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I think I've figured out a way to get rich

Posted by tnsharpshooter 
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I think I've figured out a way to get rich
March 07, 2015 02:14AM
If all the forum members here will give me a dollar for every time Keith has turned a metal detector on and then another dollar for every time he's turned a metal detector off since he started detecting until now, I figure I would be wealthy.
I say this because I've been watching his videos and of course I follow his post. This testing and comparing is a lot of work, very time consuming, and doing the videos makes it even a little more difficult. My hat goes off to you Keith. A fine job. Folks are learning a lot I feel from watching your videos too.
Re: I think I've figured out a way to get rich
March 07, 2015 02:32AM
Hey I'll take a dime for each time Keith has turned off and on a detector and still be rich




If you don’t dig it, then how are you going to know what you’re missing!
How can you have your pudding if you don’t eat your meat!
Re: I think I've figured out a way to get rich
March 07, 2015 02:35AM
i dont post much. but i"ll second tnsharpshooter totally !
Re: I think I've figured out a way to get rich
March 07, 2015 02:37AM
snowed in bud?
Re: I think I've figured out a way to get rich
March 07, 2015 02:41AM
deathray Wrote:
> snowed in bud?
Yep, but digging out.
Re: I think I've figured out a way to get rich
March 07, 2015 03:26AM
Hey, it's Keith who we should be sending our dollars (or dimes) to.
Anonymous User
Re: I think I've figured out a way to get rich
March 07, 2015 03:30AM
tnsharpshooter-You better get back over to Friendly,I think you might have just got a warning. Nobody's been on that thread for 6 hours and the thread is going fine but Ron must have got bored and came in with threats again. Some people don't contribute much but create drama. Just my opinion.
Re: I think I've figured out a way to get rich
March 07, 2015 03:35AM
The warning is for someone else, I've seen it. And yes the drama thingy, you're right.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/07/2015 03:40AM by tnsharpshooter.
Re: I think I've figured out a way to get rich
March 07, 2015 03:35AM
Maybe we all should contribute a $1 to Keith so he can buy some gold test coins.
( Hey Keith, do you have a paypal address smiling smiley )
Re: I think I've figured out a way to get rich
March 07, 2015 03:54AM
tnsharpshooter Wrote:
> The warning is for someone else, I've seen it.
> And yes the drama thingy, you're right.

I haven't logged into the Friendly in quite a while. That was the first metal detecting forum that I went to. Guess I was attracted to the name. I posted my first good find there. i found a pocket spill or 3 mercs with my ACE 250!!! It was like ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding......lol
Re: I think I've figured out a way to get rich
March 07, 2015 05:01AM
I have a 1 dollar gold coin I got from Tom a few years ago...

But at the same time I use it for testing but I dont use it in say a video...not really something that most detectorist have to compare against say a machine they have..a nickle and dime work well but to compare a dollar gold coin leaves alot of others out of doing their own testing...

One reason I like the nail deck test...everyone has a deck or Knows someone with one....I know all decks are not created equal but for the most part theres some standardization....And anyone can lay a dime or nickle in between some boards on edge and test things out...and if your machine does not hit the coins I hope it drives people to experiment with the machine till it will or finally decide it cant be done with their unit..The decide if they want to egt a machien that will do it and then take a machine that will do it to a site full of iron and do sopme side by side test fo their own and see what transpires ...

I want people to have that EUREKA moment...and wish I could see someones face who finally realises whats REALLY happening in the dirt below our feet...I feel Jack Has had his Eureka moment in the last couple of months...I can feel it just talking to him on the phone...His eyes have been opened from a new machine,,And now all of a sudden the light is on ...and thats what I hope everyone gets to experience ..those Eureka moments when the Unkown things start to be known... Questions answered that he did not even know there was a question to begin with..You can swing and swing and swing all you want and try this machien and that machine but when the light finally starts to come on for you Detecting becomes the most valuble find youve made in your life..not the finds themselves...

My whole goal in testing machines is to not prove ......brand X is better than brand Y on a video....I want to show what I think are the strong points of each units for the purposes I like to use them....Then others can take their units and see if theres can do what a video fof say mine shows...if theirs can do better or worse or equal or whetever at least mayeb soemone can learn something...But I would never try to take one unit and show it failing against another unit in some sort of intricate test...way too many variables ...I would rather other operators come to their own conclusions about the units they have and what they want to do with said units....

I see things in videos alot of times when people are doing head to heads on say for instance a coin next to a nail....Its like watching a magician at work....they are doing things in front of your eyes and if you dont pay close attention you wont catch it...

The more things you know about co-locate interaction the more things you know to do to make one unit look bad and one unit look good...

I try to make the machines I video do the best they can do...not the worst they can do....

And think of this nothings stratigically aligned in the real world..theres all sorts of jambalaya going on in the dirt...nothing perfectly aligned for unmasking 101 to happen...but if you have a machine that can get past the test hurdle of the hardest test targets then theres a chance of a find coming to light in a hunted out site full of iron...maybe just one more find but a find of a lifetime....

We divide the machines up in testing by how far you can keep pushing a unit.....one of the harder test that separates units can be the nail lying east west with coin lying dead center one mm off the shaft(Not touching) then sweep east to west and listen for report....now we have a hurdle that is being crossed a few machiens are encroaching on and passing this test now .. and from experience I know that the machine passing this test is finding some previously masked targets in old sites etc full of iron....

Eventually I hope to find a machine that can hear a coin in same scenario in same position with more nails added to the mix...

If you can find detectors that barely exceed other units it will USUALLY and at times BARELY exceed other units in an iron contaminted site...


“I don't care that they stole my idea . . I care that they don't have any of their own”
-Nikola Tesla
Re: I think I've figured out a way to get rich
March 07, 2015 05:18AM
I must say, a good read. Very methodical approach. And Keith, I do like how you try to keep everything above board. I realize it's hard to keep all the angles and views outright visible(glare) all the time when videoing. And your thinking in using common things/scenarios most of us possess in doing your test is noteworthy. A valued team member indeed to the metal detecting community.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/07/2015 05:40AM by tnsharpshooter.
Re: I think I've figured out a way to get rich
March 07, 2015 07:02AM
I agree with the above post whole heartedly!
Re: I think I've figured out a way to get rich
March 07, 2015 09:30AM
Wait I got confused, who do I send my gold dollar to?

Using a Legend, a Deus 2, an Equinox 800, a Tarsacci MDT 8000, & a few others...
with my beloved, fading Corgi, Sadie
Re: I think I've figured out a way to get rich
March 07, 2015 09:55AM
You guys can have the money I just wished I had half the knowledge he has of metal detectors, detecting the his ability to pick up a new detector and get the most out of it.

Re: I think I've figured out a way to get rich
March 07, 2015 11:46AM
Keith is definitely a great asset to our hobby. He tells it the way he sees it.
Re: I think I've figured out a way to get rich
March 09, 2015 09:59PM
Kind words from y'all..


We all learn from each other...


“I don't care that they stole my idea . . I care that they don't have any of their own”
-Nikola Tesla