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What does the success of Nokta/Makro mean for other detector manufacturers

Posted by DirtyJohn 
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Re: What does the success of Nokta/Makro mean for other detector manufacturers
May 19, 2016 08:46PM
I was commenting on your statement that outside of this forum and Findmall that there doesn't seem to be much interest in the NokMak machines. Personally, that isn't my observation as I mentioned. You are absolutely right- I don't want to try and sell my Relic right now or any other detector for that matter. The used detector market is really soft across the board. Perhaps, more so, with the NokMak units as they have been coming out with new models very quickly. Although bad for resale, I think that the constant push ahead by companies like Nokta is good for us as consumers as it leads to better and more innovative products from all producers. In business, as in life- you are either moving forward or you are falling behind. There is no in between.

You bring up a great analogy with archery. I am an avid bow hunter and ,as such, I am very familiar with the archery market. It seems to me that detectors and bows have followed very similar paths. Used to be you would hang on to a bow or a detector for a few years. Not so much anymore. A bow is old news if it is over three years out. Same with a detector. Technology seems to push both forward fast.

As a first in, early purchaser, of new tech I'm willing to take the associated risks- like taking a bath on resale- because I believe that there are many more benefits to having the latest greatest in my hands months before most everyone else has it. So, I hope companies like NokMak keep pushing it. HH


P.S.- I'm glad that you are liking the MXS! Hope to hear more from you about it.
Re: What does the success of Nokta/Makro mean for other detector manufacturers
May 19, 2016 09:02PM
Jack Flynn Wrote:
> Goodmore that was talked about a lot. You went on
> several forums and told all of them vehemently you
> had bought a dead fish, a piece of junk, something
> that was not good. Then tried to sell it LOL. Not
> really understanding what you were doing to
> yourself and the resale..................... That
> was funny.

Well Jack those two detectors the Fors Core and Racer 1 were just not what I was looking for. You also have to remember that the Racer 1 was probably the most hyped detector of all time. It did some things well like iron hunting, but it just didn't live up to all the hype. I stated a few dislikes I had with those models. One issue was the failure of Nokta/Makro to replace the rocker switches on the Fors. They knew it was a poor design because they corrected the problem. But they left all the current owners hanging. I also thought depth was lacking on those two models. Still do. But your right. I should not have been bad talking the detectors when trying to sell them. The problem was and is the Nokta/Makro units just don't hold their value. I don't know why, but it's true. I now have the Racer 2. My only current dirt detector. The features over the Racer 1 are very good as far as I am concerned being a coin hunter. I still don't like an S shaft, but maybe I'm just being picky. You, Keith and TNSharpshooter helped sell this brand. There is no denying that. I personally think your Impact should be free.
When the news of the success of Makro/Nokta reaches Arizona, the great beast that lives there will be awakened, and it will be out with a vengeance!

That beast is.......


Yall better look out, they already came out with a new coil.. The beast is already awakened spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

I love Tesoro, but I couldn't help it. smoking smiley

Maybe seeing Makro/Nokta be successful will get them in high gear on releasing a new detector. Tesoro's customer service is already outstanding, now they just need a new machine more than once ever 15 years.