Book recommendation....
September 13, 2009 10:07PM
I've read a lot of books on the "War Between the States and the Federal Government". I recently finished two books that I will mention. One was "Decision in the West" by Albert E. Castel. It is a great book on the Atlanta Campaign of 1864.
The other book is much more inspiring and exciting. It is titled "Bedford Forrest and His Critter Company" and is by Andrew Nelson Lytle. It may be a little slanted but that is OK, Forrest was a truly great man who has been sorely and unjustly maligned over the years.

However... I am now reading a truly wonderful book entitled "Fighting For The Confederacy: The Personal Recollections of General Edward Porter Alexander". This is a GREAT book with much personal insight into all the battles and the leaders of the ANV also he was with Longsteet in Tennessee and NW GA. It is very well written and was in fact written after his book on the military history of the ANV and at the insistance of his children. The only book i've read that comes close is "Company Aytch: A Sideshow to the Bigshow" by Sam Watkins. The book by Alexander is more factual I think and has much more insight into the leaders and incidents since Gen. Alexander was with and around Lee, Longstreet and the others a lot. He sat under the apple tree with Lee as Lee awaited the meeting with Grant. I cannot recommend this book enough. It also gives a lot of info on campsites and homes they stayed at during the war. Alexander, being an engineer, gives much info on battle sites, where and why he chose battlelines and artillary placements... where they fired, how much and why.
You shouldn't miss this book!

I plan to use some of it's info this week if possible at B/G.

BTW... I am really interested in the T2 LTD. I didn't know they were making an F75 LTD too, i'll have to check that out!

Re: Book recommendation....
September 14, 2009 02:29AM
Thanks for the recommendation,I just ordered it. Seb