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OT Price of eggs???

Posted by tnsharpshooter 
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OT Price of eggs???
June 28, 2015 07:24PM
I never thought I would ever say I could buy a gallon of gasoline for less than a dozen of eggs. Price of eggs seems has doubled, at least in my neck of the woods. 1 Doz last week at wally world was $1.68, now $3.17. Gallon of gas $2.49................
I feel this is really going to have serious effects on some of the bigger families, trying to feed and all.

btw I forgot to mention the added sales tax.....boy!!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/28/2015 07:25PM by tnsharpshooter.
Re: OT Price of eggs???
June 28, 2015 07:32PM
Blame Bird flu + Californica's new law that says producers have to take into account a chicken's feelings. Ca buys so many eggs, they influence even the Midwest egg producers.

This goes really deep too. Many many many grocery food products have an egg component in them. Gonna get worse before it gets better too.

But don't worry; food costs aren't figured into the O-fish-L goobermint inflation calculation, so at least inflation wont rise. We got that.
Re: OT Price of eggs???
June 28, 2015 08:15PM
I've been wanting to get enough laying hens to grow my own eggs, but I'd probably have $5 a dozen in then worth of sweat and tears doing it that way.
Re: OT Price of eggs???
June 28, 2015 08:26PM
Seems also ironic bottled water may cost more then fuel but price never stopped people I guess. I love the fresh summer cherrys but bit expensive until the price drops.
I beleive my urban city is allowing residents to own a few chickens. Also noticed how the back yard gardens our parents had are coming back in vogue.
Re: OT Price of eggs???
June 28, 2015 08:44PM
The price of eggs here are real outrageous too,need to find myself a hen house i believe lol
Re: OT Price of eggs???
June 28, 2015 08:52PM
I've got around $100 worth of stuff in my backyard garden. Crooked neck squash, zucchini, tomatoes, okra, bell pepper and sweet corn! I think between combating bugs and cost of water/fertilizer I could have taken my $100 and bought twice as I have harvested! But I enjoy the homegrown tomatoes enough to keep planting one every year!
Re: OT Price of eggs???
June 28, 2015 08:59PM
Fletch88 Wrote:
> I've got around $100 worth of stuff in my backyard
> garden. Crooked neck squash, zucchini, tomatoes,
> okra, bell pepper and sweet corn! I think between
> combating bugs and cost of water/fertilizer I
> could have taken my $100 and bought twice as I
> have harvested! But I enjoy the homegrown tomatoes
> enough to keep planting one every year!

I enjoy corn the most from homegrown, and hear you about the costs involved.
Re: OT Price of eggs???
June 28, 2015 09:00PM
Fletch88 i sure wish that you would get some chickens lol
Re: OT Price of eggs???
June 28, 2015 10:11PM
It's not the high price of your eggs, it's the ridiculously low price of your gas that's making them look expensive. Come to the U.K and pay the equivalent of 7 US dollars for 1 US gallon. (no doubt residents of Bahrain who are reading this thread will be amazed that you pay 3 times what they do....)
Re: OT Price of eggs???
June 28, 2015 10:39PM
Wonder what the price of eggs will be in Greece in a few days?


“I don't care that they stole my idea . . I care that they don't have any of their own”
-Nikola Tesla

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/29/2015 12:09AM by Keith Southern.
Re: OT Price of eggs???
June 28, 2015 11:54PM
I had about 23 chickens and 3 roosters for about 6 or so years. I built them a heated & insulated walk-in hen house, cupola and all. At the time, the kids were young, and of course my daughter named them all, so eggs is all we took. We had a blast raising them and have many funny stories to boot.

As the years went bye and being free range, the fox and red tails dwindled down the chicken population. I was gathering 18 eggs a day and giving dozens away to friends. The eggs were sooo good I may raise 6 or 8 again. I still eat eggs 5+ days a week, been doing that for a long time. My total cholesterol is in the 150's....hasn't changed in 25 years.

The feed and scratch was cheap and they ate bugs (makes the eggs taste even better) on the property and woods. Those years we had near zero tics on us or the dogs.

Tns, the cost of a dozen eggs we get here are $3.29, (28 cents each). Between my wife an I, we eat about 64 eggs a month (just for breakfast), give or take...that's over $200 a year.
Re: OT Price of eggs???
June 29, 2015 12:03AM
In Vancouver likely 3 dollars may be average also, do you folks think the taste of free run chickens is good, sure seems good last time my family cooked one.
Re: OT Price of eggs???
June 29, 2015 12:21AM
tnsharpshooter Wrote:
> I never thought I would ever say I could buy a
> gallon of gasoline for less than a dozen of eggs.
> Price of eggs seems has doubled, at least in my
> neck of the woods. 1 Doz last week at wally world
> was $1.68, now $3.17. Gallon of gas
> $2.49................
> I feel this is really going to have serious
> effects on some of the bigger families, trying to
> feed and all.
> btw I forgot to mention the added sales
> tax.....boy!!!

Not sure what a dozen of eggs is up here (my wife does the shopping) but I know that a gallon of gas is $2.85/gallon.
Re: OT Price of eggs???
June 29, 2015 12:30AM
Pimento Wrote:
> It's not the high price of your eggs, it's the
> ridiculously low price of your gas that's making
> them look expensive. Come to the U.K and pay the
> equivalent of 7 US dollars for 1 US gallon. (no
> doubt residents of Bahrain who are reading this
> thread will be amazed that you pay 3 times what
> they do....)

I know, petro is serious priced in the UK. It was high when I was in Italy in 1994. Not many gas burners around, mostly diesel.
Cost of living in UK was so high, the government gave me $900 a month cost adjustment for housing. Don't take too big of a house there either,,,serious bucks. Hard for me to understand how folks cope.
Re: OT Price of eggs???
June 29, 2015 01:48AM
I like eggs, but when they get that high I just leave them rot in the store. if more people would do that they would come down. I can do with out them a week or two.
Re: OT Price of eggs???
June 29, 2015 02:59AM
Keith Southern Wrote:
> Wonder what the price of eggs will be in Greece in
> a few days?
> [www.bbc.com]

they won't be pichin' 'em at the politicians to a certainty,
NOT at these "ungodly" prices! (hot dam!) beginnin' to look like all the banks
are gonna "croak!" i'm just sayin;

Worst bird flu epidemic in US history...
June 29, 2015 03:11AM
We have huge chicken and turkey farms here in Michigan. I know the chicken eggs go to McD's, the chickens go to Cambells soup once they stop producing, and the turkeys to various deli meat mfg. Anyways, the entrances to all of these facilities have newly implemented sanitation protocols due to bird flu. The tires on my service van are literally sanitized upon entering the facility, and there is a funky powder over all the floors. Also, I'm no longer allowed to enter the processing facility to locate a piece of equipment that requires service, which is fine by me, lol.

Luckily we picked up a dozen pullets a couple of months ago. I like home grown eggs anyways, and with four teenagers around the house, I need all the (semi) free food that nature provides...
Re: OT Price of eggs???
June 29, 2015 03:46AM
Lots of talk going on ...even heard Greece might just start the drachma back up and abandon the euro...??gossip at this point.

Lot's of bank's in trouble,,,I read the Deutsche Bank stands to be hit the hardest if Greece goes go belly up..

Wonder how much gold Greece has on hand??


“I don't care that they stole my idea . . I care that they don't have any of their own”
-Nikola Tesla
Re: OT Price of eggs???
June 29, 2015 04:01AM
they don't!..it's all at the bottom of the "agean" sea!...ain't been discovered yet!
with all the sh*t goin' down over there,one would would think they should get after it!
i'm just sayin'

Re: OT Price of eggs???
June 29, 2015 12:03PM
Not going to matter what the price of anything is if you cant get your money out of the bank. With all our money being direct deposit now days what would people do here? Back to putting some money in your matrices.
Re: OT Price of eggs???
June 30, 2015 01:00AM
dewcon4414 Wrote:
> Not going to matter what the price of anything is
> if you cant get your money out of the bank. With
> all our money being direct deposit now days what
> would people do here? Back to putting some money
> in your matrices.

No don't put under mattress, rather bury. Then someone, even me, might find some day detecting, in case one forgets where they buried. lol
Re: OT Price of eggs???
June 30, 2015 01:18AM
Speaking of putting some money in your mattress: During Katrina it became very clear that it is wise to have a cash stash,banks were closed and no electricity for weeks. In your stash be sure to have lots of $1.00 bills because the ole"no change" will make you end up paying a lot more for an item if all you have are big bills.EVERYTHING is CASH.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/30/2015 01:24AM by doc holiday.
Re: OT Price of eggs???
June 30, 2015 03:59AM
This whole thread has me itching to respond, but it will flame..basically, the current political trend dont work, and you can thank the peta heads for Kslifornias stupid new regulation.
Re: OT Price of eggs???
June 30, 2015 04:30AM
FYI to all,
I submitted to wild wally via pm the following:

In the best interest of the forum I request this thread be deleted. I started the thread. It's off topic (non metal detecting related) and I should have never posted.

My apologies to all, and would hope folks would consider this thread closed-no more posting please....and let Wally do his thing!
Re: OT Price of eggs???
June 30, 2015 01:44PM
Why tns? It isn't going south.
Re: OT Price of eggs???
June 30, 2015 03:44PM
ozzie Wrote:
> Why tns? It isn't going south.

Yeah, I pretty much bit my tongue, haha.
Re: OT Price of eggs???
July 02, 2015 04:53AM
dewcon4414 Wrote:
> Not going to matter what the price of anything is
> if you cant get your money out of the bank. With
> all our money being direct deposit now days what
> would people do here? Back to putting some money
> in your matrices.

bury it! leave a map! ehe! he! he!

Re: OT Price of eggs???
July 10, 2015 12:56AM
I get my farm fresh eggs for a dollar a dozen. I raise my own beef.i raise my own hog, I harvest deer and turkey I grow my own garden. This country boy can survive lol Now if the folks in Washington would stop taxing the hell out of me I would be a rich man lol
Re: OT Price of eggs???
July 10, 2015 01:09AM
docbars Wrote:
> I get my farm fresh eggs for a dollar a dozen. I
> raise my own beef.i raise my own hog, I harvest
> deer and turkey I grow my own garden. This
> country boy can survive lol Now if the folks in
> Washington would stop taxing the hell out of me I
> would be a rich man lol
> Corey

I admire people who are self relient like our friends at Edgewood, I sometime's wish I was more like that, the city allows a few chickens maybe can make a token effort at self relience smiling smiley
Re: OT Price of eggs???
July 10, 2015 07:38PM
Keith Southern Wrote:
> Wonder what the price of eggs will be in Greece in
> a few days?
> [www.bbc.com]

I suppose they had the decency NOT to print out money to give to their bankers - why prolong the ineviatable?