Anyone hunt primarily with a CZ3D or CZ70?
June 27, 2010 01:09AM
I've toyed with getting one as a backup and I've seen some great deals of late. Just curious if anyone uses one of those as their "go-to" detector.
Re: Anyone hunt primarily with a CZ3D or CZ70?
June 27, 2010 02:11AM
Got 4 CZ's ( two 6a's, a 20 and a 3D) and they are ALWAYS my go to detectors ! A properly tuned CZ will go toe to toe and hunt with ANY detector out there...old school or new school.

Since I beach hunt more than anything, I use my 6a and 20 more than anything else, but recently I have been land hutning and using my 3D more and that thing rocks.

Just my opinion.
Re: Anyone hunt primarily with a CZ3D or CZ70?
June 27, 2010 09:36PM
I exclusively use the 3D......But i live in the UK so not sure if what i say means anything to you...
I have found Silver hammered coins from 1247 of them was very small and thin and i found it at approx 9"
Plus many other items....
It does like to iron grunt a fair bit on deeper targets but you soon learn which ones those are and which ones to avoid...
Re: Anyone hunt primarily with a CZ3D or CZ70?
July 20, 2010 09:42PM
Hey Shambler, the CZ-70 Pro became my personal #1 right after I used this great detector. This detector was a little different in handling than all the other detectors I had before. And there were a lot. I'll not bash brands or detectors.
What I like is the tone/target ID; it's sensitivity and it's depth. Lightwight and easy to swing. 2x 9 Volt batteries. Splashproof.
If you listen carefully to this machine you will have less iron digs. There are other detectors they were fooled by iron a lot of more times.
I got the CZ-70 Pro on July 11th 2008. And I had some new developed machines after that date here in hands and tested them. The only I (my real personal opinion) can say is, the new machines (thousand and more bucks) are ... ... ... not worth the bucks.
When I got this hindsight I sold a lot of detectors, even the backup for the thitherto #1. Sad but true.

All I can say is, if you can get one in good condition, go for it.
