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Stirrup ID???

Posted by docbars 
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Stirrup ID???
October 12, 2016 05:19PM
Here is a stirrup found by a lady at a recent hunt. Can any of you CW folks confirm if its Union or CSA? I figure Keith would know for sure lol

Re: Stirrup ID???
October 12, 2016 07:32PM
Hey Corey,

Is it brass? Iron? Any markings on the bottom?

A lot of the Yankee ones had US stamped on the bottom but I'm not the one to say one way or the other for sure

Cool find for that lady though!
Re: Stirrup ID???
October 12, 2016 07:43PM
I have one just like it I found in Montana.
Re: Stirrup ID???
October 12, 2016 10:50PM
Nice Find..

that's about a 1850s bell shaped Civilian stirrup..Not blacksmith made but a production item..

if a soldier had it it would of been a Reb.

Most all yankees used the 1859 McClellan saddles and they had wooden stirrups leather covered..officers would at times buy brass.

there's always the exceptions and there was some military stirrups like artillery style and such..but that one is a Civilian style mid 1800's..

they also turn up quite frequently on old house sites..just about every house site here in the south has Stirrups in them...but also in the South most men rode horses...up north most all rode in buggys..

So add things up and there's a good chance a Confederate cavalry man had that stirrup on...but its not a Confederate manufactured artifact if that makes sense..


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-Nikola Tesla