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Posted by Lawrenzo 
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January 21, 2008 11:39PM
Tom what happened to your forum I couldn't get on it for a few months...my question sir is... what targets are above disc 15-20 if you are using more then two tones? Are you saying that if you hit iron (while relic hunting) you need to have a low disc below 15?

I use disc 6 tones 3+ and only dig above mid 20s so what am I missing or not hearing or disc out?

Going to '2' or '2F' (or more tone options)...... your Discrim automatically becomes '15' even though you set it on '6'. With 2F.... the detector requires readings ABOVE 15 to generate what is now considered as a 'diggable' higher tone target. You will unmask less; however, , , , when you hit a upper-tone target..... there's a better chance it will be a 'easy pick' non-ferrous target (lessor masked).
January 22, 2008 02:40AM
Web-site has been up for a few months now....... and maybe required some folks to re-register.

Disc '6' will take care of most iron. If you select any tone option above monotone...... then the detector will audibly ID ALL '00 - 15' targets as the lowest tone. Not long ago, I found a Barber dime that hit a VDI reading of '13' on most of the coil sweeps. This was a good audio report in monotone. Switching to 2-tone..... and the Barber dime nearly consistantly audibly reported as a low-tone....of which I would NOT have dug the coin. The dime was BADLY masked..... but the composite of the iron/silver dime combo,,,,,,, was a MUCH higher VDI over the bulk of the nails in the ground..... which made me doubt that it was simply just a 90Deg bent nail...... or some highly conductive weird iron nail.

Many times, I have also witnessed a coin (IH pennies, Ag dimes) report nothing at all (Disc'd out) with a Disc setting of '8'. ........ Subsequently, dropping the Disc to '6'..... and these coins now suddenly VDI'd as severe VDI spectrum bouncers....bouncing between 11 all the way up to the high 90's.

SUMMATION/CONCLUSION: Severely Fe masked coins (and other non-ferrous targets) can do VERY weird things to the detector (especially ID circuitry)...... and USUALLY..... MOSTLY in the fashion of VDI "UP-AVERAGING" (but never a guarantee)!

Welcome to the world of infinate variables!!!

January 22, 2008 04:34AM
So tom are you saying you like the mono tone..1.. and low disc the best for picking out good Relic targets, Or would you use 2..2F..3 or higher..thanks james
January 23, 2008 12:05AM
When I am deliberately RELIC hunting..... with full intention of digging EVERYTHING that is non-ferrous,,,,,, I ALWAYS use Monotone and Disc '6'. ..... That being said; If I am coin hunting (fairly frequent occurence).... then I still use Disc '6'.... but 4 or 4H tones selected. This sets up CZ-3D performance with CZ-70 identical 4-tones.

January 23, 2008 04:37AM
Thanks tom