Way to go MINELAB! sad smiley
May 21, 2012 05:06PM
I just word today from a dealer who ordered around 2 dozen ((prepaid)) 30/30's, was just notified by his distributor that he will only be getting ONE this Friday to ship on the 28th!
KellyCo on the other hand,,,has 40 ordered and is getting 20, half their order! My dealer mind you was actually the FIRST to place orders, yet KELLYCO gets presidence. His distributor told he doesn't know well exactly he'll get the rest all he said approximately the 30th and that doesn't mean all of them either. So the dealers end up getting screwed by paying extra on more shipping.

Ya know MINELAB what gives? You have a product you spend weeks hyping up and teasing the community with, then you can't even deliver on schedule let online have equal rights distribution rights between the little guys and big corporations?
Kellyco is the big CHEESE!!
May 21, 2012 05:15PM
I know it sticks in your craw, most of us feel the same way.---Wade
Re: Way to go MINELAB! sad smiley
May 21, 2012 05:42PM
Re: Way to go MINELAB! sad smiley
May 21, 2012 06:08PM
You will soon learn that EVERY product that is new , will always be hyped and advertised FIRST before anything else happens .......What usually happens next is a product that there is never enough of the product and what there is should still be in beta testing, and will hit the market and a lot of folks will buy into it , and by the time it takes to straigten out the original product , a new product will hit the stretts FROM THE SAME COMPANY !! .......This is business in America ...... This is how things go for software too ! ......Another thing .....Don't buy a product on the basis of what a company says it will offer in upgrades down the road .......I would say that a good 80% of products that I have bought with an upgrade premise , never comes to fruition .....Again , welcome to American business practices .......Nobody is held accountable anymore ....Jim
Re: Way to go MINELAB! sad smiley
May 21, 2012 06:27PM
Lets hope Fisher/Tek does it right see what the others have done that doesn't work and then give the customer what they want...




If you don’t dig it, then how are you going to know what you’re missing!
How can you have your pudding if you don’t eat your meat!
Re: Way to go MINELAB! sad smiley
May 21, 2012 09:04PM
Being one of the first to get a new detector is always a game inside a game. I went through it with the Deus. Your detector will eventually arrive. Right now I'm about to call it quits for a while. It's getting hot. I hate digging plugs in the heat. They turn brown with no water really quick. The fields are planted. They are off limites for a few months. The trees and woods are thick with poison and ticks. Relax and enjoy the wait. Read up on the detector. Get new places to hunt. There is always something productive to be done.
Re: Way to go MINELAB! sad smiley
May 21, 2012 09:15PM
Looks like ML didnt expect the responce by dealers to buy so many at first so they dont have enough to go around. Lets face it, Who would have thought there would be such a demand for a very pricey machine. Like to have one but will wait for a used one now that warrenty can be transfered. I can see Kellyco geting more as the have a larger market than a local dealer.
Re: Way to go MINELAB! sad smiley
May 21, 2012 11:36PM
Is Minelab going to pay interest/compensation on the money they are holding from the dealers for undelivered goods?
Re: Way to go MINELAB! sad smiley
May 21, 2012 11:46PM
I still have my money!
Re: Way to go MINELAB! sad smiley
May 21, 2012 11:57PM
Would a dealer pay for a machine that he has not even received? (No 'goods receipt')

Wouldn't a dealer pay 'net 30' or under similar terms anyway?
Re: Way to go MINELAB! sad smiley
May 22, 2012 02:47AM
Seriously........Kellyco only gets twenty?..........Just how many machines have they manufactured? A month long hoopla and they have less than what......a hundred detectors availible worldwide.
Re: Way to go MINELAB! sad smiley
May 22, 2012 03:01AM
Hi,, Yeah way to go Minilab you ruined my day....LoL....You too Kellycon you big conglomerate I have to wait now....LoL....JJ
Re: Way to go MINELAB! sad smiley
May 22, 2012 03:13AM
Not sure what the terms are Rebels however the thing is instead of getting all the detectors in one lump sum and 1 shipping price they now have multiple shipments and charges cutting into profits.

Bad business MINELAB, next time do a better job of getting your ducks in line!
Re: Way to go MINELAB! sad smiley
May 22, 2012 03:28AM
I was told by a Minelab official about three years ago that Kellyco sells over 50% of all detectors that is sold in the states.
Re: Way to go MINELAB! sad smiley
May 22, 2012 05:48PM
Sorry to hear that Aaron!

They will get them up to full production soon I would think...

I have learned to just not worry about the first releases...probably be a few little problems here and there also once they get in the field under better scrutiny..

Just part of the way it goes...

After fooling with the AT-PRO and GOLD BUG problem's..I decided to stay away from first releases...I took alot of flak for the GOLD BUG high conductor problem on the initial release...and then When I questioned the coil on the AT pro and was accused of not knowing what was right or wrong then they finally admitted to a problem I decided to stay away from first releases...

I am sure the DEUS had it's share of problems on release actually it did...but they have them ironed out now 2 years latter...I rememebr the first Explorer's ...I had one ....If you turned the backlight on the threshold would go out???????? it was fixed quickly...I sent mine back to the dealer the first day ...found out there was a glitch in some of them...

One thing I have never figured out on the ones that are at fault and dont perform right who the heck field test these thing's???But thats another topic alltogether...

Hope the 3030 work's well and no recalls..

It will get to you eventually..I would bet a week later...

Re: Way to go MINELAB! sad smiley
May 22, 2012 08:19PM
It also works the other way too. I purchase a unit prior to release and I received it early. It was super hot and worked better than I thought. because it was an early release and the company decided that there was a problem with the first units. I sent it back as requested and the unit I recieved back was no where close to the machine that I had.

Tom in SC
Re: Way to go MINELAB! sad smiley
May 22, 2012 09:19PM
It works that way with just about everything though. Didn't Kellyco become one of their service centers a while back too? Well most manufacturers will give the dealer that sells the most machines per year the first batches of new machines. It happens with cars, it happens with bows and arrows, it happens with just about everything.

There is an archery shop about 30 miles down the road from me, that has been the #1 dealer for Mathews brand bows in the state of Tennessee. Every year when they release the newest bows, he is the first in the state to get a batch of them in...sometimes he gets his bows two weeks ahead of others. In the case this year and last year, he was one of three or four in the whole nation to get the first run of one particular bow while all the others had to wait several weeks later.

Kellyco is a biggie for Minelab. To us that support the local dealers, it doesn't seem fair but to a million dollar company, they take care of the ones selling the most of their products per capita rather than via fairness. I wont say anything bad about Kellyco...if you go to a Diggin in VA relic hunt, you will find free water by the pallet load full that the hunt organizers will drop off at various points on the property. This water is free to everybody on the hunt and you can have as much as you can carry or drink for 3 days. This water is provided free by Kellyco.
Re: Way to go MINELAB! sad smiley
May 22, 2012 09:19PM
So Keith, I take it your saying its no fun being a unpaid beta tester for detector mfg's smiling smiley
Re: Way to go MINELAB! sad smiley
May 23, 2012 01:52AM
Its a changing economy and indeed lets hope Fisher-Tek steps up to the plate...

I hope you realize the more a big outfit buys the cheaper they are and that why Mom and Pop outfits are closing their doors everyday...check the prices and even the big boys charge as much as the little guy along with cheap acc's...Guess who is making the bucks?????