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airport security

Posted by dj 
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airport security
November 25, 2011 03:03AM
Hi, guys, A friend is a tsa security guard at the Chicago airport. He told me that the biggest thing that concerns them with electronics like metal detectors is batteries in the pack with them. He suggested leaving them at home and purchasing them at your destination and then leaving them there before flying home........dj
Re: airport security
November 25, 2011 03:26AM
Thanks for the heads up. I wondered about the batteries than I see every teen on the plane with laptops, ipads, ipods, and e-readers and they are all turned on and being run by battery power. My CZ-21 only uses 4 9V's so is it that much different?
Re: airport security
November 25, 2011 04:51AM
Since they have been known to insist that you power up the device to show it is functional. I would be concerned with not being able to prove it is a working unit.
just sayin...

Using a Legend, a Deus 2, an Equinox 800, a Tarsacci MDT 8000, & a few others...
with my beloved, fading Corgi, Sadie
Re: airport security
November 25, 2011 06:25AM
Just put the batteries in a plastic bag (9 volt should have a seperate bag for each battery) that is with the luggage that goes in the planes cargo hold. Thats how Southwest Airlines recommends it be done. Also, have the detector's manual with the detector, so the TSA folks will know what the machine is.