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those of you that have thought about the Vista RELIC

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those of you that have thought about the Vista RELIC
May 28, 2013 12:15AM
Hey guys I know there was less then a handful of you that owned one briefly and let it go for what ever reasons, well right now its my only machine I have right now so its had some dedication time and I've figured out some cool things about it so I share with folks, ok well everyone knows that recovery time is a little slower than the smart and gold, and is single toned and half to run in a disc mode so I run my disc in 10:30 to 11:00 o'clock to knock out most square nails and such well the cool thing I've discovered is that even if you have a target of iron but has a shape to it whether its a ring buckle or shoe and no matter really how small espeacially buckles the sweep in the first second you start will spit for a split second then will be as smooth as glass as your going over it then the same as the beginning and when i'm in a iron infested area I can tell right of the bat it be iron but of shape and for some reason buckles are usually smoother than the rest of the type of iron target described which by the way the 5" coil for this works awesome and I have pulled out coins with nails too, this machine you have to work slower with than the others and work all angles also, but loves bullets and brass and bronze, so anyone looking for a decent no frills but a very good nuanced toned machine and using cal rads or treasure wise head phones its really a winning combo, also I do stress this is not a park machine of anytype, its a true relic hunting machine the new small elliptical coil is now available
Re: those of you that have thought about the Vista RELIC
May 28, 2013 11:10PM
I just checked out the videos of the new 5 x 8 coil on the Vista Gold. That coil looks like a sensitive bugger. I've got one on the way.
Re: those of you that have thought about the Vista RELIC
May 29, 2013 12:08AM
yes I think your going to see some nice stuff coming out of the ground now plus will or should have good depth also
Re: those of you that have thought about the Vista RELIC
May 29, 2013 12:26AM
Man, that is one really long sentence. A little difficult to follow but I think I got the basic message. You are liking the Relic.
Re: those of you that have thought about the Vista RELIC
May 29, 2013 12:52AM
sorry Badger i'll try to keep it short next time LOL!
Re: those of you that have thought about the Vista RELIC
May 29, 2013 04:40AM
AMC, that is a good message too everyone. Once you learn your machine, you can get so much more out of it. Love the Gold. Still trying to figure out why it struggles on the oxidation on bullets and with the different KHz on the relic, no problem picking them up at all. Tested head to head on a three year old test plot. Gold will occationally hit on a three or two ringer in the ground but once out of ground it will not hit it. All great machines by Deeptech. Just wish they would improve their build quality....Stuart
Re: those of you that have thought about the Vista RELIC
May 29, 2013 10:32AM
well the trouble is being in Bulgaria they are sort of limited on what they can get, for instance to get metal stemed potentio meters is very hard to get and expensive when they do from what i'm told, personaly I haven't really had any issues, yeah you get the occasional bump against something with the coil and lets you know but i'm so use to it that it doesn't bother me and that i'm not rough with my equipment I clean it after every use just like you would your rifle, the little stuff is just minor the performance makes up the difference