Does anyone still have any faith in the Pulse Devil/Nemesis Project?
June 25, 2011 02:21AM
I have been following this off and on for years as many of you probably have. My recent interest in PI units put me back on the trail and I was just Googling around to see if there were any recent developments when I ran across a week old post made by Dave. At this point in the game I know better than to get excited about it but the thought of a true discriminating machine capable of PI depth and tolerance for bad ground still winds my watch so to speak.

I have highlighted Dave's post in this link [] if anyone is interested in reading it.

I don't know Dave but I can't help but believe that he truly intends to release this machine. After all if he isn't taking money from investors what does he have to gain by continuing to post about it if he is not working toward eventual production?

Does anyone here have any more info?
Re: Does anyone still have any faith in the Pulse Devil/Nemesis Project?
June 25, 2011 06:30AM
Well, after reading his last post from your link....I have been following this for some 6 years off and on,
I think he is overly defensive in that statement but I have read posts pertaining to what he referenced.
He did say on various occassions to be almost ready to market...then a prolonged silence.
But what he said about how deep it was, I remember he said the same many years ago.
I think we all hope he is right, it would be strange to lead on about a potential product so many times if
it wasn't for real.
He calls his design a "balanced pulse", that seems something entirely new but some think of the
ML's discriminating multis as some form of pulse.
We will all welcome something "new" and if he can get this thing to market at a reasonable cost then
most of us will forget the long wait.
I hope he will put in the past the negative posts but this time if we have another long term silence.....
I can understand part of this because he hasn't had the backing of a manufacturer......
It is strange however if he didn't let anyone here in the States take a look at it.
And he lived over on the East Coast, but I don't know if he it still there or somewhere across the pond.

Will it be the ultimate detector if it is brought to market?
Looking at past history of detectors leads me to think there will things we may like about it
and things that we don't.
Re: Does anyone still have any faith in the Pulse Devil/Nemesis Project?
June 26, 2011 12:03AM
All i know is about a year and a half ago I got into a really big tussle over this topic on another forum. Can you believe it? Sweet little me? All I say is that I love pulse detection in the salt water. I welcome new innovation and ideas. If it ever comes to market I will research it and ask questions about it. I would love to have a great new toy out there.
Re: Does anyone still have any faith in the Pulse Devil/Nemesis Project?
June 26, 2011 01:41AM
I have heard about that detector for so long my ears are starting to bleed! I think if any company out there can come up with a great P.I. unit it would be minelab.
Re: Does anyone still have any faith in the Pulse Devil/Nemesis Project?
June 26, 2011 01:58AM
I have a question............does Minelab have a patent lock on multifrequency?......White's I heard...........leases their multi-frequency from Minelab. Is that true?
It seems only Minelab does the multi.
Re: Does anyone still have any faith in the Pulse Devil/Nemesis Project?
June 26, 2011 04:15AM
TerraDigger, I think the correct (public) answer is no to your questions.
Yet Carl at Whites did make a call to ML before the release of the V3.

About Emery's last post, he mentions a "friend".
I do wonder who is referencing, I think at one time Carl of Whites and he were on friendly terms.
But this is pure would be nice if Whites could bring his detector to market....
Re: Does anyone still have any faith in the Pulse Devil/Nemesis Project?
June 27, 2011 02:40AM
It has been an interesting saga, considering the promise surrounding this new alleged technology. To date, we have not seen any performance reports or information by any independent source…only chatter on a few forums by the designer. In factual evidence we don’t have a clue as to whether this unit performs as described.

On his own initiative at least, and for whatever reasons, the designer has not been able to bring this unit to the marketplace. The Pulse Devil / Nemesis may very well exist, but I’ll only believe it when I actually see it. Deeds speak, not years of empty promises.

Re: Does anyone still have any faith in the Pulse Devil/Nemesis Project?
June 27, 2011 03:47AM
Re: Does anyone still have any faith in the Pulse Devil/Nemesis Project?
June 27, 2011 03:55AM
Early on there were a couple of pics, one in UK and one in....oh heck, I have forgot where.
I saw the pics...there was a whether it beeped or not....
Then later on supposedly he was redesigning it for use with ML coils....
but now from his last post it appears he has gone back to the original design.
He seemed to be focused years back on the prospecting part of using it....
but it supposed to have full discrimination.
A lot of questions....he could have all this dismissed by having a high profile
well known detectorist sweep it for a minute or 2.

If he has created a full range discriminating pulse, he has accomplished
something that several..say 4 or 5 top engineers haven't yet.
With no proof whatsoever....All of a sudden I am skeptical.
Re: Does anyone still have any faith in the Pulse Devil/Nemesis Project?
December 18, 2012 06:24PM
I agree with Steve, Dave should sell his technology to Whites or Fisher and let them bring the technology to market if its as good as he says it is, he will still benefit for yrs to come moneywise if he does a decent deal with a company that can bring it to market in a reasonable amount of time.
Re: Does anyone still have any faith in the Pulse Devil/Nemesis Project?
December 18, 2012 08:46PM
Just curious, what makes you think there is anything to sell?

Steve Herschbach
Re: Does anyone still have any faith in the Pulse Devil/Nemesis Project?
December 18, 2012 10:03PM
I would be happy with a hybrid for now....

I think Carl at White's has stated that he want's to do a TDI/MXT hybrid...and I believe he states it's doable....probabaly cant run them at the same time but have a switch to jump back and forth....I do think it's a step in the rigth direction....

There is some hybrid's like that being built in europe right now....Sort of the missing link if you will...and who know's maybe thats where the technology to finally get a disc p.i. to work will evolve from...

The European ones use a printed circuit coil instead of wires and has a static disc circuit but no ground issue' they have a different approach than carl has stated...but i think a TDL SL in the same box as an MXT with switching ability would be an awesome advance....allow you to go after certain target' the vlf is ignoring in bad ground ....

Re: Does anyone still have any faith in the Pulse Devil/Nemesis Project?
December 19, 2012 03:52AM
Still.......... I do not believe the Pulse Devil will ever come to fruition.
Re: Does anyone still have any faith in the Pulse Devil/Nemesis Project?
December 19, 2012 06:54AM
There is a new PI hopefully coming to market in 2013{read advance in technology}.
One of the big manufacturers has spent a lot of time and money on lawyers trying to block it.
Re: Does anyone still have any faith in the Pulse Devil/Nemesis Project?
December 19, 2012 03:37PM
turtleman Wrote:
> One of the big manufacturers has spent a lot of
> time and money on lawyers trying to block it.


Steve Herschbach
Re: Does anyone still have any faith in the Pulse Devil/Nemesis Project?
December 20, 2012 07:02AM
I believe the excuse was patent infringement, but don't quote me on that Steve.
It's been very hush hush for the last couple of months. Do you have any news Steve?

Re: Does anyone still have any faith in the Pulse Devil/Nemesis Project?
December 20, 2012 01:58PM
i think its a lost cause and lots of hot air ,if it was any good he could have cleaned up with hasty buyers .
or sold the lot on to a maker who could build them in bulk .
file it under 'hype'
Re: Does anyone still have any faith in the Pulse Devil/Nemesis Project?
December 20, 2012 03:40PM
Nothing I can talk about. I do think 2013 is going to be an interesting year though.

I think Dave honestly meant well but suffered from wishful thinking. In business all that matters is the ability to deliver and Dave never did. Ironically it is he that sought me out as a potential dealer for the Pulse Devil (one of three) because I have a reputation for calling it like I see it. I do not think he appreciates that attribute at this point.

Steve Herschbach