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Blisstool Question

Posted by Hungarian 
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Blisstool Question
June 18, 2012 08:33PM
I have been reading up on the blisstool and I am curious is to why they keep saying it is no good for trashy sights like schools and parks. If the detector can detect deep, then it should be able to hit the deep coins in parks and you can disc out iron...but I havent read about discriminationg out pulltabs. Anyone have any insight?
Anonymous User
Re: Blisstool Question
June 18, 2012 09:45PM
I have insight.
The discrimination goes up to just about small foil. You will dig pulltabs.
There is "basically" one tone for all non-ferrous so silver, copper and non-ferrous junk items sound somewhat the same.
There is no depth meter - so items that are 14" sound like items 4" - yes you can pick up your coil but that's not fun...

So the ideal place for a Blisstool is NOT trashy parks or schoolyards - even though it has great depth and superior sensitivity plus awesome separation and iron discrimination.

Re: Blisstool Question
June 18, 2012 11:14PM
Thanks for the info Barry...I wonder if putting in a higher value resistor pot for the discrimination knob would help extend the range.
Re: Blisstool Question
June 19, 2012 06:47AM
This is where the rumoured 6/7" coil would be very handy as the standard coil is too big in such busy area's.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/19/2012 06:53AM by DavyR.
Anonymous User
Re: Blisstool Question
June 19, 2012 10:31AM
The Europeans have a dig everything not iron strategy.
If you've ever detected in the UK farmfields (I have) then that strategy is a VERY sound one.
Great finds range from the lowest to the highest levels of conductivity. Discriminating out anything other than iron (and hotrocks if you can) will be detrimental to your great finds ratio...

So, tweaking the machine to increase the range of discrimination at this point in time seems to not be likely.

That being said, although a smaller coil would be a great addition to the line-up for picking out good stuff in an IRON littered site - and probably at great depth - it still won't stop you from digging every pulltab and screw top that's been littered into the ground...
Re: Blisstool Question
July 06, 2012 01:36PM
I know that with a non meter/single tone machine pull tabs and caps are a pain, but my hunting buddy Terry uses a no discrimination rule on anything but iron...yes pull tabs and caps and other trash are a pain...but at old mixed sites you have to dig it all thats non-ferrous......when we go to detecting conferences...he will have an entire corner of a convention center of relics that would have anyone envious...more than entire club setups...."TRS, stories from the soil" is a banner you may see....he doesn't use a metered or multi tone machine.....but he digs tons of junk as well....methodical clearing of junk to find the good stuff.....We've both ordered a blisstool and will try and will give absolutely Objective reviews....we don't care about the brand...just if will allow us to find more "good" and deeper relics/coins/jewelry.....I will compare against most brands as I have them due to "GAS" gear aquisition syndrome!
Re: Blisstool Question
July 06, 2012 01:57PM
Most definitely one could use this machine in a park if one also uses some strategy. I must admit that after a little over a year of detecting almost daily, I am no longer afraid of clearing a patch of park using a number of strategies I've found in the forums.

I will wait however. Maybe later, the Blisstool folk will come up with a park machine.

Pinpoint twice, dig once
Anonymous User
Re: Blisstool Question
July 06, 2012 03:48PM
After reading all the nonsense from forum surfers that have nothing better to do than to cut and paste stuff out of context which was written by people who don't even take the time to learn about a machine - WE WELCOME info coming from people who are experienced and willing to learn.

Good or bad - bring it on. Thanks.

BertSinEastTexas Wrote:
> I know that with a non meter/single tone machine
> pull tabs and caps are a pain, but my hunting
> buddy Terry uses a no discrimination rule on
> anything but iron...yes pull tabs and caps and
> other trash are a pain...but at old mixed sites
> you have to dig it all thats non-ferrous......when
> we go to detecting conferences...he will have an
> entire corner of a convention center of relics
> that would have anyone envious...more than entire
> club setups...."TRS, stories from the soil" is a
> banner you may see....he doesn't use a metered or
> multi tone machine.....but he digs tons of junk as
> well....methodical clearing of junk to find the
> good stuff.....We've both ordered a blisstool and
> will try and will give absolutely Objective
> reviews....we don't care about the brand...just if
> will allow us to find more "good" and deeper
> relics/coins/jewelry.....I will compare against
> most brands as I have them due to "GAS" gear
> aquisition syndrome!
Re: Blisstool Question
July 06, 2012 07:55PM
I have hunted ball parks , football fields, and trashy spots with the11" coil on the blisstool and it does amazingly well it pinponts spot on and is deep sure it would be nice to have a smaller coil , but I am suprized how nice the 11 gets by i dig lots of surface iron somtimes volintarily because i look for masked items and even in EMI i can still get a dime at 9" on 0 gaine as far as dicrimination if you disq out foil you may be in danger of losing rings , but my mentality is dig all at foil ar above as i look for gold rings , in farm feilds its not so much of a problem , I dug a beautifull gold ring that sounded just like a small can slaw and was a broken signal it was on edge i found it with a GT that was it for me i dont let that stuff go . i dig it
Anonymous User
Re: Blisstool Question
July 07, 2012 12:17AM
Gunnar - sometimes I can't tell if you like the Blisstool or you don't - however it does look like you are giving it the time needed to learn it.
Re: Blisstool Question
July 07, 2012 01:50AM
That what i think people think , that they may think i hate it , no I am just sharing my observations , I really like the machine , i have some badd ground hear and the tool is deeper than all other detectors i have owned, , when i did the EMI vidio you may have figured i was upset , not at all just being honest plus I have been corected by others as well , sometimes i do come off as the supreem athority on the blisstool but I am not . I do have to be carfull i dont misslead others , on this machine like when i was ground balancing in the negitive, I found i did not have to do that to get good depth , so feel free to alway point out a better way so i can keep learning i wasnt to master this machine , I think in my next vidio i will make a disclamer the views of Gunnar MN are not nessesarily the views of ---------- ?
Re: Blisstool Question
July 07, 2012 02:40AM
I would also like to see them bring out a smaller coil for the Blisstool. The 11" does a good job for overall use...but it wasn't that long ago when detectors came stock with 7 or 8 inch coils, and the large coil options were the 10 to 12 inch coils.

I can only imagine how deep the Bliss could go with a small coil. I sure want one if they do bring one to the market!
Re: Blisstool Question
July 07, 2012 03:45PM
Drawbacks...No modulated audio to measure depth easily, no vdi, no tone alerts, and no ability to knock out anything above small foil. With all that in mind, if I do buy one I'd probably not dare to use it on public land such as parks. Not only would I probably be digging more targets, but lacking modulated audio I might be forced to dig wider plugs in order to dig deeper plugs just because it doesn't appear there would be any way of knowing how deep the target is. Widening a shallow plug so that you can then dig deeper is never a good idea because of the mess in repairing it, so that's a serious issue I have to consider at least myself one way or the other. That said, in private fields and such with a lack of a ton of non-ferrous modern trash, it could have some potential for me there.

Why would it be that only Blisstol users who have a few bad things to say about it are the ones described as not knowing the machine well enough? Is it that this machine is the only one on the market that doesn't have some downsides? I think most people know the answer to that. It isn't perfect, just like any other machine in certain respects, so the consumer should be aware of those pros and cons before deciding to buy in order to insure happy customers is the way I look at it. Just doing my part to spread information for the educated consumer. In the end that will help it's sales, not hurt them.
Re: Blisstool Question
July 08, 2012 03:46PM
critter thear is a way to get less depth , gain on 0 turn the threshold down maybe to 0 and you only get coins in the 6" 7" range and on the modulated sound it does have a harder hitting sound on shallow Items and a softer sound on the deep the talk is always on how to get deep with it but you can tune it down very well , maybe i should do a vidio on that , the threshold normally is set at 5 and depending on the gain can be raised over 6 if you wanted to hunt a school yard i would sugjest 0 gain 3 on threshold and DL at 5 and DD at 6 you would get along just like the GT
Anonymous User
Re: Blisstool Question
July 08, 2012 04:52PM
Critter - the key words here are "spread information for the educated consumer"...

All we ask is that the spreader of the information is him/herself a user with some experience, and again we don't censure good or bad...

However - no one needs a spreader of horse manure...

So I'm totally DONE responding to you.

And again - you went on and on about why would anyone not want to sell you a machine - it's because we take great pride in trying to HELP everyone that buys the Blisstool to get the most out of the machine for their unique circumstances - but we don't want to deal with YOU. Our choice.