High ridges........and year-roud branches
December 26, 2013 04:55PM
This afternoon, my detecting buddy and myself will go to a few ridges that overlook a year around branch (small, spring-fed creek). I will have my XP Deus set on Program 2......Goldmaxx Power. I will lower the disc to 2.6. Sensitivity as high as it will go without EMI (probably 98 or 99). I will turn the silencer down to "-1" from it's defaulted "2". This will be my first opportunity to use my 1945 Ames Entrenching tool. I have it set like Keith S. has his.......in the shape of a hoe. This ground is VERY rocky. Alot of iron ore is present. A few hundred yards from this spot (him and I lease this spot yearly) is another site that his son and I detected and his son found a Eagle general service cuff button. He also found, like 20 or so, toe taps!!!!! (Reckon why so many toe taps??? Surely everyone's didn't fall off in unison) I found a half dime there that had been hammered out very flat and you can tell that it was being shaped into a heart or something else. The "reeded" edge can be seen. It weighs exactly what a half-dime weighs. It came out of the ground still silver. I'll put up a pic. This evening.....along with my other finds from this new POSSIBLE site. If anyone cares to see it. Wish him and I luck, and if anyone goes detecting today.....I wish you good luck/skill!!!!! I will be digging very single tone. I will be set on two tones. This is in one of the oldest parts of my county. Or rather, the oldest inhabited spots. It will be a shot in the dark. An exploratory mission based on 'word of mouth' information of Confederate troop movement coupled with the fact that High ridges and nearby, year-round, spring-fed, water is/was avaliable. I hope that our research pays off. But this stretch of woods is huge. But we are qute near the Tennessee River. And quite near a place where lumber was sawn or hewn for the building of a Confederate gunboat. Wouldn't a nice Confederate Local Staff officer button, or a Script I, or a buckle or plate be a nice "day after Christmas" present. Well, I 'll be happy if either one of us finds something nice. ANYTHING of historical significance that is identifiable.
Thanks for reading. Happy Detecting everyone. And NasaTom, I haven't forgot about setting up a consulation......I was waiting for the holiday frenzy to ease up for all concerned.
Re: High ridges........and year-roud branches
December 26, 2013 06:24PM
Good luck as I just got done getting the snow off the car and driveway....Indeed everyone hunts the obvious places but those that look and find those places not so obvious now and then excel...More than once those super looking areas are anything but and vice versa...
Re: High ridges........and year-roud branches
December 27, 2013 03:13AM
Kevin......... I'm still 'booked-out' for the next couple of days. Then......... should have more time.
Re: High ridges........and year-roud branches
December 27, 2013 05:06PM
NASA-Tom Wrote:
> Kevin......... I'm still 'booked-out' for the next
> couple of days. Then......... should have more
> time.

Duly noted.