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AT Pro works out better ......

Posted by synthnut 
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AT Pro works out better ......
February 07, 2011 01:34PM
Most of you know that I had an AT Pro that was falsing like crazy while performing certain tasks ....I finally got out to a different beach yesterday with my partner EZrider ....We spent a good bit of time there , and he found a nice 14k ring .....His first gold of the 2011 year !!!..... Congrats to him !!..... Stupid me always in a hurry did not bring my water boots and had to hunt the wet and dry only .....Could not get deep into the water, but was better able to Ground Balance and check my numbers .....In the shallow water I was NOW ground balancing at 14 ....... A big difference from last time .... My dry sand figures where not as high either .... The machine did false a bit when scrubbing the sand , but not nearly as bad as it did when I first had it ..... I got to spend a good bit of time with it as it had it's new Straight Shaft on it and I even thru a Swingy Thingy on it as we were going to be spending a good amount of time there .....I could have gone on for hours with this combination .....It was about as heavy without the Swingy Thingy as EZ's CZ WITHOUT the box mounted on the shaft ..... Not as many targets in the dry or the damp as in the water .....EZ was hitting targets like crazy and my targets where not as many but still OK ......WAY TOO MANY PENNIES .....They all read well , and every target that I hit made sense .....EZ would call me over to check a target and I would tell him what it was wtihout issue since he has no numeric ID on the CZ , just so he could verify that the AT was reading well ...... It was a WONDERFUL day in the neighborhood, and the weather could not have been better ..... It was a nice relief from the cabin fever we were both suffering from ....... Can't wait for the beaches to be littered with our favorite finds .......

I can now tell you that the AT Pro can hit some pretty deep targets for an inexpensive machine .... It quiets down nicely in the saltwater , and ground balances well , and can hit well past the 6 inch mark ....I did not spend a lot of time in the water because I was not prepared with water boots , but did dig a Penny that was down a good couple of scoops before the water came to wash out the hole ....My scoop is 6 inches in diameter , so I know that it was deeper than 6 inches ......Won't swear to any number , but the fact that it did THAT well in the WET SALT was good enough for me while being G.B.'d to #14 ......The entire machine made more sense and worked much better than the way it did before I sent it in ..... I'm good to go now !!.....Jim
Re: AT Pro works out better ......
February 07, 2011 06:07PM
Good to hear you broke the cabin fever and that Garrett made it right for you!

"Happy hunting" - Schultzie
Re: AT Pro works out better ......
February 08, 2011 12:34AM
Grnd Bal '14'......THAT'S more like it. I was positive something was incorrect.

NOW......I'd like to see how the unit detects a small white gold ring ... in the Grnd Bal '14' wet salt.
Re: AT Pro works out better ......
February 08, 2011 02:06AM
Tom, it's coming !
Happy for Synth..and congrats to EZ on the gold ring
February 08, 2011 02:15AM
Re: AT Pro works out better ......
February 08, 2011 09:38PM
Tom .....I'm getting my dive gear ready this time smiling smiley..... There will be nothing left to the imagination this time !!!...... Jim

Thanks for the kind words .......and one day I will tell you more about the last couple of days, but EZ and I are keeping this one a secret !!......Believe me , we couldn't dream this stuff that's been happening !!.....LOL !!!....Jim

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/08/2011 09:41PM by synthnut.