This Open Forum is now DISABLE to new posts due to the "Phorum" Forum Software used for this forum being generally obsolete and basically no longer supported. Recently, the server that hosts this website upgraded to MySQL version 8.0.36 and Phorum 5.2.23 is not compatible with MySQL version 8.0.36. This Phorum based Discussion Forum will still be available for viewing and reference but is no longer accepting new postings and will be READ ONLY. To visit the NEW forum, CLICK HERE! Please note that those wishing to use the NEW Discussion Forum will have to re-sign up. Due to encryption of passwords, I cannot transfer users from the Phorum platform to the new forum platform. I am sorry for all the inconveniences. This Phorum based discussion forum will still be here for reference and veiwing, but will be closed for further posts.
This forum is currently read only. You can not log in or make any changes. This is a temporary situation.