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Tom big Question

Posted by Dominic 
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Tom big Question
October 23, 2010 10:59PM
I had purchased a new house with no grass yet planted, I was lazy and took a couple years to get around to it, but my question is this. Rocks continued to come up from the ground to the top of the soil. Why do coins sink and rocks rise. Also, my wife was a farmers daughter and it happened in the fields also every year they would pick rocks????????????
Re: Tom big Question
October 24, 2010 01:51AM
Probably because you are picking up the rocks that are on the surface, plus if it is a hill or slope the soil washes away from around them if there is now no ground cover. I used to live on a ricky hilltop and I soon learned to not pick up rocks because, really... it makes more come up. The soil will wash away where you pick them up and voila... more rocks. Then there is the probablability that the lot used to be wooded and covered with leaves that kept everything in place.

I fenced the backyard at the old place with a chainlink fence, every couple of years I had to get out a shovel and remove the dirt and leaf buildup in one lower corner, it would build up about two ft high in a couple of years of erosion... grass will stop it.

If you want to do it right you need to get someone to run a Rockhound over the yard. Then bring in a few dumptrucks of topsoil, then seed it with both whatever grass you plan to have and rye grass.. or sod it. The rye grass will pop up fasr in the fall and grow all winter, unless you are in the far north, it will serve as a nursery for the fescue or whatever you sow.

Re: Tom big Question
October 24, 2010 03:38AM
I had a house in the gold country and the same thing happened and it was not due to the soil being washed away this would happen in the early summer after we had no rain for several months. I can only guess but the soil being heated up by the warmer months pushed the rocks up. I would also see shards of broken glass surface. So maybe the heat would push stuff up in the heat and in the rainy season they would sink!




If you don’t dig it, then how are you going to know what you’re missing!
How can you have your pudding if you don’t eat your meat!
Re: Tom big Question
October 24, 2010 04:37AM
I think it's a combination of wind and rain breaking down the soil and blowing it away when there's no grass cover or vegetation to anchor it down. The rocks aren't rising, the soil around them is just eroding away.
Re: Tom big Question
October 24, 2010 01:10PM
This is what makes the cold stones to get up. Earth freezes and melts. In spring, as formulated, melt the frozen remains under rocks while the soil is melting all around. This raises the rocks a little bit upwards each year.
Sorry google translated.
Re: Tom big Question
October 25, 2010 01:44AM
Rocks are not as 'high-density' as most would think!
Re: Tom big Question
October 27, 2010 01:25PM
In many cases....from personal experience...the rocks you see which "appear" to have "risen" have not. In fact, many times it's the surrounding soil that settles...leaving shallow rocks nearer the surface. Of course...also from experience...especially in northern climates....frost 'heaves' can and do lift large/heavy objects through expansion from freezing water.
Re: Tom big Question
October 27, 2010 08:44PM