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Posted by Raymond 
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October 25, 2009 06:42AM

I have two questions that are very heavy on my mind that I feel I must ask.

ONE. Do you have a target release date for your new beach DVD? I hope it's a longer DVD.

TWO. This is my most bothersome deepest question that I must first give a intro explanation before you would understand the question. You have two infamous statements that meant virtually nothing to me until more time and proof took place. You say "how do you know what you are missing, if you don't know it even exists" and you also say "you don't know, what you don't know".
I took your MXT recommendation many years ago and never regret your direction. I have a special detecting spot that I share with no one, for many non selfish reasons. It is sortof a testgarden for me. Except for a fair amount of iron, there is no more targets to be found. I have proved this time and time again. Then, because of you, I tried a friends F75 two years ago at this special spot. Just like you and your experiences, my special spot felt like it had never been hunted. I was angry and happily shocked. Lets go back to your infamous statement "how do you know what you are missing, if you don't know it even exists". Your statement finally started to make sense to me. I had no idea that so many targets were still in the ground. Like you, I know my abilities, and I was certain there were very few, if any, targets left. "you don't know, what you don't know". Thankyou for this painful education.
This leads into my second question to you. I know you have plenty of insider information and maybe even with many metal detector manufacturers. It seems to me, you DO know what we DON'T know. You are even able to put it into detectors. The question is, what else do you know that we dont know and will be able to make future detectors. I know that you dont like to give out secrets, but you certainly must have some stunning ideas. Are the manufacturers willing to work with you and listen to what you have to give? You live in the dirt, and the detector makers do not. I consider you the number one source and would be priceless to the manufacturers. Maybe they have no idea how priceless your knowledge is, or do they have too much pride and don't listen to you.

By the way, your English writings would fail in the eyes of any English teacher, but, if you were to write proper English, I would probably not understand half of what you write. I understand everything that you write and beg for your to never change your style of writing, correct or not.

You have driven me to make posts that go above my megastrong lurk status.

Re: Bothersome
October 25, 2009 08:42AM
"If you were to write proper English."

...should read,

"If you were to write correct English."
Re: Bothersome
October 25, 2009 10:32AM
Good thing this aint a English class
Don't have to be..
October 25, 2009 01:28PM
An english major to become a ardent detectorist. Of course no place is ever hunted out...this fall hit an area pounded by many detectorists for 20 years or so and came up with an 1897 Barber half and 1892 barber dime. Those that investigate succeed....As far as knowing am sure companies can produce better units but cost prohibitive as some units sell over a thousand dollars which is out of the reach of many. Heck the military can find gold deposits from airplanes but what wonders at what cost...All in all many think this is an easy hobby but to become proficient takes many years(amen)..
Re: Don't have to be..
October 31, 2009 08:48PM
I missed this one.


-- One year ago....there was a target release date of the new DVD for this November. Today, the intent is still the same. Time will tell.

-- I fully understand your comment/question/experience/concern here. Two hundred years ago.....no one would have ever dreamed of a automobile. Heck,,,,, they would have never missed it ...because they never had it or even ever heard of it. How do you miss it....when you are not even aware of the concept or device. Today, you cannot live without a automobile hardly. 200 years ago....they did not know, what they did not know. This is the definition of 'invention'. Twenty years ago....I would have never even thought of a tiny little hand-held device that you could talk to the world. Today, I'm not sure I could live without a cell-phone.
I'd be willing to bet....if we could see tomorrow's detector......... we'd throw away today's detector... and wait for the future...........,,,,,,,, with the mindset that current technology is extremely inefficient... a waste of time.
I do indeed have a few concepts that are 'out of this world'. Just waiting for pinnacle opportune... in concert with 'correct conditions/circumstances'. Yes, , , sometimes Mfr's find it difficult for incursion of external engineering consulting. When asked, I'm glad to help. Any time you can advance humankind....it helps all. LEST PRIDE SUPERSEDE EDUCATION; OBSOLESCENCE WILL ENSUE. (((Sound familiar)))?

Raymond - you are exactly correct about my English. I will never claim to be literate; however, I DO know that my comprehension is very poor with correctly written English lit. HENCE/THEREFORE...... (because of this) my style of writing should enhance/present a better understanding for the reader. Especially when stuff is technical.... a better 'read' is always beneficial. THANKS for the complement ..... once again!

I have reread your post a couple of times..... and REALLY appreciate your intuitiveness....AND your ability to put these thoughts to words. IT'S NOT EASY. I PROMISE. Well done.

"To go where no man has gone before"! (Multiple meanings).

Re: Bothersome
November 01, 2009 02:01AM
Great Post and Lessons to be learned..
Re: Bothersome
November 07, 2009 11:17AM

From your first F-Scope book, right?

And I need to ask you, meant to do so before, Did you know a Terry Coleman (high rank and clearance, not mentioning it here) from your Naval, possibly earlier NASA days?

Re: Bothersome
November 07, 2009 11:34AM
It's in all of the Fisher Intelligence booklets......in the Bio section. And the name 'Terry Colman'......sounds familiar.......but can not clearly remember.
Re: Bothersome
November 07, 2009 10:15PM
He's my brother in law...extremely high clearance in the NAVY, i believe it's the highest clearance possible. He lives down your way too...forgot the cities name though, but close to you. He "retired" young but still plays.
Re: Bothersome
November 09, 2009 09:59AM