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Racer settings

Posted by mrb1268 
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Racer settings
January 02, 2016 06:12PM
What would be a preferred way to set the Racer up for deep silver?...... as far as i know soil is mild and relatively free of trash, nails etc.
Re: Racer settings
January 02, 2016 07:11PM
If your lucky enough to have mild trash free ground I would run it in 2 tone.
It's noticeably deeper than 3 tone.
ID filter 10 or less if the conditions allow and crank the gain as far as you can where it still runs stable.
Wish I had those kind of conditions.
Good luck!
Re: Racer settings
January 02, 2016 08:07PM
2 tone high gain..

Ground tracking off..

stock coil or bigger..

Highest tone setting HZ wise to give the most delineation between the deeper tones..


“I don't care that they stole my idea . . I care that they don't have any of their own”
-Nikola Tesla
Re: Racer settings
January 02, 2016 09:38PM
Try to in your ID filter at 5, gain at least 95 in 2 tone if conditions will allow.
Watch your sweep speed--- meaning not overly slow
Brisker sweep may get a tad more depth.

Don't forget the AM either.
Especially searching around in a small area where in fact dug a few deep coins.
And forget the meter-- listen for sound.
Re: Racer settings
January 03, 2016 12:13AM
The settings are straight forward. Run two tone and crank it. Run all metal if conditions allow. The Racer is no depth demon, and it's contribution to the owner is with the small coil in the iron. I was actually disappointed with the depth and target ID of the Racer.
Re: Racer settings
January 03, 2016 03:18AM
Two tone set your audio tone to 5 gain to 80 - 85 no tracking just GB on clean ground a few times on the hunt. Use the 10x5 coil on areas with iron I use it all the time and the 5 in heavy iron or trash




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Re: Racer settings
January 03, 2016 04:10AM
Thanks everyone for all suggestions.... will give it a go Monday morning.
Re: Racer settings
January 03, 2016 05:06AM
Keith Southern Wrote:
> 2 tone high gain..
> Ground tracking off..
> stock coil or bigger..
> Highest tone setting HZ wise to give the most
> delineation between the deeper tones..
> Keith
