Re: Made the next step: unit and accessories ordered.
July 29, 2013 08:31AM
Now that's funny!
Re: Made the next step: unit and accessories ordered.
July 29, 2013 08:54AM
That is opened that one up for someone to hit out of the park.
Re: Made the next step: unit and accessories ordered.
July 29, 2013 12:46PM
shoveler Wrote:

> How did you learn about sex?

The same way all guys some are being here, I jerked off.

I learn by reading. Despite what some might want to think, stroking the metal detector is not going improve my metal detecting technique. I've had the machine for five days. It's still dark out so I can't say I've had it for six. Based on posts, some here do not believe in education.

Currently, besides reading and learning about basic turn-on-and-go settings, I'm reading and learning about different soil conditions and how metal detector settings impact a metal detector's efficiency. Running around wishing and hoping like a chicken with it's head freshly cut off is not going help dispel my metal detecting ignorance but taking the time to read and comprehend what I'm reading.....will. And although talk regarding childhood sex education recalls fond memories, this type of discussion won't help with my metal detecting education but I do appreciate your concern with my childhood sex education.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/29/2013 01:02PM by BeeMan458.
Re: Made the next step: unit and accessories ordered.
July 29, 2013 12:58PM
Good time for an edit.
Re: Made the next step: unit and accessories ordered.
July 29, 2013 01:07PM
ozzie Wrote:
> Good time for an edit.

Actually, it was a very measured and appropriate response for an uncalled for and inappropriate question that you yourself encouraged when you posted:

"That is opened that one up for someone to hit out of the park."

My recommendation would be to keep comments metal detecting centric and leave matters surrounding childhood sex education out of the conversation. If it helps, I'm not going deviate from my education path. To the best of my limited abilities, I will educate myself to metal detecting and how to get the best out of our machine. I will share this information with my wife. And my wife and I will dig our backyard finds together.

That's the plan.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 07/29/2013 05:29PM by BeeMan458.
Re: Made the next step: unit and accessories ordered.
July 29, 2013 01:18PM
Beeman is one slow learner. Although everyone here tells him to jump right in , somehow he thinks it makes him smarter than all of us to just read about it. Funny, you read for a month, smugly told all of us you know it all, then turn it on and go WTH!!??? Keep up with all that"education" its working great. Don't forget to read how to use your "contractor grade" digging tools.
Re: Made the next step: unit and accessories ordered.
July 29, 2013 04:25PM
Today I shared a bit with my wife regarding what has been learned about holding the metal detector and I've encouraged her to start picking up the dumbbell weights to aid her muscles in acclimating to the leveraged weight of the metal detector with the large 15" coil.

Today, I also checked with Minelab on the length of their short lower shaft. For those who care, it's eighteen inches long as opposed to the standard shaft being twenty-four inches in length. One is now on order. grinning smiley

Despite the ribbing or harassment, I've much to learn and it's okay to want to take time to read the manual, commit to memory and read up on ancillary information before digging saved finds with their wife.
Re: Made the next step: unit and accessories ordered.
July 29, 2013 04:40PM
Yep, its still a semi-free country, your free to analyze it to death before actually doing. Funny, my son started detecting when he was 6...started making good finds right off the bat. Feel sorry for your poor wife, she must be extremely patient wife. Still think this is a joke, no way in hell your for real. Also no way you succeeded in construction....hmmmm...let me 8 Penny nail is 2 3/8inches long... but a 2x4 is not 2x4...hmmmm let me research hammers for 3months...let me practice holding said hammer..Cmon man, fess up.
Re: Made the next step: unit and accessories ordered.
July 29, 2013 04:54PM
I certainly didn't mean to encourage that kind of response.
The way I took the childhood learning comment was - ' learn by doing ' and expected some 'mild cracks', at best.
All these guys are trying to say is simply ' go get your feet wet'. Many years of experience suggesting you do that, but it's your call.
If I irritated you, I apologize.
Re: Made the next step: unit and accessories ordered.
July 29, 2013 05:18PM
Don't know why the rancor. The common refrain is "Read the Manual" and now some are lambasting me for taking the time to not only read, comprehend and commit the manual to memory but for taking the time to do ancillary research regarding how the settings are best used for varied soil conditions and why.

It's called a "reasoned approach" to learning. Many times I have thanked those who have shared their wisdom and I appreciate their willingness to thoughtfully share. I freely acknowledge that I'm totally inept, ignorant and incompetent in all things that are metal detecting. I freely acknowledge that I have a lot to learn and reading what others have posted online is, for me, the right thing to do; getting an education. I have absolutely no intention of changing my education course and see no reason why anybody would discourage anybody from educating themselves in a fashion they're comfortable with. I have stated publicly that I expect this process to reasonably, for me, take two or three weeks and I fully expect to spend this much time learning what I want to learn about this pursuit during the openly stated time frame. In the short, if one wishes to take six months to learn where the power on switch is located, I say good for them.

Today is day six with the metal detector and because of what I've learned about using the machine, I've ordered a shorter lower arm. It will be here on Wednesday. During the interim, I'm rereading information that deals with discrimination and sensitivity and how these settings best serve the user of a metal detector when they encounter varying soil types.

At this point, you'll note that I'm not asking any questions and the reason is, I'm busy reading so as to learn what I need to learn so when I do ask a question, it will be a question worthy of the effort you guys have put forth to learn the metal detecting craft.
Re: Made the next step: unit and accessories ordered.
July 29, 2013 07:55PM
Everyone has his own method of doing things.

Minelab knows this, thus their units have "short cuts"

Frequent Ground balancing aka ground tracking.
Analyzing local EMI sources aka auto noise cancel.
Signal strength locating aka pinpoint button.
Decent find aka factory preset disc patterns.

Do not get fooled these shortcuts will deminish the units performance into the realm of not finding anything.
It operates at 80% of its capability with these shortcuts.

Beeman,... you can read, re-read, read again, analyze, etc. etc. just go out and have some fun digging in the yard.

And I really do mean digging!!! My Dad is about your age,... and he can be a real stubborn @&€98ù@&0

Why do we want/need you to DIG.

1) With easy does it settings, you are only removing surface finds/trash.
2) Every find/trash item dug cleans up your yard, allowing the X-terra and you to listen more carefully.
3) When you think you have cleaned out the yard with the standard coil,.... you've got another surprise coming.
4) Stick on another coil,... start all over again.

5) A clean patch will let you "plant" a nice find at several depths, hence it will enable you to learn the language and the dialect your X-terra is speaking in your neck of the woods.

For example:
My mate has been detecting for 30 odd years.
He's got this spot in the middle of nowhere, middle of a field, .... abundant in iron and finds,... has been detecting it every season for about 15 years.
It still is producing finds !!!
The big stuff is long gone, but removing the larger iron masking stuff, well it is revealing a few good finds every time he goes out.

On the seventh Day, God saw everything was fine and dandy, settled down and enjoyed the view.

On your seventh day of owning the X-terra 705,.... just dig!

Re: Made the next step: unit and accessories ordered.
July 29, 2013 08:32PM
I must say, you guys sure do know how to take the fun out of the metal detecting hobby.

This is suppose to be fun and entertaining. This has turned into a surreal nightmare of you guys telling me what to do because that's what you want and the heck with what I want. So much for the fun factor. Holy Crap!

I'll leave as you guys have serious control issues and I just want a hobby for my wife and I to share.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/29/2013 08:40PM by BeeMan458.
Re: Made the next step: unit and accessories ordered.
July 29, 2013 08:42PM
Then go away crybaby. Sorry guys, but I'm sick of this whiner.Guarantee you this dude was put here by barry. If not, its not OUR help you need bud, better check yourself into a psych ward pal.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/29/2013 11:52PM by deathray.
Re: Made the next step: unit and accessories ordered.
July 29, 2013 10:46PM
Beeman. May i suggest you read Diggers "Undertsanding your X-terra" it is a free ebook download if you register on minelab's website. Great book. No one knows as much as Randy Horton (aka Digger) does about the X-terra.
Re: Made the next step: unit and accessories ordered.
July 30, 2013 02:47AM

Sounds like you got one in your bonnet. The folks on the forum are giving you sage advice. Seems to me you're spending more time writin' bout it than doin' it.

All the best and don't go to Craig's List too soon.

Alan in the East Bay
Re: Made the next step: unit and accessories ordered.
July 30, 2013 03:35PM
It might be worth purchasing (eBay?) a 'typical' nugget from the area you're planning on prospecting, so you can perform some buried & air tests on it.