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Deus V4 - How do the different programs differ (filter wise)??

Posted by Sod-buster 
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Deus V4 - How do the different programs differ (filter wise)??
October 09, 2017 12:56AM
I have read here and other places where some folk think V4 incorporates depending on the program selected,,,some filtering associated with version 2 Deus, and some with version 3.2 version Deus.

This came off of Treasure net forum btw.

OK here's the scoop on the mysterious previous version signal processing "filters" that Gary was going on about in his video. I got this information from a written fact sheet that Andy Sabisch put together that will ultimately be part of his update to the handbook reflecting the new V4 software and associated hardware (HF coils and the wireless pinpointer).

Andy says that only the deep program has old V2 signal processing filters. All the other built-in programs (except Gold Field, which is a completely different ALL METAL pitch program altogether) use V4 signal processing filters. Yes this is different than what Gary was saying regarding the Hot program using V 3.2 filters. Andy got his information directly from the XP engineers including Alain Loubet the CEO/CTO of XP. This also makes me think the effect is VERY subtle as I remember a Calabash video testing all "three" filters under identiical settings and targets and we all believed you could tell slight differences in performance. Apparently we were imagining things at least as far as the Hot program was concerned because it is supposedly no different than any other program (other than Deep and Gold Field, that is) if everything else is set identically. To be fair, though, I think one of the configurations gave noticeably scratchier signals under some circumstances and this was likely the Deep configuration with V2 filters (see below).

According to the written information, the V2 signal processing filters apparently give a fuller sound for some deep objects but are more subject to breaking up in the presence of other masking targets such as Iron.

I think the bottom line is that you can really overthink the "secret filter" thing (e.g., I seriously doubt targets will become inaudible with one filter vs. the other) and just remember that the Deep program has these filters and the others do not. HTH

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/09/2017 12:59AM by Sod-buster.