Mosquito Repellant?
July 02, 2010 03:42AM
Hey Guys,
Due to all the rain we've been getting and the mild winter the mosquitos are especially nasty this year in SE Mi. I been using, Avons Skin So Soft. Its like some kind of bath oil spray, it really works well, and best of all its non-toxic. I try to stay away from the DEET stuff. I didnt get bit once and I was out till 11pm.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/02/2010 10:29AM by Aaron.
Re: Mosquito Repellant?
July 02, 2010 08:40AM
Thanx Aaron. for your tip.
Well If nothing else at least you`ll be soft to the touch after. LoL .
Re: Mosquito Repellant?
July 02, 2010 09:13PM
Yes, this works very well.
Re: Mosquito Repellant?
July 02, 2010 10:02PM
Avon Skin So Soft works great for the "no see-ums" in the coastal beach areas as well. Do your part for small your local Avon Lady!
Re: Mosquito Repellant?
July 03, 2010 08:35PM
i like "no-see-ums" because if ya can't "see-um",then they are truly "no-see-ums!"
but ya can still "feel-um!"


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/03/2010 08:39PM by jmaryt.
Re: Mosquito Repellant?
July 04, 2010 04:29AM
heard many stories about Skin So Soft fighting off mosquitoes. Unfortunately, this was just an urban legend.

Research studies on mosquito bites (I would hate to be a volunteer for that study!!) show that while DEET creams can keep mosquitoes at bay for 5 hours or more, Skin so Soft barely lasted 9 minutes before the mosquitoes decided the person was fair game.

Avon has now come out with a version of Skin So Soft that has a DEET-free pesticide in it. That is at least better, but DEET has been shown in a wide number of studies to be by far the best way to prevent a mosquito from landing on you.

You might consider getting the DEET-free Skin So Soft for your hands, but the long sleeves and long pants you wear should be sprayed with the DEET repellents to ensure that mosquitoes truly stay away during your birding adventures.




If you don’t dig it, then how are you going to know what you’re missing!
How can you have your pudding if you don’t eat your meat!
Re: Mosquito Repellant?
July 04, 2010 10:16AM
All I know is that it works for me. We have been getting HAMMERED by the mosquitos at my favorite park especially by the wooded area. I was there for almost 2.5 hrs without a problem. I just put it on my arms, face and neck and I had a great night. I will not put that DEET chemical on my kids. It was originally invented as a nerve agent back in the 50's. My family has been using it successfully for years bro.


Here is another product being sold at Target & Rite Aid, never used it...its DEET free.

Re: Mosquito Repellant?
July 06, 2010 12:10PM
If you don’t like the lotions and sprays a thermacell for mosquitoes works great. You can buy the holster and attach it to your belt.

Re: Mosquito Repellant?
July 06, 2010 02:07PM
Or you could move to Florida, we don't allow bugs of any kind down here..........Yeah right! Just don't venture into any of the swamp areas without
your local blood bank van parked nearby. Based on the principle of gas pumps they have blood pumps. After ten minutes in the swamp swing by
the local blood van with credit card in hand get filled up. Our mosquitoes have 4 foot wing spans and CC marks on their proboscis. Forget the Deet
and skin so soft. Go for the anti aircraft guns!

Suncoast Wally
Re: Mosquito Repellant?
July 07, 2010 01:13AM
I think I saw that thing at the hardware store. As I recall it was made by the eame company that makes OFF, and you wear it on your belt and you have to put replaceable things in it... but it was sold out. Is that the one?
Re: Mosquito Repellant?
July 07, 2010 01:56AM
If you Google Thermacell you can find the website...the refills are a bit pricey if you use it often.
Re: Mosquito Repellant?
July 07, 2010 05:31AM
White Mountain Insect Repellent is the greatest.I have used this on fishing trips where mosquitos,no-see-ums and biting flies are a plague.It's made with essential oils and has no DEET.They have a website.Enjoy.Bill
Re: Mosquito Repellant?
July 07, 2010 03:02PM
the "female" mosquito is the offending pest here!.it requires a "blood meal"
to fertilize it's eggs.the "sting" and resulting "welt" is a result of the "saliva"
injected into the skin to extract the blood! .not un like "real life" when one "ponders" the fact!
