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What happened to the $2,000 gold?

Posted by D&P-OR 
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What happened to the $2,000 gold?
March 01, 2021 05:20PM
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
March 01, 2021 06:02PM
Corn pop spent it. Lol
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
March 01, 2021 06:11PM
The secretive cabal men decided against it. You know, that secret cabal of sinister men in black trenchcoats and dark sunglasses. Who meet in dark rooms filled with computer monitors who watch our every move, control the economy, etc... It's all a part of their plot to control gold and silver prices. So ... rest assured .... it will hit $2k soon. As soon as the cabal agrees it's time.
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
March 01, 2021 07:35PM
Still have my short position on from 1820 if recall correctly,tight trailing stop in place so this will lock in a semi decent profit for me,still personally reckon it has alot more to go down yet,infact i would say a fair way yet,the better it will be for my short position.
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
March 01, 2021 08:11PM
Oil will only go up.
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
March 01, 2021 08:25PM
Gold should bottom in the high 1600,s . Should happen this week. Gold has been correcting for 6 months. Its going to change direction soon. Inflation is launching like a rocket. Gold will ignite.
Silver has been holding up real well, even the fraudulent paper prices. Most silver products are still backlogged a month or more. Silver eagles selling for $39 and up. It will be a good year for the metals.
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
March 01, 2021 10:10PM
"Real Estate will never go down because they aint making any more of it" said the guy in Houston.
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
March 01, 2021 10:57PM
"What happened to 2000 Dollar gold?"
It was driven up to those levels because of Wuhan Virus and the resulting economic disaster. Since October, there's been optimism about vaccine roll-outs, the expectation the virus will fade away significantly after a second wave, and some normality will return economically. So gold's been drifting down since then. In addition, it's thought that some speculators were selling their gold in order to buy Bitcoin, which has been on a very significant price surge since October.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/01/2021 10:58PM by Pimento.
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
March 02, 2021 03:00AM
Tom_in_CA Wrote:
> The secretive cabal men decided against it. You
> know, that secret cabal of sinister men in black t
> renchcoats and dark sunglasses. Who meet in dark
> rooms filled with computer monitors who watch our
> every move, control the economy, etc... It's all
> a part of their plot to control gold and silver pr
> ices. So ... rest assured .... it will hit $2k s
> oon. As soon as the cabal agrees it's time.

Sometimes this world just needs a big fat serving of SNARK....smoking smiley
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
March 02, 2021 03:30AM
Ok, I’ll add something productive...perhaps there are mines with ore that’s worth mining at 1500 an ounce and the gold from those mines is finally getting into the market and saturating it to some degree? Maybe people are realizing as has been discussed elsewhere that when it comes to actual everyday items....when you REALLY get down to it in times of TRUE desperation...gold really isn’t worth anything as far as it being “utilitarian”? Perhaps people are thinking more about the current uncertainty and aren’t focused as much on the “long term”? I don’t know. All I know is Del has my machine and I can’t wait to get it!smileys with beer
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
March 02, 2021 07:02AM
IDXMonster Wrote:
> ...perhaps there
> are mines with ore that’s worth mining at 1500 an
> ounce and the gold from those mines is finally get
> ting into the market and saturating it to some deg
> ree?

What ? Are you saying that sinister men in black trench coats & dark sunglasses AREN'T manipulating the markets? And that it's simple economics of supply & demand ? SAY IT ISN'T SO !!
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
March 02, 2021 07:57PM
"Real Estate will never go down because they aint making any more of it" said the guy in Houston."
In 2008 when people were buying 2 , 3 , 4 houses because real estate never goes down , they learned a painful lesson when
they were forced to sell their investments for alot cheaper at auction than they paid for them.

Gold and silver.........., look at it as dollar insurance. The more the dollar drops in value, the higher the metal goes, on average.
No, u cant eat gold or silver, and no I never ate a dollar bill either, even with salad dressing on it.

The metals markets go in waves, up and down. You need a strong stomach to ride em.

happy hunting, and investing.
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
March 02, 2021 11:39PM
"Real Estate will never go down"
It certainly did here in the U.K from 1989 to 1994. I worked in an office with a fellow who bought an overpriced flat (US: apartment) for 100,000 Pounds in 1988, with a substantial mortgage loan. By 1992 it was valued at 45,000 Pounds. He couldn't sell it, because he only owned about 15,000 worth of it, and he still had to pay the high mortgage repayments, which took a significant chunk of his income. He had to keep driving his old unreliable car, as he couldn't afford to replace it. He was pretty miserable, unsurprisingly.
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
March 03, 2021 01:00AM
it will go up when they can't sell you paper gold that you let them "hold" for you.
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
March 03, 2021 01:23AM
Tom_in_CA Wrote:
> IDXMonster Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > ...perhaps there
> > are mines with ore that’s worth mining at 1500 a
> n
> > ounce and the gold from those mines is finally g
> et
> > ting into the market and saturating it to some d
> eg
> > ree?
> What ? Are you saying that sinister men in black
> trench coats & dark sunglasses AREN'T manipulating
> the markets? And that it's simple economics of su
> pply & demand ? SAY IT ISN'T SO !!

It is so! Go figure!smiling smiley
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
March 03, 2021 04:50PM
possum mo Wrote:
> "Real Estate will never go down because they aint
> making any more of it" said the guy in Houston."
> In 2008 when people were buying 2 , 3 , 4 houses b
> ecause real estate never goes down , they learne
> d a painful lesson when
> they were forced to sell their investments for alo
> t cheaper at auction than they paid for them.
> .....

Also in the mid 80s, early 90's......ad infinitum.......
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
March 03, 2021 06:15PM
Pimento Wrote:
> "Real Estate will never go down"
> It certainly did here in the U.K from 1989 to 1994
> . I worked in an office with a fellow who bought a
> n overpriced flat (US: apartment) for 100,000 Poun
> ds in 1988, with a substantial mortgage loan. By 1
> 992 it was valued at 45,000 Pounds. He couldn't se
> ll it, because he only owned about 15,000 worth of
> it, and he still had to pay the high mortgage repa
> yments, which took a significant chunk of his inco
> me. He had to keep driving his old unreliable car,
> as he couldn't afford to replace it. He was pretty
> miserable, unsurprisingly.

BUT what is that flat worth now? Why was he trying to sell it (I assume he didn't live in it)?

My wife talked me out of buying a house in 2019 because of all of her "what if" concerns, market is in a bubble, it's going to crash, what if, what if, what if. We were looking at spending approximately $500K on a house. We put the house hunting on pause because again she was panicky Pete when the pandemic started in 2020, and as it continued to look grave. So now I'm looking again, and that same $500K house from 2019 is now a $700K house, with bidding wars and it's sold in less than a month. I told her so what IF the market went down, as long as you don't have to sell, it's a paper loss and it'll rebound when the economy rebounds like it always does.

Real estate has to be a long play, and over time, it's historical track record is certainly an upward positive trend.

Of course there will be ups and downs in real estate which generally follows the same economic trends as the rest of the economy. Saying real estate never goes down is like saying the stock market will never crash or have corrections. If you said historically over time, real estate continues to drive an upward trend, that would be accurate, but you have to better qualify the statement.

Going forward, I will not be listening to my wife when it comes to buying a home, that was a costly mistake.
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
March 03, 2021 06:36PM
The condition of the neighborhood, home improvements, interest rate, economy, . .. . Usually real estate swings back higher unless the neighborhood in on the decline.
All this lines up to be either a buyers market or a sellers market. Always nice to buy a house under the market price because it's instant equity and you have a cushion if the prices fall.

Gold. .. . . I'm not in on that. But I have flipped a few houses and made some nice money... . .days long gone.
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
March 03, 2021 07:31PM
"BUT what is that flat worth now? Why was he trying to sell it ?"

He originally worked in the town where the flat was. But he changed job to a town 15 miles north, and didn't care for the commute, so was looking into moving.
Re: the value of it ... there was a surge in property prices from 1998 to 2002, that would probably have helped him break even, and freed up his options regarding buying something else. Today's value of the flat? Probably 250,000 Pounds. Prices have been rising since the 2008 GFC hiccup. There's been an unprecedented surge in migrants to the UK over the past 15 years, increasing demand for housing.
Quote from official data:
"For the majority of the 20th century, natural change was the main driver of UK population growth, with net migration a secondary factor. In the 1990s, however, net migration increased in influence and has been the main source of growth since 1999."

This is one of the primary drivers behind us wanting to leave the European Union - it would restore a lot of control over how we manage migration into and out of the nation. In theory, anyway.

An official statistic:
"In 2019, 29% of all births were to women born outside the UK; the highest since records began in 1969 continuing the general long-term increase."

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 03/03/2021 08:00PM by Pimento.
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
March 03, 2021 07:39PM
Cal_cobra Wrote:
> BUT what is that flat worth now? ...

This is an easy "Monday morning arm-chair quarterback analysis, watching the slow-motion replays". Ie.: "I should have done such & such". Especially when the specific example you cite was only following the track of just a couple of years (instead of persons who'll hold on for 30 yrs, and ride-out the highs and lows, and hopefully do better than inflation). Because for the short-term couple-of-years, don't forget that there are people who have seen their house/real-estate do the opposite of your sampling. They bought (saying "real estate will always go up), only to loose their #sses .

I know a guy in my city in CA (who you know too), who , sadly ... bought at the height of the market (2008-ish), for $500k. He watched his house fall below $400k as the market crashed in the subsequent years. And now ...13-ish yrs. later, he's lucky if he's back up to $500k. And even if it's more, he still breaking-even, at best, when you account for inflation.

So just saying that these "coulda-woulda-shoulda's" watching slow-mo replay, can go the other direction too. Granted, your crystal was more accurate than hers, in this case. But how do we know that ? Simple: We're seeing it in hindsight . Eg.: "The quarterback should have thrown left rather than right", etc.....
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
March 03, 2021 10:00PM
Pimento Wrote:
> "BUT what is that flat worth now? Why
> was he trying to sell it ?"

> He originally worked in the town where the flat wa
> s. But he changed job to a town 15 miles north, an
> d didn't care for the commute, so was looking into
> moving.
> Re: the value of it ... there was a surge in prope
> rty prices from 1998 to 2002, that would probably
> have helped him break even, and freed up his optio
> ns regarding buying something else. Today's value
> of the flat? Probably 250,000 Pounds. Prices have
> been rising since the 2008 GFC hiccup. There's bee
> n an unprecedented surge in migrants to the UK ove
> r the past 15 years, increasing demand for housing
> .
> Quote from official data:
> "For the majority of the 20th century
> , natural change was the main driver of UK populat
> ion growth, with net migration a secondary factor.
> In the 1990s, however, net migration increased in
> influence and has been the main source of growth s
> ince 1999."

> This is one of the primary drivers behind us wanti
> ng to leave the European Union - it would restore
> a lot of control over how we manage migration into
> and out of the nation. In theory, anyway.
> An official statistic:
> "In 2019, 29% of all births were to w
> omen born outside the UK; the highest since record
> s began in 1969 continuing the general long-term i
> ncrease."

The emigration is also a primary growth factor where I live, and there's also a somewhat artificial investment factor from foreign investors, like China who funnel money in from the CCP to buy housing via cash and push prices up (interestingly that declined by about 50% under Trump).

We also have a high number of H1B visa workers in Silicon Valley that push the prices up significantly.

Now we're seeing an interesting turn of events due to Covid-19 and the mass work-from-home scenario we're seeing play out, whereas masses of people are moving from high density populated areas to more rural areas that were more affordable, and now those areas are seeing an unprecidented surge in housing.

Fun times.
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
March 03, 2021 10:11PM
Tom_in_CA Wrote:
> Cal_cobra Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >....
> >
> > BUT what is that flat worth now? ...
> This is an easy "Monday morning arm-chair quarterb
> ack analysis, watching the slow-motion replays". I
> e.: "I should have done such & such". Especially
> when the specific example you cite was only follow
> ing the track of just a couple of years (instead o
> f persons who'll hold on for 30 yrs, and ride-out
> the highs and lows, and hopefully do better than i
> nflation). Because for the short-term couple-of-
> years, don't forget that there are people who have
> seen their house/real-estate do the opposite of y
> our sampling. They bought (saying "real estate w
> ill always go up), only to loose their #sses .
> I know a guy in my city in CA (who you know too),
> who , sadly ... bought at the height of the market
> (2008-ish), for $500k. He watched his house fall
> below $400k as the market crashed in the subsequen
> t years. And now ...13-ish yrs. later, he's luck
> y if he's back up to $500k. And even if it's more
> , he still breaking-even, at best, when you accoun
> t for inflation.
> So just saying that these "coulda-woulda-shoulda's
> " watching slow-mo replay, can go the other direct
> ion too. Granted, your crystal was more accurate
> than hers, in this case. But how do we know that
> ? Simple: We're seeing it in hindsight . Eg.: "
> The quarterback should have thrown left rather tha
> n right", etc.....

I disagree this is a Monday morning arm-chair quarterback analysis. Historically speaking, real estate continues to climb, yes there's ebbs and flows, but real estate as a long term investment (30+ years) has historically proven itself, as has the stock market. Sure if you put it under a microscope, there will be ups and downs. And as you know, timing is everything in life, so if you find yourself in a situation where you're forced to sell in a market down turn and you're a relatively new buyer, your perspective will be much different then if you're selling in a boom flush in equity. I disagree that my crystal ball was no more more accurate than hers, one decision was based in logic and one was based on emotion. One decision resulted in a significant loss in opportunity, the other would have resulted in a significant life long gain. Warren Buffett almost always plays long with Wall Street, and doesn't base decisions on emotions.
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
March 03, 2021 11:33PM
Real estate is also a long-term liability, and requires continuous time and money spent on it in order to actually achieve the price gains generally observed. Not only do you have to maintain it due to wear, damage, weathering etc, but you have to keep it reasonably up-to-date. Having a well-maintained, clean 1970's kitchen in your house is not going to impress a potential buyer. He's going to be thinking "how much is a new fitted kitchen, tiled floor etc going to cost?"

At least with gold coins/bars, your 'upkeep' costs are minimal, perhaps insurance costs? storage costs if you have it securely kept in a bank locker?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2021 10:59PM by Pimento.
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
March 04, 2021 12:10PM
Historically, the price of bread continues to climb as well. You can talk about real estate, gold, bread, or anything else without relating it to a myriad of other factors. Which is waaaay beyond my ability/interest in typing.
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
March 04, 2021 03:45PM
Inflation is kicking in big time, causing everything to go up. Value of the dollar is dropping, Lumber has doubled since last summer, steel, copper, food, fuel, you name it, its rising. Commodities were in a downtrend the last 10 years, they are now breaking out and rising fast. Talking to a local contractor, the price of building a new house has just about doubled in the last year, if they can even get the components they want.
Ok Biden, lets print up more socialist checks and hand them out like candy! That will make the problem worse. Interest rates will have to rise a bit at some point, cooling off the buying a bit. Best not to keep your wealth in dollars, your buying power is dropping monthly.
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
March 04, 2021 10:19PM
One of the reasons houses and land have went up. Is because money in the bank makes one hardly anything. If you can get even 3 or 4 percent growth by house or land investment you are far better off than keyholing your loot in a bank.
And yep lumber for houses is wayyyyy up. Some folks who started homes got big time sticker shock right after some started!!
And interest rates are on the rise.

And yes.
Hind sight is always 20/20.

Foresight is a guess/gamble.
Some lose and some win.

Looks like we all are going to lose some though.
Guess why?
Ole CP. (see post #2 this thread).

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2021 10:22PM by tnsharpshooter.
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
May 24, 2021 09:24AM
Little bump:
Here is something that could have a significant upwards effect on the gold price over the next year or two, known as the
"Basel III agreement":



It happens at the end of June, but it's not unreasonable for it's effect to be seen beforehand, it may be partly factored-in already. But it's certainly something to be aware of.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 05/24/2021 08:10PM by Pimento.
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
May 24, 2021 12:33PM
IDXMonster Wrote:
> Tom_in_CA Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The secretive cabal men decided against it. Yo
> u
> > know, that secret cabal of sinister men in black
> t
> > renchcoats and dark sunglasses. Who meet in dar
> k
> > rooms filled with computer monitors who watch ou
> r
> > every move, control the economy, etc... It's a

maybe tom is one of those "secret" guys. difference is, tom's not wearing anything
under the trench coat! (lol)..I'm just sayin'

> ll
> > a part of their plot to control gold and silver
> pr
> > ices. So ... rest assured .... it will hit $2k
> s
> > oon. As soon as the cabal agrees it's time.
> Sometimes this world just needs a big fat serving
> of SNARK....smoking smiley
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
May 24, 2021 05:28PM
Anyone buy lumber lately? $10 2x4's , $50 7/16 osb plywood, , how about copper wiring, gasoline, ETC. Inflation kicking in big time.
Gold will get there and beyond. Silver , the best commodity deal on the planet now , Priced around the mid $30's, if you can find it.
The crap is going to hit the fan real soon.
Re: What happened to the $2,000 gold?
May 24, 2021 07:44PM
Nice "bump" of this thread, now that gold is admittedly nearing $2k per ounce (1882 today).

All I can say is this: That anyone offering the prediction of "certain price rises coming", can never be proven wrong. Because no matter HOW many years elapse, between an apocalyptic prediction and present, the prophesier can merely say : " I never said exactly when. But rest assured, the price rise is coming". So they can never be proven wrong, as long as they can keep pointing to the future. This is known as the logical fallacy of "unfalsifiable". But to be fair to the prophets, this logical fallacy works both ways. Ie.: the naysayers likewise can't predict the future. However, I must point out, that in this case (of gold prices) it's not the naysayers who are "making a claim" (Eg.: "Gold prices will *not* rise"). It's the other side who is making a claim. Thus the burden of proof rests on the claimants. And if they can never be proven wrong (because they can always point to the never-arriving-future date), then it's hard to have a logical conversation sad smiley

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 05/24/2021 07:48PM by Tom_in_CA.