April 29, 2010 11:45AM
Brad here is the V3 program my buddy was using in an earlier post. Keep in mind I have no idea what all this means.

I took the coin and jewelry program and made my own tones and set -95 to +8 off or 0 tone, then from +9 to +14 set tone to 171, and +15 to +17 set to 181, +18 to 183, +19 to 195 and this is where most nickles read, +20 to +21 back to 183, +22 to +30 to 171, +32 to +39 to 181 this is where the 10k ring on my finger reads, +40 to +49 to 171, +50 to +69 to 175, +70 to +79 230. +80 to +93 250, and +94 to +95 off or no tones. my sensitivity and RX gain I adjust to ground conditions and power lines. This is a work in progress and my tone configuration may change in time and all other settings change from place to place and also for what I am targeting, this program would be better for coins and gold and this is primarily what I do.
Thanks for following up Mark!
April 29, 2010 12:01PM
and frankly, the answer sorta surprises me because the C&J is not one of the "hotter" programs for the V3. The whole reason your original comment around thinking the Spectra seemed deeper than your 75 piqued my interest is because a friend of mine got the first 3i to hit the Ohio region a couple weeks ago (I passed on doing the same) and we've hunted a couple times together and cross checked targets. My Omega was hearing and ID'ing targets better than the 3i in C&J. Guess ya just never know what can happen on any given day with any given two different detectors.