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question on the f75

Posted by John S 
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question on the f75
January 04, 2008 10:47PM
On some other forums some people have said on the tone frequency they put it on F7, the default is F4 , they are getting more depth. Is that like the cz on the vol. above 5 is a booster? I just don't see where the tone will make the detector go deeper, you may here something deeper. What do you think????? Thanks John S
Re: question on the f75
January 05, 2008 03:20AM

This is not a tone change. It is a frequency change (shift) so as to mitigate electrical interference. Any time that you can reduce electrical interference (assuming you have audible interference)....then you will ascertain more depth & performance. Yes...... I have seen folks say that they get better depth with 'F7' option. I have extensively tested this theory,,,,, and find no validity. It is such a minute' frequency shift (change) that it would not make a nominal performance/depth gain/loss. Yes.... The F-75's default is F4.

Re: question on the f75
January 05, 2008 01:40PM
Tom I tried the f7 frequency change a few time and didn't any difference in depth, but the detector did look like it was running smooth like on F4. All so I hunt in town and there is a lot of electric lines. I don't know if that is what did it or not.
Re: question on the f75
January 05, 2008 11:50PM
Dry power lines can cause F-75 (& T-2) to be quite electrically unstable. Raining..... or freshly rained (past tense),,,,,,, and the F-75 can operate with much greater stability. (Salts & minerals wash off).
