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Pages: 12
Results 1 - 30 of 37
doc holiday Wrote:
> Ole Miss is low,but I remember when I was in high school she dropped to -3 at Vicksburg--current level
> is +2.5.Across the river on the LA. side is a huge sandbar with banks about 15' high--many large
> caliber shells were found in this area--it is across from a Civil War battery.
> We didn't
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
D&P-OR Wrote:
> Using SMF---Target separation in iron/trash.----Al
> so TID accuracy on deep targets in cleaner ground.
> ------calabash digger Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What kind of test or feature would you like me t
> o
> > video first on the Deus 2?
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
I have bought Eneloops for my detectors and would continue to use the same. If you already have a decent charger, they are less than $3 each if you buy 8 at battery junction. They will last a thousand charges (that is twice a week for 20 years), don't leak, hold charge for 10 years, high quality and reliable. I've never had a failure on them an all my valuable electronics that use
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Rick, N. MI Wrote:
> I don't use facebook and like the forums.
Same here Rick. If it's only on facebook I will never see it. I like the forums as well.
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
wayfarer Wrote:
> I sold some land mobile radio equipment on eBay a few weeks ago - my first sale on eBay since
the new bank account requirement - that's when I learned of their new policy. eBay is holding my
money until I provide them with all my account information.
I just spoke with eBay customer service explaining that
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Tom_in_CA Wrote:
> Ok, if they are listening, here's what I want : A
> detector that can tell the difference between allo
> yed gold and aluminum. What's so hard about that
> , eh ?
yeah what's so hard??
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Bill long Wrote:
"See iff you can Jimmie rig it to use 4 AA batteries. No worries, no stress, no lost time. Walmart has plenty."
worst case - battery dies, you can run it from a lith
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Does anyone know if there is a source for the minelab equinox battery pack 3011-0405 or equivalent. Mine is over three years old and I'm anticipating needing one.
There are instructions for replacing it on Minelab's website, but no battery. Is there an "aftermarket product" ?
It seems strange that a company would show you how to install a battery that you cannot pu
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
I'm on "the list" for a 5" x 10" but maybe I'll just wait and see how they perform, and not be in such a hurry to get something
new which might not be a better un-masker than the 11" or even the 6". Maybe Minelab has it covered, and I've already got
their 3 coils. Hoping for more target separation / performance from the EQ maybe is just wishful
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
I do not own, nor have I used a Tarsacci, but from what I've read by those who have used both a Equinox and the Tarsacci, the EQ performs as well or better in mild soil. Tarsacci is the winner in high mineral and salt water.
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Geotech Wrote:
> The American Way is fluid. So is the Constitution.
> At one time women couldn't vote, alcohol was illegal, and owning slaves was OK.
Those all changed, and not everyone liked those changes. Things will continue to change,
and not everyone will like those changes, either.
+1 Well said
That bei
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
lytle78 Wrote:
> Hopefully this latest plague will pass without terrible cost to us all;
> Many normal activities will likely be impacted and perhaps restricted.
> but then there is us - solitary headphones on - interacting with no one - just doing our thing.
> Great plan for avoiding a virus transmitted
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
tabman Wrote:
> If I really want to find out about something I come to this site.
> tabman
True +1
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Seems like no one can remember the password they used "yesterday" even if they had it saved on the computer.
They must have lost all the passwords. Mine no longer works either.
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Are there any users of the Pulsedive as a pinpointer that have posted reviews?
I am looking for information on its performance compared to the Carrott.
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Tom Slick Wrote:
Nobody here is slamming Nokta/Makro or their products.
They make great detectors. The comments were aimed at their Video only being on Facebook originally.
Many of us "Old Timers" don't feel a need to tell the world what we had for dinner last night or care to Post Selfies.
+1 If it's onl
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
NASA-Tom Wrote:
> If you are literally in carpets of nails...… use T
> arget Recovery Response '3'. Otherwise...…. put i
> t on '2' (set it and forget it). Even in fairly th
> ick nail-infested sites. Always run Sens as high a
> s EMI/conditions allow...…. even in carpets of nai
> ls. (Audio reso
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Michael296 Wrote:
> For those of us who have version 1.1
> Can our units be updated to version 2.0 ?????
> Ship it to Poland ???
> Or have to buy New updated Detector control head O
> R what ??
> A new detector package ?????
You need to send the unit to detecnicks-ltd in England. When I checked with them abou
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Never had an issue with any Tesoro that I owned, other than leaving the batteries in my Stingray, which killed it dead.
They were made to last, the way things used-to-be in the USA, and Jack was proud to stand behind what he made. So
most people never had reason to send anything in for the warranty work.
Here are the Tesoro detectors that I have owned and used -
INCA ; Toltec 100 ;
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
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