
Video shows a father and son in New York sending a Camera up to about 90,000 Ft or so on a weather balloon ...

Pretty neat...Get them off the video games and get them thinking!!!!

Kid's have no imagination any more...There not challenged like we used to be....

I would of loved to have done this with my Dad As a Kid!!

Heck I would love to do it with my Kid's now....Sounds like it's time for some Project's with the Kid's...

Sorry to ramble but I have been wanting to get my Daughter's interested in something Beside's Wii and Disney Channel....America's becoming brain dead and we are letting it happen with our youth....


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/10/2010 07:19AM by Keith Southern.
After viewing that video I believe there is hope for today's younger generation... and to think I thought they only understood graphic animation programs and video games. winking smiley
VERY innovative. I should have 'tracked' this space craft.
That's one of the best things you can do with/for a kid. Especially if you let him participate and use his brain & ideas...they will supprise you with their ideas. If you don't let the kid get involved (in the project) and think, they will get bored and want to go off and play. Also, let it be hands on for the child & if you have to be critical, say it in words that don't frustrate them or belittle them. I had some of the best times with my son doing projects, even some on the house. One time when my boy was about 4 years, old we were re-doing a powder room in our first house. He was standing next to me in that little room while I was doing some plumbing, handing me tools, asking me questions. All of a sudden water started sqirting out all over the place. We're getting wet and jumping around & he started laughing that little kids laugh when they get excited which made me start to laugh histerically as I tried to get the water to stop. We stood there dripping and laughing when my wife came in he proceded to tell his mom the fun we had, which made her laugh by the way he told about the event.
He is 26 and married now, and once in a while we do a work project together. Those projects make a kid confident in themselves. My son to this day isn't afraid to tackel any project on his own and has the ability to do so.
That video brought back fond memories...thanks Kieth for posting that.