NASA outreach to muslim countries?
July 09, 2010 02:40AM
I did'nt know it was NASA's mandate to engage in foreign diplomacy. Alot different than the NASA I remember as a kid. I would think all the rocket technology that NASA as accumulated over the years would be worth protecting from potentially hostile nations. I don't know how much you can say on this subject Tom, but I would imagine things are getting pretty interesting at the Cape.

Re: NASA outreach to muslim countries?
July 09, 2010 03:28AM
Tearfully painful..........would be an understatement. Hussain Obama has hand-picked a new NASA administrator....and tasked him to 'reach out to the Muslims' for our Space program. This is his 'primary' objective. We did not choose a Nation and Government (NASA)..........we chose a religion and Government. . . . that being: "Muslim" and NASA. I did not know that Church & State could mix. One Nation under God???? Lest we forget or forsake what this Nation was founded upon. Yes, I understand the 'melting pot' theory.........but Muslim? I am...............first-hand..............witnessing Kennedy Space Center being demolitioned/dismantled. Many facilities (launch pad of the moble launchers....etc....) are now beyond the point of no return. I doubt the Nation is aware of this. We have lost (laid-off) approx 2400 Kennedy Space Center employee's in the last 11 months. Another large lay-off will take place in 12 weeks (just before November election). These are some of the brightest humans on planet Earth. When the Space Shuttle is cancelled (some call it 'retired')......we shall rely upon Russia to transport humans to the International Space Station. Right other Nation can do this. And if Russia should have any problem(s)........politically or space-flight hardware..........the folks on the International Space Station would be stranded. We are cancelling the Space Shuttle.....AND it's replacement (Constellation Program). This Nation will be left with nothing.......except civilian programs.......of which.... none of them have "manned" capabilities. Manned space flight will cease for this country.....for an 'unknown/unspecified' period of time.

I'm not sure it's a good idea for the United States to teach Muslims how to build long-range rockets.

I have learned from history; we do not learn from history. ((((Hence, history repeats itself)))).

As a Nation..........where do we go from here?
Re: NASA outreach to muslim countries?
July 09, 2010 06:26AM
socialist state!..get ready to cast your votes in november!
make him a "lame duck"..ostracize him!..not always a good thing,as this approach
can "weaken" the nation!...truly!..WHAT do we REALLY do?

Re: NASA outreach to muslim countries?
July 09, 2010 07:57AM
Obama was a Muslim while growing up in Indonesia. No conspiracy required for this fact, he admitted to taking "Qur'an classes" in school, and these were only available to Muslim students. He very well could be a closet Muslim today. Even if he isn't, he is doing everything a Muslim would do if he was in office.

He has praised Islam much more than he has his own alleged religion, Christianity. Obama has said that the US is not a Christian nation, but that our country is "in debt to Islam". He is in favor of free speech limits that restrict the ability to criticize Islam. He has stopped the military from using the phrase "Islamic terrorism" and it is just "terrorism" now. He refuses to admit that Islam, at its very core, is a violent geopolitical ideology that is bent on world domination. Muhammad himself was a violent warlord who beheaded between 600 and 900 people in the Jewish Banu Qurayza tribe AFTER they surrendered to him.

Obama CAN NOT be allowed to stay in office for 2 terms. The damage he is doing to the country is unprecedented. Buy Robert Spencer's upcoming book "The Post American Presidency"


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/09/2010 07:58AM by Mojave.
Re: NASA outreach to muslim countries?
July 10, 2010 01:53AM
Tom, it's sad to read your post. I feel like we've lost a part of America we could all be proud of. I still remember a t-shirt I had as a kid with one of the Apollo rockets on it. Maybe NASA can have a re-birth with a future administration.
Re: NASA outreach to muslim countries?
July 10, 2010 09:58AM
The East is East & The West is West. And never the twain shall meet. (How can two such diversely different cultures ever be expected even to get along) Too many people trying to force the issue . & too many Muslim radicals trying to force their will on the West. It`ll never happen.( I pray)
Re: NASA outreach to muslim countries?
July 10, 2010 02:12PM
Food for thought:

Is there such thing as too much freedom?
Re: NASA outreach to muslim countries?
July 10, 2010 08:44PM
Freedom is good, but unrestricted immigration policies that accommodate people who, in their own words, are dedicated to out-reproducing the indigenous population in the lands they occupy, needs to be rethought. For a long time we had the quota system in place, but since WWII, guilt over what happened to the Jews in Germany put a stop to that system.
Re: NASA outreach to muslim countries?
July 14, 2010 06:43PM
Did you hear the Obama press corps denying it this weekend? Obama and his minions are by far the most arrogant people I have ever seen. The dems just continue to ignore the will of the people and do what they think best... however they are in for a shock in November. Obama is alienating all of his base except for blacks. Amazing arrogance!!!

I would love for you Tom, to make some discreet videos of the dismantling of the space center, I or someone else will be happy to post them on YT with no mention of the source... of course you may want to delete this post if you do that. I think the public should see what is going on behind the curtain.

We talked to someone a few days ago who was in LA when Obama came to the shore the last time. They said three big busses showed up full of people who got off, donned white jumpsuits, and began to pick up things on the beach as a backdrop for Obama's photo/video... they were there for about 45 minutes. Obama talked to some politician on camera for a few minutes then all the people were called in, took off the white jumpsuits, got back on the buses, and left... all in about 45 minutes. What arrogance, what a deceit and contempt for honor.

Re: NASA outreach to muslim countries?
July 14, 2010 08:50PM
I served in the Marine Corps back in the 50's and I truly would love to see him try to make it through boot camp. It required a large dose of Honor, Glory and Love of God & Country, not to mention balls. None of which he possesses.

Semper Fi
Suncoast Wally
Re: NASA outreach to muslim countries?
July 14, 2010 10:16PM
A couple of months ago.........Obama visited Kennedy Space Center...........and the exact same thing happened.
Re: NASA outreach to muslim countries?
July 15, 2010 01:52AM
Agree with Mojave. Still hasnt a church home in DC and excuses are long. Mostly doesnt want to cause a big disturbance at a church. Only went to Rev. Wrong's church to get in the door for Chicago politics. Will be at voting booth early to beat the rush to vote his lackeys out. DOJ and AG are showing everyone whos side their on. Could we be headed toward private space travel? No their also "anti business".
Re: NASA outreach to Muslim countries?
July 18, 2010 10:02PM
As a Brit who doesn`t know much about your Politics I would have liked to have seen John McCain get voted in as President. I think he`s the sort of guy that would have kicked butt and possibly stopped the USA from becoming as the UK is becoming ,riddled with Muslims and flooded with Asian immigrants who want to turn the UK into a Muslim dominated country all by courtesy of the past Labour Government. I just hope the new Conservative led government will stop the rot and try and bring us back to what we once had.I see France has banned the burka recently and I just hope it gets banned here. Theres something very wrong about seeing women dressed from head to foot in black with just a split with their eyes showing. Some don`t even have that! They have a sort of grill across where their eyes are. Its very intimidating.What next . Imams shouting allah akbar from the tall towers in the UK .God forbid!
Re: NASA outreach to Muslim countries?
July 19, 2010 12:29AM
Very interesting points.