lets see who figures this out
November 09, 2014 02:04AM
on my ctx 3030 i get a "low medium" strength{not a screamer} 12-43, 12-42 very small profile{dime like}. i cut a 4 inch plug and in the plug is a 1946 quarter. on checking the plug there was a penny that was above the quarter. nothing else in the hole or plug. if anything the quarter and the penny should of been a loud screamer but it wasnt. how can this be? no emi or tough ground

hint below

the time period of the quarter is key
Re: lets see who figures this out
November 09, 2014 02:18AM
This is not exactly what you are describing but I thought this was odd too. Many times I would have quarters hit in the copper penny range.

Re: lets see who figures this out
November 09, 2014 02:43AM
Sounds like your machine is working as it should...

Good conglomerate signal...Sound's like you had a Steel penny in the way...

Re: lets see who figures this out
November 09, 2014 02:55AM
What Keith said.
Re: lets see who figures this out
November 09, 2014 04:46AM
steel penny it was. gj all. it came in at 35-38 which i had disc out. the penny and quarter blending together dragging the vdi down.