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compass xp pro & teknetics mark 1

Posted by kasparov747 
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compass xp pro & teknetics mark 1
January 22, 2010 01:24AM
just wanted to know if anyone here has ever used a teknetics mark 1 or a compass xp pro and if so what are your thoughts on these machines? i use a modified mark 1 and recently bought a compass xp pro. any help with the compass would be greatly appreciated. thanks and happy hunting.
Re: compass xp pro & teknetics mark 1
January 23, 2010 06:42AM
Having had both detectors my preference for performance was the XP-Pro. It handled the Local mineralization much better than the mark I, was much lighter, and seemed to be hot on lower and higher conductivity targets. Best day with the compass was $2.65 in silver, some wheats and a buff.

The mark I has a really great audio ID, got great depth in lower mineralized soil and separated targets real well.I liked the meter on the compass best between the two.

I would have kept the xp-pro longer than I did if it weren't for some problems with the detector itself. The warranty covered it but I lost confidence in that partcular detector when it happened. I was concerned there might be more problems down the road.

Personally, I think you have two excellent detectors. I would be surprised if you don't grow to really like the compass.
Re: compass xp pro & teknetics mark 1
January 23, 2010 05:44PM
I had the compass and when I put the 9 volts in reversed, it shut down the machine and I had to get it repaired. It is a good detector but the F75 and LTD are the way to go. As a backup for going over and over an area after the fisher it may find a few hidded targets. But with the LTD now I don't think it misses much




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