home, killing you and your family for a loaf of bread...then so be it. That's what they'll do and never think twice about it. The metals I'm investing in are that of brass and lead...and if it gets bad and they come to my house looking to steal and plunder...they will get the precious metal called lead at about 1,000 fps.
Re: Metal detecting shows is a bad thing!!
March 26, 2013 04:44PM
Just a matte rof time until all detectorists are in the sights of the bureucrats.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/27/2013 02:38AM by TheOtherLeggoHead.
Re: Metal detecting shows is a bad thing!!
March 26, 2013 09:36PM
"post FMDAC rules for detecting at the end of the show" Good idea Dewcon, wonder how to go about it.