I have read several times about using the F75 (regular or LTD) with disc=6 and tone=1 to find more targets at some or all sites, I am thinking that this will help most at iron infested sites. I have the perfect place to try this..

Anyway, having read this several times... I never grasped why until yesterday. I was reading some reviews and someone explained it simply and it hit me... YES!!!

If I understand correctly setting the tones to anything other than one tone practically defeats the advantage of setting the disc below 15 because all the tone settings default everything 15 and under to a low iron grunt... so, using one tone and disc=6 will ignore everything 5 and lower and give me a tone on everything 6 and above... which will cause me to stop and investigate all hits rather than to pass over all thise iron grunts that may be targets hitting between 6 and 15... which may be masked goodies with a low averaged TID due to a lot of iron co-located...

I know I am not the best at explaining things so I hope what I am thinking is clear... do I have it right? That anything other that one tone practically defaults the F75 to a disc of 15 because it will report every target 15 and lower as iron!

I guess the same is true of the T2 only with the disc=21 and tone=1. I am not sure about the Omega-8000 but IIRC it is disc=16 and tone=1. Is that correct?

I am going to a place that is infested with cut square nails and iron ore... really bad ground and really bad trash both old and new. I am excited about trying this now that I think i understand why I am doing it... and I am sure it has been explained but I just never grasped why until now so I didn't try it... because I didn't see what it would do and why.

My question is... is this correct? Am I understanding this correctly? Also in really bad ground can running the sens too high be like running high beams in fog? Do you think in bad ground with decomposing ore and iron bits and cut square nails that I mighr benefit from lowering the sens and, with the F75 LTD running BP with a lower sens? Thankfully I have a T2 coming back from being fixed and an O8K to try. I have the small coils for the F and the T but no yet for the Omega. I am not buying it bacause I plan on getting a GBSE and it comes with the small coil... so i'll just get it that way.

So... any thoughts or advice or corrections?? I surealy don't want to start something that is wrong but this makes sense to me and this particular site had a lot of CW relics and still has a lot of iron and bad ground... it makes sense that there could be non-ferrous relics that are reading below 15 and are being dismissed as iron... I think I need to dig some!


That is EXACTLY correct......on ALL items.

Time permitting, read the threads titled:

Rcpt Ack of F75 LTD proto
An exception...
August 24, 2010 01:42PM
and this will only be pertinent to a similar site that I'll refer to. I have a site that has somewhat normal ground phase readings (65 to 80) but the ferrous mineralization is varying from medium to high. No matter what the Fe3O4 reads in that mentioned range, non-ferrous targets usually read as full time ferrous or mostly ferrous with an occasional non-ferrous bounce. This pertains to any target deeper than about 4". MOST of the cut nails and nails short enough to not double hit read 8 to 11. MOST non-ferrous targets read 1 to 6 or 12 to 15, and more often than not, THE FORMER. Think about that for a moment and you'll figure out that at least in these conditions, disc 6 alone will be detrimental to making desirable finds, regardless of the tone selection. I know this is probably an exception to what most have to deal with BUT you at least should be aware of it. J, you've been around long enough to know that someone Else's settings may well not work well in the conditions you encounter so while you should try 6D/1T, just be aware that it MIGHT NOT be the end all cure all by any means. The key here is that once you've been on a site long enough to see where the undesirable trash items fall out and you're comfortable in making that bet for all additional time spent at that site, you need to pay attention to and have your detector set up to accept all else or depending on your intended quarry.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/24/2010 01:56PM by BuckeyeBrad.
Re: An exception...
August 25, 2010 12:50AM
BuckeyeBrad Wrote:
> and this will only be pertinent to a similar site
> that I'll refer to. I have a site that has
> somewhat normal ground phase readings (65 to 80)
> but the ferrous mineralization is varying from
> medium to high. No matter what the Fe3O4 reads in
> that mentioned range, non-ferrous targets usually
> read as full time ferrous or mostly ferrous with
> an occasional non-ferrous bounce. This pertains to
> any target deeper than about 4". MOST of the cut
> nails and nails short enough to not double hit
> read 8 to 11. MOST non-ferrous targets read 1 to 6
> or 12 to 15, and more often than not, THE FORMER.
> Think about that for a moment and you'll figure
> out that at least in these conditions, disc 6
> alone will be detrimental to making desirable
> finds, regardless of the tone selection. I know
> this is probably an exception to what most have to
> deal with BUT you at least should be aware of it.
> J, you've been around long enough to know that
> someone Else's settings may well not work well in
> the conditions you encounter so while you should
> try 6D/1T, just be aware that it MIGHT NOT be the
> end all cure all by any means. The key here is
> that once you've been on a site long enough to see
> where the undesirable trash items fall out and
> you're comfortable in making that bet for all
> additional time spent at that site, you need to
> pay attention to and have your detector set up to
> accept all else or depending on your intended
> quarry.

But what kind of non-ferrous targets are you talking about. Surely not a silver coin, but maybe a button, $1 gold coin etc>
Re: An exception...
August 25, 2010 01:44AM
Mark, I'm talking everything from buck and small cuff buttons to silver coins and everything in between. The hotter ground (and targets) over at Culpeper area acts the same way quite a bit.
Brad, have you mastered Culpeper with the F75?
August 25, 2010 05:43PM
That is some of the worst ground around.

Re: Brad, have you mastered Culpeper with the F75?
August 25, 2010 09:20PM
Gene, I'm not sure "mastered" is the right word but I do feel I've taken it about as far as it can go over there with the T-2 and F-75. I do need to do some more work with the LTD (with BP AM) over there. I experimented constantly until I found what worked best. Whenever I go back, I always look for a better new current reality of setups but it's been a lotta hunts since I found any settings that work better.